hyper-system-resolver 0.5.0

An advanced system resolver for use with hyper.
name = "hyper-system-resolver"
version = "0.5.0"
description = "An advanced system resolver for use with hyper."
authors = ["MOZGIII <mike-n@narod.ru>"]
edition = "2018"
license = "MIT"
repository = "https://github.com/MOZGIII/hyper-system-resolver"
keywords = ["hyper", "dns", "resolver", "getaddrinfo"]

hyper = { version = "0.14", features = ["client", "tcp"] }
tower-service = "0.3"
tokio = "1"
tracing = "0.1"
dns-lookup = "1"
derive_builder = "0.9"

winapi = { version = "^0.3", default-features = false, features = ["ws2def"], optional = true }

libc = { version = "^0.2", optional = true }

tokio = { version = "1", features = ["macros"] }
hyper = { version = "0.14", features = ["http1"] }

default = ["addr-info-hints"]
addr-info-hints = ["libc", "winapi"]