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Model and Repeater


An iterator over the elements of a model. This struct is created by the Model::iter() trait function.

Dispatch notifications from a Model to one or several ModelPeer. Typically, you would want to put this in the implementation of the Model

Represent a handle to a view that listens to changes to a model.

A Reference counted Model.

This field is put in a component when using the for syntax It helps instantiating the components C

A model backed by a SharedVector<T>

Represent an item in a StandardListView

A model backed by a Vec<T>


A Model is providing Data for the Repeater or ListView elements of the .slint language

Extension trait with extra methods implemented on types that implements Model

This trait defines the interface that users of a model can use to track changes to a model. It is supplied via Model::model_tracker and implementation usually return a reference to its field of ModelNotify.

Component that can be instantiated by a repeater.