Struct html5ever_ext::RcDom []

pub struct RcDom {
    pub document: Rc<Node>,
    pub errors: Vec<Cow<'static, str>>,
    pub quirks_mode: QuirksMode,

The DOM itself; the result of parsing.


The Document itself.

Errors that occurred during parsing.

The document's quirks mode.

Trait Implementations

impl TreeSink for RcDom

impl Default for RcDom

impl Selectable for RcDom


Recursively find element nodes that match this selector. Return true from MatchUser to abort early. The result of this function is true if MatchUser aborted early, or false otherwise. Read more


Returns whether this element matches this selector. For the RcDom and &'a [RcDom], is currently always false. Read more

impl Minify for RcDom


Identical to impl Debug's fmt() method, except we can't impl Debug for a trait and struct we don't own in this crate.


Minifies and serializes an instance of an HTML DOM to file. If creating AMP pages, set html_head_and_body_tags_are_optional to false. Wraps use of UltraMinifyingHtmlSerializer. If you need to serialize multiple RcDom or Node objects to the same writer, consider using UltraMinifyingHtmlSerializer directly. Read more


Minifies and serializes an instance of an HTML DOM to a vector of bytes. If creating AMP pages, set html_head_and_body_tags_are_optional to false. For maximum efficiency at the cost of slight inaccuracy, set collapse_whitespace to true. (pre, code, samp and kbd are unaffected in any event). Wraps use of UltraMinifyingHtmlSerializer. If you need to serialize multiple RcDom or Node objects to the same writer, consider using UltraMinifyingHtmlSerializer directly. Read more


Minifies and serializes an instance of an HTML DOM to a writer. If creating AMP pages, set html_head_and_body_tags_are_optional to false. For maximum efficiency at the cost of slight inaccuracy, set collapse_whitespace to true. (pre, code, samp and kbd are unaffected in any event). Wraps use of UltraMinifyingHtmlSerializer. If you need to serialize multiple RcDom or Node objects to the same writer, consider using UltraMinifyingHtmlSerializer directly. Read more


A debug string representing this node and any children.


Minifies and serializes an instance of an HTML DOM to String. If creating AMP pages, set html_head_and_body_tags_are_optional to false. For maximum efficiency at the cost of slight inaccuracy, set collapse_whitespace to true. (pre, code, samp and kbd are unaffected in any event). Wraps use of UltraMinifyingHtmlSerializer. If you need to serialize multiple RcDom or Node objects to the same writer, consider using UltraMinifyingHtmlSerializer directly. Read more

impl QualNameExt for RcDom


Is this name effectively local?


Is this qualified name this local-only name (no prefix, no namespace)


Is this qualified name on these local-only names (no prefix, no namespace)


Can this element have children?


Should an immediate child text node have <, > and & characters escaped? In modern HTML 5, the only common nodes which don't need this are <script> and <style>. In this case, the immediate child text node's content should not contain, say, </script> as this will cause a parse error. Read more


Can this element's descendant text nodes have leading, trailing and interstitial whitespace collapsed?

impl RcDomExt for RcDom


Creates an instance of an HTML DOM from a file path which is verified, stripped and with a sane DocType.


Creates an instance of an HTML DOM from a file path


Verify that this HTML DOM is valid.


Remove all comments and processing instructions and make the DOCTYPE a simple 'html' (for HTML 5).