i3ipc 0.6.0

A library for controlling i3-wm through its IPC interface
# i3ipc-rs

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A Rust library for controlling i3-wm through its [IPC interface](https://i3wm.org/docs/ipc.html).


## Usage
Add this to your Cargo.toml
i3ipc = "0.6.0"

## Messages:

extern crate i3ipc;
use i3ipc::I3Connection;

fn main() {
    // establish a connection to i3 over a unix socket
    let mut connection = I3Connection::connect().unwrap();
    // request and print the i3 version
    println!("{}", connection.get_version().unwrap().human_readable);
    // fullscreen the focused window

## Events:

extern crate i3ipc;
use i3ipc::I3EventListener;
use i3ipc::Subscription;
use i3ipc::event::Event;

fn main() {
    // establish connection.
    let mut listener = I3EventListener::connect().unwrap();

    // subscribe to a couple events.
    let subs = [Subscription::Mode, Subscription::Binding];

    // handle them
    for event in listener.listen() {
        match event.unwrap() {
            Event::ModeEvent(e) => println!("new mode: {}", e.change),
            Event::BindingEvent(e) => println!("user input triggered command: {}", e.binding.command),
            _ => unreachable!()

## Compatibility

This library was last updated for **i3 version 4.11**, but is forward compatible. Contributions are welcome!

All documented functionality from i3 version 4.11 can be handled by this library. Additions to the i3 IPC interface that are not understood by this library will generally return an `Unknown` value and log a warning to the target `"i3ipc"` using the [log crate](http://doc.rust-lang.org/log). Binaries using this library should [install a logger](https://doc.rust-lang.org/log/log/index.html#in-executables) to view details of such additions.