[][src]Crate huelib

Rust bindings for the Philips Hue API.


This library sends HTTP requests to the bridge using the ureq crate. The responses/requests are deserialized/serialized using the serde, serde_json and serde_repr crates.


Modifies the state of a light on a specific bridge:

use huelib::resource::{light, Modifier, ModifierType};
use huelib::Bridge;
use std::net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr};

// Create a bridge with IP address and username.
let bridge = Bridge::new(IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(192, 168, 1, 2)), "username");

// Create a state modifier that increments the brightness by 40 and sets the saturation to 200.
let modifier = light::StateModifier::new()
    .brightness(ModifierType::Increment, 40)
    .saturation(ModifierType::Override, 200);

// Set attributes of the light with index '1' from the modifier and print the responses.
match bridge.set_light_state("1", &modifier) {
    Ok(v) => v.iter().for_each(|response| println!("{}", response)),
    Err(e) => eprintln!("Failed to modify the light state: {}", e),

Creates a group and registers a user on a discovered bridge:

use huelib::{bridge, resource::group, Bridge};

// Get the IP address of the bridge that was first discovered in the local network.
let ip_address = bridge::discover()
    .expect("Failed to discover bridges")
    .expect("No bridges found in the local network");

// Register a user on the discovered bridge.
let user = bridge::register_user(ip_address, "huelib-rs example", false)
    .expect("Failed to register user");

// Create a bridge with IP address and username.
let bridge = Bridge::new(ip_address, user.name);

// Create a group creator that sets the name to 'group1', adds the lights with the index '1'
// and '2' to the group and sets the class to 'Office'.
let creator = group::Creator::new("group1", ["1", "2"].to_vec()).class(group::Class::Office);

// Create the group and print the identifier of the new group.
match bridge.create_group(&creator) {
    Ok(v) => println!("Created group with id '{}'", v),
    Err(e) => eprintln!("Failed to create group: {}", e),


pub use bridge::Bridge;
pub use color::Color;
pub use response::Response;



Module for managing bridges.


Module for generating colors.


Module for bridge resources.


Responses returned from the Philips Hue API.



Errors that can occur while interacting with the Philips Hue API.

Type Definitions


Alias for Result<T, huelib::Error>.