i2p_client 0.2.9

A SAMv3 I2P client for the local I2P router instance.
<div align="center">
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  <h1>Resolving Architecture</h1>

    <strong>Clarity in Design</strong>
  <h2>I2P Client</h2>
   A client for a local I2P instance. Can be ran within the <a target="_blank" href="https://github.com/resolvingarchitecture/service-bus">Service Bus</a> as a Service.
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## Donate
Request BTC/XMR/ZEC address for a donation at brian@resolvingarchitecture.io.

## Notes
!! WIP - not stable until version 1.0 !!

[I2P-RS version](https://github.com/i2p/i2p-rs) use attempted but not fully working as of 1st Qtr 2020.

Please read version notes on I2P SAM:

[v1](https://geti2p.net/en/docs/api/sam), [v2](https://geti2p.net/en/docs/api/samv2), [v3](https://geti2p.net/en/docs/api/samv3)

## Goals

*[ ] 1.0.0 - Minimal Useful Functionality
    *[x] 0.1.0 - Minimal CLI: Handshake and Session creation
    *[x] 0.2.0 - Basic I/O: Send/Receive Datagrams
    *[ ] 0.3.0 - Service Bus Support: [service_bus](https://crates.io/crates/service-bus) crate implementing Service trait
    *[ ] 0.4.0 - EEP Site Support: requesting EEPSite pages persisting locally (started but unsure how to make request/reply using SAM interface)
    *[ ] 0.5.0 - Router Control: [I2P Control](https://geti2p.net/en/docs/api/i2pcontrol) integration 
    *[ ] 0.6.0 - Test Suite
    *[ ] 0.7.0 - Example CLI use cases
    *[ ] 0.8.0 - Example Service use cases
    *[ ] 0.9.0 - Determine if local I2P router installed
    *[ ] 0.10.0 - Determine local I2P router status
    *[ ] 0.11.0 - Auto-install I2P router
    *[ ] 0.12.0 - README.md completed
    *[ ] 0.13.0 - All code documented
    *[ ] 0.14.0 - All examples documented
*[ ] 2.0.0 SAMv3.0 Compliance

*[ ] 3.0.0 SAMv3.1 Compliance

*[ ] 4.0.0 SAMv3.2 Compliance
    *[ ] 4.1.0 -  Ping/Pong

*[ ] 5.0.0 SAMv3.3 Compliance


!! WIP - not stable until version 1.0 !!

## Setup - Ubuntu 18.04
1. Download & Install I2P Router
    ```shell script
    sudo apt-add-repository ppa:i2p-maintainers/i2p
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install I2P
2. Start I2P Router from the commandline, wait for the [html console] to launch, then wait for active peers to reach at least 10
    ```shell script
    i2prouter start
3. Stop I2P Router
    ```shell script
    i2prouter stop
4. Enable SAMv3 port by changing parameter clientApp.0.startOnLoad from false to true in file 
01-net.i2p.sam.SAMBridge-clients.config located in your home directory at: .i2p/clients.config.d/ (your home directory on Linux: /home/username)
5. Install Rust
   ```shell script
   sudo apt update
   sudo apt upgrade
   curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh
6. Restart terminal
7. Verify Rust installed
    ```shell script
     rustc --version
8. Install build essentials
    ```shell script
    sudo apt install build-essential
9. install crate
    ```shell script
    cargo install i2p_client

## Demo

### Utilities
1. CLI Help: 
    ```shell script

2. Generate Pub/Priv keys:
    ```shell script
    ~/.cargo/bin/i2p_client gen --sig_type EDDSA_SHA512_ED25519

### Send/Receive
1. Receiver: 
    ```shell script
    ~/.cargo/bin/i2p_client --alias Bob receive
2. Sender:
    ```shell script
    ~/.cargo/bin/i2p_client --alias Alice send --message 'hello Bob, sincerely Alice' --to [Bob's local destination here - the one with AAAA on end - size=516]

Note: Initial session creation can take a few minutes waiting on tunnels; 1st message may not get through, try another