Function hpke::single_shot_seal

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pub fn single_shot_seal<A, Kdf, Kem, R>(
    mode: &OpModeS<'_, Kem>,
    pk_recip: &Kem::PublicKey,
    info: &[u8],
    plaintext: &[u8],
    aad: &[u8],
    csprng: &mut R
) -> Result<(Kem::EncappedKey, Vec<u8>), HpkeError>where
    A: Aead,
    Kdf: KdfTrait,
    Kem: KemTrait,
    R: CryptoRng + RngCore,
Available on crate features alloc or std only.
Expand description

Does a setup_sender and AeadCtxS::seal in one shot. That is, it does a key encapsulation to the specified recipient and encrypts the provided plaintext. See setup::setup_sender and AeadCtxS::seal for more detail.

Return Value

Returns Ok((encapped_key, ciphertext)) on success. If an error happened during key encapsulation, returns Err(HpkeError::EncapError). If an error happened during encryption, returns Err(HpkeError::SealError).