Module html2text::render::text_renderer

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Implementations of the Renderer trait.

This module implements helpers and concrete types for rendering from HTML into different text formats.


  • A dividing line between table rows which tracks intersections with vertical lines.
  • A decorator for use with SubRenderer which outputs plain UTF-8 text with no annotations. Markup is rendered as text characters or footnotes.
  • Rendering options.
  • A decorator to generate rich text (styled) rather than pure text output.
  • A renderer which just outputs plain text with annotations depending on a decorator.
  • A line of tagged text (composed of a set of TaggedStrings).
  • A wrapper around a String with extra metadata.
  • Context to use during tree parsing. This mainly gives access to a Renderer, but needs to be able to push new ones on for nested structures.
  • A decorator for use with SubRenderer which outputs plain UTF-8 text with no annotations or markup, emitting only the literal text.


  • A space on a horizontal row.
  • A line, which can either be text or a line.
  • Annotation type for “rich” text. Text is associated with a set of these.
  • An element of a line of tagged text: either a TaggedString or a marker appearing in between document characters.
