http-file-headers 0.1.8

A framework-agnostic helper library for serving static files. It makes very easy to write full-featured static file server (incl. conditional headers, encodings, range requests, etc)
Http-file-headers Crate

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A framework-agnostic library that parses file-related headers from HTTP request
and helps serving files including support of:

* `ETag`, `If-None-Match`
* `Last-Modified`, `If-Modified-Since`
* `Accept-Ranges`, `Range`, `Content-Range`
* `Content-Type` using [mime_guess][2]
* `Accept-Encoding` for serving compressed (gzip and brotli) files
* Serving `index.html` or similar directory indexes

The library is not tied to any framework, HTTP or even async library. So
it's usage is quite verbose (see [example][1]). Still it does most of the
complex work internally and is easily adapted to different needs.

Here are just few things that [example in < 200 LoCs][1] shows:

1. [Tokio] for asynchronous stuff
2. [Tk-http] serving HTTP
3. [Futures-cpupool] for
    offloading reading from disk into separate thread pool
4. Adding custom headers and error pages
5. Customizing path where file are served from



Licensed under either of

* Apache License, Version 2.0,
* MIT license (./LICENSE-MIT or
  at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally
submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0
license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or