human_name 2.0.1

A library for parsing and comparing human names
use super::case::*;
use super::nickname::have_matching_variants;
use super::transliterate;
use super::{Location, Name};
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::convert::TryInto;
use std::iter;
use std::ops::Range;
use unicode_segmentation::UnicodeSegmentation;

pub const MIN_SURNAME_CHAR_MATCH: usize = 4;
pub const MIN_GIVEN_NAME_CHAR_MATCH: usize = 3;

impl Name {
    /// Might this name represent the same person as another name?
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use human_name::Name;
    /// let j_doe = Name::parse("J. Doe").unwrap();
    /// let jane_doe = Name::parse("Jane Doe").unwrap();
    /// let john_m_doe = Name::parse("John M. Doe").unwrap();
    /// let john_l_doe = Name::parse("John L. Doe").unwrap();
    /// assert!(j_doe.consistent_with(&john_m_doe));
    /// assert!(j_doe.consistent_with(&john_l_doe));
    /// assert!(j_doe.consistent_with(&jane_doe));
    /// assert!(j_doe.consistent_with(&j_doe));
    /// assert!(!john_m_doe.consistent_with(&john_l_doe));
    /// assert!(!jane_doe.consistent_with(&john_l_doe));
    /// let zheng_he = Name::parse("Zheng He").unwrap();
    /// let han_chars = Name::parse("鄭和").unwrap();
    /// assert!(han_chars.consistent_with(&zheng_he));
    /// ```
    /// # Defining "consistency"
    /// Requires that all known parts are consistent, which means at minimum,
    /// the final words of the surnames match, and one ordered set of first
    /// and middle initials is a superset of the other. If given and/or middle
    /// names and/or suffixes are present in both names, they must match as well.
    /// Transliterates everything to ASCII before comparison using the naive
    /// algorithm of [unidecode](
    /// (which ignores context), and ignores case, accents and combining marks.
    /// In the case of given and middle names, allows one name to be a prefix of
    /// the other, without requiring the prefix end at a word boundary as we do
    /// with surname suffix matches, and supports matching a small number of
    /// common nicknames and nickname patterns based on the root name.
    /// # Limitations
    /// There will be false positives ("Jan Doe" is probably not "Jane Doe"),
    /// and false negatives ("James Hanson" might be "James Hansen"). And, of
    /// course, even identical names do not necessarily represent the same person.
    /// Given limited information, we err on the side of false positives. This
    /// kind of matching will be most useful in cases where we already have
    /// reason to believe that a single individual's name appears twice, and we
    /// are trying to figure out exactly where, e.g. a particular author's index
    /// in the list of authors of a co-authored paper.
    pub fn consistent_with(&self, other: &Name) -> bool {
        // Fast path
        if self.surname_hash() != other.surname_hash() {
            return false;

        // Check given name(s) first because if we got this far, we know that
        // at least the last characters of the surnames are consistent
            && self.surname_consistent(other)
            && self.suffix_consistent(other)

    // Not clear why we have to `always` here but the performance difference is detectable
    // and there's only one caller (though we call this twice)
    fn split_initials(&self) -> (char, usize) {
        let mut initials = self.initials().chars();
        let first =;
        let rest_count = initials.count();
        (first, rest_count)

    fn given_and_middle_names_consistent(&self, other: &Name) -> bool {
        let (my_first, my_middle_count) = self.split_initials();
        let (their_first, their_middle_count) = other.split_initials();

        // Handle simple cases first, where we only have to worry about one name
        // and/or initial.
        if my_middle_count == 0 && their_middle_count == 0 {
            match (self.given_name(), other.given_name()) {
                (Some(my_name), Some(their_name)) => have_matching_variants(my_name, their_name),
                _ => {
                        == transliterate::to_ascii_initial(their_first)
        // For the more complicated cases, we'll simplify things a bit by
        // letting ourselves assume `self` has the more complete name.
        else if my_middle_count >= their_middle_count {
        } else {

    fn given_names_or_initials(
    ) -> GivenNamesOrInitials<
        impl Iterator<Item = (usize, char)> + '_,
        impl Iterator<Item = (&str, Location)> + '_,
    > {
        GivenNamesOrInitials {
            initials: self.initials().chars().enumerate(),
            names_and_locations: self

    fn given_and_middle_names_consistent_with_less_complete(&self, other: &Name) -> bool {
        // Check initials first
        if !self.initials_consistent_with_less_complete(other) {
            return false;

        // Unless both versions of the name have given or middle names, we're done
        if self.given_name_words == 0 || other.given_name_words == 0 {
            return true;

        // In the case where we have to compare multiple given or middle names,
        // align words using their initials, and for each initial where we know
        // the word for both names, transliterate to ASCII lowercase, then require
        // that the words are an exact match, or that one is a prefix of the other,
        // or that one is a recognized nickname or spelling variant of the other.

        let missing_any_names = self.missing_any_name() || other.missing_any_name();

        let mut their_parts = other.given_names_or_initials();
        let mut suffix_for_prior_prefix_match: Option<String> = None;
        let mut looked_up_nicknames = false;

        let mut their_part_if_any =;

        for my_part in self.given_names_or_initials() {
            if let Some(ref their_part) = their_part_if_any {
                let result = my_part.check_consistency(their_part, !looked_up_nicknames);

                match result {
                    ComparisonResult::Inconsistent => {
                        // The names are inconsistent
                        return false;
                    ComparisonResult::DifferentInitials => {
                        // They don't have a word for this initial, so we don't
                        // advance the iterator for their words/initials
                    ComparisonResult::NicknameMatch => {
                        looked_up_nicknames = true;
                    ComparisonResult::PrefixOfOther(remaining_chars) => {
                        suffix_for_prior_prefix_match = Some(remaining_chars);
                    _ => {
                        // Any other kind of match; no-op, just continue
            } else if missing_any_names {
                // We've matched everything available, and will skip the check
                // in the next block
                return true;
            } else if let Some(suffix) = suffix_for_prior_prefix_match {
                // We've matched everything available, but we're not quite done.
                // It's not uncommon for representations of a name to be inconsistent
                // in whether two parts of a given name are separated by a space,
                // a hyphen, or nothing (especially with transliterated names).
                // This is one of the reasons we accept prefix-only matches for
                // given & middle names. However, doing so potentially opens us up
                // to more false positives, and we want to mitigate that.
                // When it looks like we have a name part following a space or hyphen
                // which might reasonably be treated as part of the same actual name
                // as the preceding part, we don't want to just accept a prefix-only
                // match on the preceding part as sufficient for a full match.
                // Instead we'll continue after the prefix match by comparing the
                // following part to the suffix, just as if the two parts hadn't
                // been separated by a space or hyphen.
                // This separates, e.g., "Jinli" from "Jin Yi", or "Xiaofeng" from
                // "Xiao Peng".
                // We don't try to do this in the presence of middle initials
                // without corresponding names, because the logic would have to
                // be even more complicated.
                if let NameWordOrInitial::Word(word, _) = my_part {
                    return eq_casefolded_alpha_prefix(&suffix, word);
                } else {
                    return true;
            } else {
                // We've matched everything available
                return true;

            let mut advance_by = my_part.initials_count();
            while advance_by > 0 {
                their_part_if_any =;
                if let Some(ref their_part) = their_part_if_any {
                    advance_by -= their_part.initials_count();
                } else {


    fn initials_consistent_with_less_complete(&self, other: &Name) -> bool {
        let (my_first, my_initials) = self.transliterated_initials();
        let (their_first, their_initials) = other.transliterated_initials();

        // Unless we have both given names, we require that the first initials
        // match (if we do have the names, we'll check for nicknames, etc,
        // which might violate this requirement.)
        // If we do have both, we skip this requirement because we might find
        // a nickname match.
        if self.missing_given_name() || other.missing_given_name() {
            if self.goes_by_middle_name() {
                // Edge case: if we go by a middle name, another version of the
                // name might use the middle name's initial as the first initial.
                // However, only check in this direction because we know `self`
                // has more complete initials, so their initials won't contain
                // ours unless they're equal.
                if !my_initials.contains(&*their_initials) {
                    return false;
            } else {
                // Normal case, given the absence of (true) given names
                // Using byte offsets is ok because we already converted to ASCII
                if my_first != their_first {
                    return false;

        // If we have middle initials, check their consistency alone before
        // looking at names (& we know "self" has the more complete initials).

    fn transliterated_initials(&self) -> (char, Cow<str>) {
        let initials = self.initials();
        if initials.is_ascii() {
            (initials.as_bytes()[0].into(), Cow::Borrowed(initials))
        } else {
            let transliterated = self

            if transliterated.is_empty() {
                (initials.chars().next().unwrap(), Cow::Borrowed(initials))
            } else {

    fn missing_given_name(&self) -> bool {
        if let Some(loc) = self.given_names_in_initials().get(0) {
            loc.range().start > 0
        } else {

    fn missing_any_name(&self) -> bool {
        let mut prev = 0;

        for Range { start, end } in self.given_names_in_initials().iter().map(|loc| loc.range()) {
            if start > prev {
                return true;
            } else {
                prev = end;

        // TODO: This is incorrect and should be `self.initials().len() > prev`
        // but fixing this actually breaks a test. Related to our failure to handle
        // PrefixOfSelf below?
        usize::from(self.given_name_words) > prev

    fn surname_consistent(&self, other: &Name) -> bool {
        let mine = self.surname();
        let theirs = other.surname();

        if mine.is_ascii() && theirs.is_ascii() {
            if self.surname_words == 1
                && other.surname_words == 1
                && mine.bytes().all(|b| b.is_ascii_alphabetic())
                && theirs.bytes().all(|b| b.is_ascii_alphabetic())
                return mine.eq_ignore_ascii_case(theirs);

            let filter = { |c: char| c.is_ascii_alphanumeric() };
            Self::surname_consistent_slow(mine.rmatches(filter), theirs.rmatches(filter))
        } else {
            Self::surname_consistent_slow(mine.unicode_words().rev(), theirs.unicode_words().rev())

    fn surname_consistent_slow<'a, I>(mut my_words: I, mut their_words: I) -> bool
        I: Iterator<Item = &'a str>,
        let mut my_word =;
        let mut their_word =;
        let mut matching_chars = 0;

        // Require either an exact match (ignoring case etc), or a partial match
        // of len >= MIN_SURNAME_CHAR_MATCH and breaking on a word boundary
        loop {
            // No words remaining for some surname - that's ok if it's true of
            // both, or if the components that match are long enough
            if my_word.is_none() && their_word.is_none() {
                return true;
            let my_chars = my_word.and_then(transliterate::to_ascii_casefolded_reversed);
            let their_chars = their_word.and_then(transliterate::to_ascii_casefolded_reversed);
            if my_chars.is_none() || their_chars.is_none() {
                return matching_chars >= MIN_SURNAME_CHAR_MATCH || my_word == their_word;

            let mut my_chars = my_chars.unwrap();
            let mut their_chars = their_chars.unwrap();

            let mut my_char =;
            let mut their_char =;

            loop {
                if my_char.is_none() && their_char.is_none() {
                    // The words matched exactly, try the next word
                    my_word =;
                    their_word =;
                } else if my_char.is_none() {
                    // My word is a suffix of their word, check my next word
                    // against the rest of their word
                    my_word =;
                    if let Some(chars) =
                        // Continue the inner loop but incrementing through my
                        // next word
                        my_chars = chars;
                        my_char =;
                    } else {
                        // There is no next word, so this is a suffix-only match,
                        // and we don't allow those
                        return false;
                } else if their_char.is_none() {
                    // Their word is a suffix of my word, check their next word
                    // against the rest of my_words
                    their_word =;
                    if let Some(chars) =
                        // Continue the inner loop but incrementing through their
                        // next word
                        their_chars = chars;
                        their_char =;
                    } else {
                        // There is no next word, so this is a suffix-only match,
                        // and we don't allow those
                        return false;
                } else if my_char != their_char {
                    // We found a conflict and can short-circuit
                    return false;
                } else {
                    // Characters matched, continue the inner loop
                    matching_chars += 1;
                    my_char =;
                    their_char =;

    fn suffix_consistent(&self, other: &Name) -> bool {
        match (self.generational_suffix(), other.generational_suffix()) {
            (Some(mine), Some(theirs)) => mine == theirs,
            _ => true,

#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
enum ComparisonResult {

impl<'a> NameWordOrInitial<'a> {
    fn check_consistency(
        other: &NameWordOrInitial,
        allow_nicknames: bool,
    ) -> ComparisonResult {
        fn fold_initial(c: char) -> char {

        fn fold_rest(c: char, word: Option<&str>) -> Option<impl Iterator<Item = char> + '_> {
            word.and_then(|w| transliterate::to_ascii_casefolded(&w[c.len_utf8()..]))

        let (my_initial, their_initial) = (self.initial(), other.initial());
        if fold_initial(my_initial) != fold_initial(their_initial) {
            if self.word().is_some() && other.word().is_some() {
                return ComparisonResult::Inconsistent;
            } else {
                return ComparisonResult::DifferentInitials;

        let my_word = self.word();
        let their_word = other.word();

        // We just checked the initial matches, so skip ahead
        let mut matched = 1;

        let (my_chars, their_chars) = (
            fold_rest(my_initial, my_word),
            fold_rest(their_initial, their_word),
        if my_chars.is_none() || their_chars.is_none() {
            if my_word.is_some() && my_word == their_word {
                return ComparisonResult::ExactMatch;
            } else {
                return ComparisonResult::InitialsOnlyMatch;
        let (mut my_chars, mut their_chars) = (my_chars.unwrap(), their_chars.unwrap());

        loop {
            let my_char =;
            let their_char =;

            if my_char.is_none() && their_char.is_none() {
                return ComparisonResult::ExactMatch;
            } else if (my_char.is_none() || their_char.is_none())
                && matched >= MIN_GIVEN_NAME_CHAR_MATCH
                if their_char.is_some() {
                    return ComparisonResult::PrefixOfOther(format!(
                } else {
                    return ComparisonResult::PrefixOfSelf(format!(
            } else if my_char != their_char {
                // Failed match; abort, but first, maybe try nickname db
                if allow_nicknames && have_matching_variants(my_word.unwrap(), their_word.unwrap())
                    return ComparisonResult::NicknameMatch;
                } else {
                    return ComparisonResult::Inconsistent;
            } else {
                matched += 1;

    fn initial(&self) -> char {
        match *self {
            NameWordOrInitial::Word(word, _) => word.chars().next().unwrap(),
            NameWordOrInitial::Initial(initial) => initial,

    fn word(&self) -> Option<&str> {
        match *self {
            NameWordOrInitial::Word(word, _) => Some(word),
            NameWordOrInitial::Initial(_) => None,

    fn initials_count(&self) -> i32 {
        match *self {
            NameWordOrInitial::Word(_, count) => count.try_into().unwrap(),
            NameWordOrInitial::Initial(_) => 1,

struct GivenNamesOrInitials<'a, I, L>
    I: Iterator<Item = (usize, char)>,
    L: Iterator<Item = (&'a str, Location)>,
    initials: I,
    names_and_locations: iter::Peekable<L>,

enum NameWordOrInitial<'a> {
    Word(&'a str, usize),

impl<'a, I, L> Iterator for GivenNamesOrInitials<'a, I, L>
    I: Iterator<Item = (usize, char)>,
    L: Iterator<Item = (&'a str, Location)>,
    type Item = NameWordOrInitial<'a>;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<NameWordOrInitial<'a>> {|(i, initial)| {
            match self.names_and_locations.peek().map(|(_, loc)| loc.range()) {
                Some(Range { start, end }) if start == i => {
                    let (word, _) =;

                    // Handle case of hyphenated name for which we have 2+ initials
                    // When stabilized use `advance_by`:
                    let initials_for_word = end - start;
                    for _ in 1..initials_for_word {

                    NameWordOrInitial::Word(word, initials_for_word)
                _ => NameWordOrInitial::Initial(initial),

    fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn non_bmp_alphas_simple() {
        let a = NameWordOrInitial::Word("𐒴𐓘", 1);
        assert_eq!(ComparisonResult::ExactMatch, a.check_consistency(&a, false));
        assert_eq!(ComparisonResult::ExactMatch, a.check_consistency(&a, true));

        let b = NameWordOrInitial::Word("𐓊𐓙", 1);
            a.check_consistency(&b, false)
            a.check_consistency(&b, true)


        let a = Name::parse("𐒴𐓘 𐓊𐓙").unwrap();
        let b = Name::parse("𐒴𐓘 𐓍𐓙").unwrap();

    fn non_bmp_alphas_with_middle_initial() {
        let a = NameWordOrInitial::Initial('𐒴');
            a.check_consistency(&a, false)
            a.check_consistency(&a, true)

        let b = NameWordOrInitial::Initial('𐒵');
            a.check_consistency(&b, true)
            a.check_consistency(&b, false)

        let a = Name::parse("𐒴𐓘 𐓊𐓙").unwrap();
        let b = Name::parse("𐒴𐓘 𐒵 𐓊𐓙").unwrap();
        let c = Name::parse("𐒴𐓘 𐓍 𐓊𐓙").unwrap();

    fn bug() {
        let a = Name::parse("Peter Martin-Le Bore").unwrap();
        let b = Name::parse("Peter Martin-Le Bore").unwrap();