hyperpom 0.1.2

AArch64 fuzzing library based on the Apple Silicon hypervisor
//! Handles everything related to ARMv8 cache and TLB maintenance.

use applevisor as av;

use crate::core::*;
use crate::error::*;
use crate::memory::*;

/// Size of a cache maintenance handler.
pub const HANDLER_SIZE: usize = 0x80;
/// Total size available to map the handlers.
pub const HANDLERS_MEM_SIZE: usize = 0x1000;
/// Maximum number of handlers.
/// Cache maintenant handler location in memory.
pub const HANDLERS_ADDR: u64 = 0xffff_ffff_fffe_0000;
/// Handlers stack size.
pub const STACK_SIZE: usize = 0x1000;
/// Handlers stack address.
pub const STACK_ADDR: u64 = 0xffff_ffff_fffe_1000;

/// Cache maintenance functions.
/// # Role of Cache Maintenance in the Fuzzer
/// The fuzzer does a lot of modifications on the virtual address space of fuzzed programs at
/// runtime (e.g. adding breakpoints for hooks) and for these changes to be taken into account,
/// we need to flush caches.
/// # Fuzzer Cache Maintenance
/// The hypervisor doesn't allow cache maintenance outside of the [`applevisor::Vcpu`], which
/// forces us to create handlers for this purpose in the Vcpu's address space.
/// These handlers are found at address [`HANDLERS_ADDR`].
/// ```text
/// +---------------+ <--- HANDLERS_ADDR + 0x000
/// |               |
/// |    IC IVAU    |
/// |    handler    |
/// |               |
/// +---------------+ <--- HANDLERS_ADDR + 0x080
/// |               |
/// |  TLBI  VAAE1  |
/// |    handler    |
/// |               |
/// +---------------+ <--- HANDLERS_ADDR + 0x100
/// |               |
/// •               •
/// •               •
/// •               •
/// ```
/// In order to keep the number of context-switches between the fuzzer and the hypervisor to a
/// minimum, the handlers are written in such a way that they jump back to where we originally
/// stopped the exectution.
/// ```text
///           +-----------------+
///           |     NORMAL      |
///           |    EXECUTION    |<-----------------+
///           +--------+--------+                  |
/// EL0                |                           |
/// -------------------|---------------------------|-----------------------
/// EL1                |                           |
///                    v                           |
///           +--------+--------+         +--------+--------+
///           | EXCEPTION  FROM |         |      CACHE      |
///           |    THE GUEST    |         |   MAINTENANCE   |
///           +--------+--------+         +--------+--------+
///                    |                           ^
/// FUZZER             |                           |
/// -------------------|---------------------------|-----------------------
/// HYPERVISOR         |                           |
///                    v                           |
///           +--------+--------+         +--------+--------+
///           |    EXCEPTION    |-------->|   SETUP CACHE   |
///           |    HANDLING     |         |   MAINTENANCE   |
///           +-----------------+         +-----------------+
/// ```
/// Before resuming the execution of the Vcpu and entering the cache maintenance handler, we
/// store the address we want to return to, as well as other state registers, on a dedicated stack
/// mapped at address [`STACK_ADDR`]. The handler is entered at EL1, the cache maintenance
/// operation is performed, the original state is loaded and we perform an `eret` instruction to
/// resume the execution at the original exception level.
pub struct Caches;

impl Caches {
    /// Maps and writes the cache maintenance handlers at address [`HANDLERS_ADDR`].
    pub fn init(vcpu: &mut av::Vcpu, vma: &mut VirtMemAllocator) -> Result<()> {
        // EL1 stack initialization
        vma.map_privileged(STACK_ADDR, STACK_SIZE, av::MemPerms::RW)?;
        vcpu.set_sys_reg(av::SysReg::SP_EL1, STACK_ADDR)?;
        // Executable page containing the cache maintenance handlers.
        vma.map_privileged(HANDLERS_ADDR, HANDLERS_MEM_SIZE, av::MemPerms::RX)?;
        let handlers = vec![
            // IC IVAU - 0xffff_ffff_fffe_0000
                "msr tpidr_el1, x0
                mov x0, 1
                msr spsel, x0
                ldr x0, [sp, #0x8]
                msr spsr_el1, x0
                ldr x0, [sp]
                msr elr_el1, x0
                ic ivau, x0
                dsb ish
                mrs x0, tpidr_el1
            // TLBI VMALLE1 + IC ALLUIS - 0xffff_ffff_fffe_0080
                "tlbi vmalle1
                dsb ish
                ic ialluis
                dsb ish
                msr tpidr_el1, x0
                mov x0, 1
                msr spsel, x0
                ldr x0, [sp, #0x8]
                msr spsr_el1, x0
                ldr x0, [sp]
                msr elr_el1, x0
                mrs x0, tpidr_el1
            // TLBI VAAE1 (on fault) - 0xffff_ffff_fffe_0180
                "msr tpidr_el1, x0
                mov x0, 1
                msr spsel, x0
                ldr x0, [sp, #0x8]
                msr spsr_el1, x0
                ldr x0, [sp]
                msr elr_el1, x0
                mrs x0, far_el1
                lsr x0, x0, 12
                dsb ishst
                tlbi vaae1, x0
                dsb ish
                mrs x0, tpidr_el1
            // TLBI VAAE1 - 0xffff_ffff_fffe_0200
                "msr tpidr_el1, x0
                mov x0, 1
                msr spsel, x0
                ldr x0, [sp, #0x8]
                msr spsr_el1, x0
                ldr x0, [sp]
                msr elr_el1, x0
                ldr x0, [sp, #0x10]
                lsr x0, x0, 12
                dsb ishst
                tlbi vaae1, x0
                dsb ish
                mrs x0, tpidr_el1
        // Write all handlers
        assert!(handlers.len() < HANDLERS_COUNT);
        for (i, asm) in handlers.into_iter().enumerate() {
            let handler = KSE.with(|ks| ks.asm(asm, 0).expect("could not assemble"));
            assert!(!handler.bytes.is_empty() && handler.bytes.len() < HANDLER_SIZE);
            vma.write(HANDLERS_ADDR + (i * HANDLER_SIZE) as u64, &handler.bytes)?;

    /// Instruction cache invalidation handler.
    /// Executes a `IC IVAU` instruction, which invalidates the instruction cache by virtual
    /// address to point of unification.
    pub fn ic_ivau(vcpu: &mut av::Vcpu, vma: &mut VirtMemAllocator) -> Result<()> {
        // Saving the current context so the handler can use it to return from the exception
        // and resume the execution at the right address and exception level.
        vma.write_qword(STACK_ADDR, vcpu.get_reg(av::Reg::PC)?)?;
        vma.write_qword(STACK_ADDR + 8, vcpu.get_reg(av::Reg::CPSR)?)?;
        // Sets CPSR so that we switch the exception level to EL1 and mask exceptions.
        vcpu.set_reg(av::Reg::CPSR, 0x3c4)?;
        // Sets PC to the instruction cache invalidation handler.
        vcpu.set_reg(av::Reg::PC, HANDLERS_ADDR)?;

    /// Translation Lookaside Buffer invalidation and instruction cache invalidation handler.
    /// Executes a `TLBI VMALLE1` instruction to invalidate the whole TLB followed by a `IC ALLUIS`
    /// instruction to flush the entire instruction cache.
    pub fn tlbi_vmalle1_ic_ialluis(vcpu: &mut av::Vcpu, vma: &mut VirtMemAllocator) -> Result<()> {
        // Saving the current context so the handler can use it to return from the exception
        // and resume the execution at the right address and exception level.
        vma.write_qword(STACK_ADDR, vcpu.get_reg(av::Reg::PC)?)?;
        vma.write_qword(STACK_ADDR + 8, vcpu.get_reg(av::Reg::CPSR)?)?;
        // Sets CPSR so that we switch the exception level to EL1 and mask exceptions.
        vcpu.set_reg(av::Reg::CPSR, 0x3c4)?;
        // Sets PC to the TLB invalidation handler.
        vcpu.set_reg(av::Reg::PC, HANDLERS_ADDR + HANDLER_SIZE as u64)?;

    /// Translation Lookaside Buffer entry invalidation handler used during a data abort.
    /// Executes a `TLBI VAAE1` instruction, which invalidates cached copies of translation table
    /// entries from TLBs.
    pub fn tlbi_vaae1_on_fault(vcpu: &mut av::Vcpu, vma: &mut VirtMemAllocator) -> Result<()> {
        // Saving the current context so the handler can use it to return from the exception
        // and resume the execution at the right address and exception level.
        // We store SPSR_EL1 instead of CPSR, because the data abort that brought us here has
        // already changed the original CPSR.
        vma.write_qword(STACK_ADDR, vcpu.get_reg(av::Reg::PC)?)?;
        vma.write_qword(STACK_ADDR + 8, vcpu.get_sys_reg(av::SysReg::SPSR_EL1)?)?;
        // We should be at EL1 since this handler is only called when a data abort occurs, so
        // we only set PC to the tlb invalidation handler.
        vcpu.set_reg(av::Reg::PC, HANDLERS_ADDR + (HANDLER_SIZE * 2) as u64)?;

    /// Translation Lookaside Buffer entry invalidation handler.
    /// Executes a `TLBI VAAE1` instruction, which invalidates cached copies of translation table
    /// entries from TLBs.
    pub fn tlbi_vaae1(vcpu: &mut av::Vcpu, vma: &mut VirtMemAllocator, addr: u64) -> Result<()> {
        // Saving the current context so the handler can use it to return from the exception
        // and resume the execution at the right address and exception level.
        vma.write_qword(STACK_ADDR, vcpu.get_reg(av::Reg::PC)?)?;
        vma.write_qword(STACK_ADDR + 8, vcpu.get_reg(av::Reg::CPSR)?)?;
        // Stores the address we want to flush on the stack.
        vma.write_qword(STACK_ADDR + 0x10, addr)?;
        // Sets CPSR so that we switch the exception level to EL1 and mask exceptions.
        vcpu.set_reg(av::Reg::CPSR, 0x3c4)?;
        // Sets PC to the TLB invalidation handler.
        vcpu.set_reg(av::Reg::PC, HANDLERS_ADDR + (HANDLER_SIZE * 3) as u64)?;