i2cbus-api 0.1.4

HTTP RESTful API and skeleton server/client implement for I2C bus control


i2cbus-api is an HTTP RESTful API designed to control an I2C bus. This repo includes:

A fully-featured server implementation for Linux, in Rust, can be found at https://github.com/packom/i2cbus.

The text below was automatically generated by the openapi-generator.

To regenerate this skeleton client and server implementation, run openapi-generator over the API specification, and then apply the modifications listed here.


This client/server was generated by the [openapi-generator] (https://openapi-generator.tech) project. By using the OpenAPI-Spec from a remote server, you can easily generate a server stub.

To see how to make this your own, look here:


  • API version: 1.0.0
  • Build date: 2018-11-13T17:41:04.499Z[GMT]

This autogenerated project defines an API crate openapi_client which contains:

  • An Api trait defining the API in Rust.
  • Data types representing the underlying data model.
  • A Client type which implements Api and issues HTTP requests for each operation.
  • A router which accepts HTTP requests and invokes the appropriate Api method for each operation.

It also contains an example server and client which make use of openapi_client:

  • The example server starts up a web server using the openapi_client router, and supplies a trivial implementation of Api which returns failure for every operation.
  • The example client provides a CLI which lets you invoke any single operation on the openapi_client client by passing appropriate arguments on the command line.

You can use the example server and client as a basis for your own code. See below for more detail on implementing a server.


Run examples with:

cargo run --example <example-name>

To pass in arguments to the examples, put them after --, for example:

cargo run --example client -- --help

Running the server

To run the server, follow these simple steps:

cargo run --example server

Running a client

To run a client, follow one of the following simple steps:

cargo run --example client I2cBusList


The examples can be run in HTTPS mode by passing in the flag --https, for example:

cargo run --example server -- --https

This will use the keys/certificates from the examples directory. Note that the server chain is signed with CN=localhost.

Writing a server

The server example is designed to form the basis for implementing your own server. Simply follow these steps.

  • Set up a new Rust project, e.g., with cargo init --bin.
  • Insert openapi_client into the members array under [workspace] in the root Cargo.toml, e.g., members = [ "openapi_client" ].
  • Add openapi_client = {version = "1.0.0", path = "openapi_client"} under [dependencies] in the root Cargo.toml.
  • Copy the [dependencies] and [dev-dependencies] from openapi_client/Cargo.toml into the root Cargo.toml's [dependencies] section.
    • Copy all of the [dev-dependencies], but only the [dependencies] that are required by the example server. These should be clearly indicated by comments.
    • Remove "optional = true" from each of these lines if present.

Each autogenerated API will contain an implementation stub and main entry point, which should be copied into your project the first time:

cp openapi_client/examples/server.rs src/main.rs
cp openapi_client/examples/server_lib/mod.rs src/lib.rs
cp openapi_client/examples/server_lib/server.rs src/server.rs


  • From src/main.rs, remove the mod server_lib; line, and uncomment and fill in the extern crate line with the name of this server crate.
  • Move the block of imports "required by the service library" from src/main.rs to src/lib.rs and uncomment.
  • Change the let server = server::Server {}; line to let server = SERVICE_NAME::server().unwrap(); where SERVICE_NAME is the name of the server crate.
  • Run cargo build to check it builds.
  • Run cargo fmt to reformat the code.
  • Commit the result before making any further changes (lest format changes get confused with your own updates).

Now replace the implementations in src/server.rs with your own code as required.

Updating your server to track API changes

Later, if the API changes, you can copy new sections from the autogenerated API stub into your implementation. Alternatively, implement the now-missing methods based on the compiler's error messages.