i18n-embed-fl 0.1.1

Macro to perform compile time checks when using the i18n-embed crate and the fluent localization system

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This crate provides a macro to perform compile time checks when using the i18n-embed crate and the fluent localization system.



Set up a minimal i18n.toml in your crate root to use with cargo-i18n (see cargo i18n for more information on the configuration file format):

# (Required) The language identifier of the language used in the
# source code for gettext system, and the primary fallback language
# (for which all strings must be present) when using the fluent
# system.
fallback_language = "en-GB"

# Use the fluent localization system.
# (Required) The path to the assets directory.
# The paths inside the assets directory should be structured like so:
# `assets_dir/{language}/{domain}.ftl`
assets_dir = "i18n"

Create a fluent localization file for the en-GB language in i18n/en-GB/my_crate.ftl:

hello-arg = Hello {$name}!

Simple set up of the FluentLanguageLoader, and obtaining a message formatted with an argument:

use i18n_embed::{
    fluent::{fluent_language_loader, FluentLanguageLoader},
use i18n_embed_fl::fl;
use rust_embed::RustEmbed;

#[folder = "i18n/"]
struct Localizations;

let loader: FluentLanguageLoader = fluent_language_loader!();
    .load_languages(&Localizations, &[loader.fallback_language()])

    "Hello \u{2068}Bob 23\u{2069}!",
    // Compile time check for message id, and the `name` argument,
    // to ensure it matches what is specified in the `fallback_language`'s
    // fluent resource file.
    fl!(loader, "hello-arg", name = format!("Bob {}", 23))

See docs, and i18n-embed for more information.