httpbis 0.6.1

Rust implementation of HTTP/2 protocol
name = "httpbis" # because name "http2" has already been claimed by another user
version = "0.6.1"
authors = ["Stepan Koltsov <>"]
license = "MIT/Apache-2.0"
description = "Rust implementation of HTTP/2 protocol"
repository = ""
keywords = ["http2"]

doctest = false


log             = "0.4"
futures         = "0.1.*"
futures-cpupool = "0.1.*"
tokio-core      = "0.1.*"
tokio-io        = "0.1.*"
tokio-timer     = "0.1.*"
tokio-tls-api   = "0.1"
tls-api         = "0.1"
tls-api-stub    = "0.1"
void            = "1"
net2 = "0.2"
bytes = "0.4"

tokio-uds       = "0.1"
unix_socket     = "0.5"


env_logger         = "0.5"
regex              = "0.2"
tls-api-native-tls = "0.1"
tls-api-openssl    = "0.1"
url                = "1"


tempdir         = "0.3"

members = ["interop/with-rust", "h2spec-test"]