human_format 1.0.3

Rust Port of human-format from node, formatting numbers for us, while the machines are still at bay.

name = "human_format"

version = "1.0.3"

authors = ["Bob Chatman <>"]

license = "MIT"

description = "Rust Port of human-format from node, formatting numbers for us, while the machines are still at bay."

homepage = ""

repository = ""

documentation = ""

readme = ""

license-file = "LICENSE"

keywords = ["numbers", "formatting", "filesize", "human", "magnitude"]

categories = ["value-formatting", "no-std"]


name = "human_format"

path = "src/"


travis-ci = { repository = "BobGneu/human-format-rs" }

appveyor =  { repository = "BobGneu/human-format-rs" }

maintenace = { status = "actively-developed" }


galvanic-test = "0.1.3"