hyper-fast 0.3.5

Hyper and rust based very fast HTTP Web framework (much faster than actix and other frameworks).


Hyper and rust based very fast HTTP Web framework (much faster than actix and other frameworks).


  • Supports brotli, deflate and gzip encoding for request and response
  • In-built access logs and metrics for APIs
  • Simple APIs to get current metrics - in JSON and Prometheus format
  • In-built OOR (Out of rotation API) to take server out of rotation
  • In-built Server Health API
  • Very simple and fast match pattern based routing.
  • Much faster than actix and other web servers out there.
  • Support for optional daemon service that gets started on server start and stopped on server shutdown
  • In-built server shutdown handling.


Look at examples/example_server.rs for a working example. Example can be run with cargo run --example example_server

  1. Define a service class, implement Service trait for api routing.
pub struct ExampleService {
    // any service level properties

impl Service for ExampleService {
    async fn api_handler<'a>(
        &'a self,
        _: Body,
        route: &HttpRoute<'a>,
        path: &[&str],
    ) -> Result<Response<Body>, ApiError> {
        match path {
            ["test"] if matches!(route.method, &http::Method::GET) => {
            _ => HttpResponse::not_found(route.path),

impl ExampleService {
    pub async fn get_test(&self, route: &HttpRoute<'_>) -> Result<Response<Body>, ApiError> {
        HttpResponse::string(route, "GET::/api/test - test passed".to_string())
  1. Optional service daemon, could be a dummy implementation - if one doesn't need it.
pub struct ExampleServiceDaemon {}

impl ServiceDaemon<ExampleService> for ExampleServiceDaemon {
    async fn start(&self, _service: Arc<ExampleService>) {
        //no impl for now.
  1. Implement ServiceBuilder trait
pub struct ExampleServiceBuilder {
    // any service builder level properties

impl ServiceBuilder<ExampleService, ExampleServiceDaemon> for ExampleServiceBuilder {
    async fn build(self) -> anyhow::Result<(ExampleService, Option<ExampleServiceDaemon>)> {
        let service = ExampleService {};

        Ok((service, None))
  1. Invoke start_http_server in your main method.
#[tokio::main(flavor = "multi_thread")]
async fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
    load_config("examples/config", "dev")?;

    start_http_server("", ExampleServiceBuilder {}).await


  1. /oor - switches the in-rotation status of server
  2. /status - gives in-rotation status of server
  3. /metrics/json - metrics in JSON format
  4. /metrics/prometheus - metrics in Prometheus format
  5. /api/<your-api-routes> - all your api routes are after /api