hrpc 0.33.29

Common code for hRPC.
//! Generic client and server implementations and transport implementations for hRPC.
//! - For generic client and client implementations, see the [`client`] module.
//! - For generic server and server implementations, see the [`server`] module.
//! - For common code shared by client and servers, see the [`common`] module.
//! - Modules named `transport` contain transport specific code.
//! - Modules named `layer` contain layers for use. These can be generic, or
//! transport specific.

/// Some re-exported crates that might be useful while writing software with `hrpc`.
pub mod exports {
    pub use bytes;
    pub use futures_util;
    pub use prost;
    pub use tracing;

    #[cfg(feature = "_common_http")]
    pub use http;
    #[cfg(feature = "_common")]
    pub use tower;

/// Common client types and functions.
#[cfg(feature = "client")]
pub mod client;
/// Common server types and functions.
#[cfg(feature = "server")]
pub mod server;

/// Body utitilies and types.
pub mod body;
/// Common utilities.
pub mod common;
/// Decoding utilities.
pub mod decode;
/// Encoding utilities.
pub mod encode;
/// The hRPC generated protocol.
pub mod proto;
/// The `Request` type used by hRPC.
pub mod request;
/// The `Response` type used by hRPC.
pub mod response;

use std::error::Error;

pub use request::Request;
pub use response::Response;

/// Alias for a type-erased error type.
pub type BoxError = Box<dyn Error + Send + Sync>;

/// Convenience function for converting some error to a boxed error.
pub fn box_error<Err>(err: Err) -> BoxError
    Err: Error + Send + Sync + 'static,

/// The hRPC protobuf mimetype.
pub const HRPC_CONTENT_MIMETYPE: &str = "application/hrpc";
/// The hRPC spec version this version of `hrpc-rs` implements.
pub const HRPC_SPEC_VERSION: &str = "1";

/// Include generated proto server and client items.
/// You must specify the hRPC package name.
/// ```rust,ignore
/// mod pb {
///     hrpc::include_proto!("helloworld");
/// }
/// ```
/// # Note:
/// **This only works if the hrpc-build output directory has been unmodified**.
/// The default output directory is set to the [`OUT_DIR`] environment variable.
/// If the output directory has been modified, the following pattern may be used
/// instead of this macro.
/// ```rust,ignore
/// mod pb {
///     include!("/relative/protobuf/directory/");
/// }
/// ```
/// You can also use a custom environment variable using the following pattern.
/// ```rust,ignore
/// mod pb {
///     include!(concat!(env!("PROTOBUFS"), "/"));
/// }
/// ```
/// [`OUT_DIR`]:
macro_rules! include_proto {
    ($package: tt) => {
        include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), concat!("/", $package, ".rs")));