huffman-compress 0.2.0

Huffman compression given a probability distribution over arbitrary symbols


Huffman compression given a probability distribution over arbitrary symbols.

Build Status


extern crate bit_vec;
extern crate huffman_compress;

use std::collections::HashMap;
use bit_vec::BitVec;
use huffman_compress::{Book, Tree, codebook};

let mut weights = HashMap::new();
weights.insert("CG", 293);
weights.insert("AG", 34);
weights.insert("AT", 4);
weights.insert("CT", 4);
weights.insert("TG", 1);

// Construct a Huffman code based on the weights (e.g. counts or relative
// frequencies).
let (book, tree) = codebook(&weights);

// More frequent symbols will be encoded with fewer bits.
assert!(book.get("CG").map_or(0, |cg| cg.len()) <
        book.get("AG").map_or(0, |ag| ag.len()));

// Encode some symbols using the book.
let mut buffer = BitVec::new();
let example = vec!["AT", "CG", "AT", "TG", "AG", "CT", "CT", "AG", "CG"];
for symbol in &example {
    book.encode(&mut buffer, symbol);

// Decode the symbols using the tree.
let decoded: Vec<&str> = tree.decoder(&buffer).collect();
assert_eq!(decoded, example);


Read the documentation


  • Upcoming
    • Allow initialization from iterators without creating a HashMap. Thanks @mernen.
    • Require K: Ord instead of K: Hash + Eq for symbols and switch Book internals from HashMap to BTreeMap.
    • Specify stability guarantees.
  • 0.1.1
    • Expose more methods on Book.
  • 0.1.0
    • Initial release.


huffman-compress is dual licensed under the Apache 2.0 and MIT license, at your option.