hpk 0.3.5

HPK archiver for Haemimont Engine game files (Tropico 3-5, Omerta, Victor Vran, Surviving Mars etc.)

HPK Archiver for Haemimont Engine game files

Crates.io Rust version Rust edition Linux build status Window build status

Supported games

  • Tropico 3-5
  • Omerta: City of Gangsters
  • Grand Ages: Rome
  • Victor Vran
  • Surviving Mars

Game Scripting

Haeminont uses Lua for scripting their games. The scripts contain only the compiled Lua bytecode and have to be decompiled with unluac or luadec to get the source code. With Victor Vran they switched from Lua 5.1 to 5.3 but the bytecode headers are missing two bytes to make it possible to decompile the scripts.

Victor Vran's Lua Bytecode Header
Broken 1B4C 7561 5300 1993 0D0A 1A0A 0404 ____ 0878 5600 ...
Valid 1B4C 7561 5300 1993 0D0A 1A0A 0404 0404 0878 5600 ...
Surviving Mars' Lua Bytecode Header
Broken 1B4C 7561 5300 1993 0D0A 1A0A 0404 ____ 0878 5600 ...
Valid 1B4C 7561 5300 1993 0D0A 1A0A 0404 0408 0878 5600 ...

Use hpk extract --fix-lua-files ... to fix the scripts on extraction. Use hpk create --cripple-lua-files ... to change the bytecode header of the compiled lua scripts on repacking. The game can also load plain Lua files instead of a compiled version if you run into any problems.


hpk is written in Rust, so you'll need to grab a Rust installation in order to compile it. Building is easy:

$ git clone https://github.com/nickelc/hpk
$ cd hpk
$ cargo build --release
$ ./target/release/hpk --version
hpk 0.3.0



$ cargo install hpk


Use the GitHub Releases tab to obtain the binary.


hpk help

$ hpk help

    hpk <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    create     Create a new hpk archive
    extract    Extract files from a hpk archive
    list       List the content of a hpk archive
    print      Print information of a hpk archive
    help       Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

hpk list

$ hpk list files/omerta/Packs/TextureLists.hpk

hpk create

$ hpk create -h
Create a new hpk archive

    hpk create [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <dir> <file>

        --compress             Compress the whole hpk file
        --lz4                  Sets LZ4 as encoder
        --cripple-lua-files    Cripple bytecode header for Surviving Mars
        --with-filedates       Stores the last modification times in a _filedates file
    -h, --help                 Prints help information
    -V, --version              Prints version information

        --chunk-size <SIZE>
            Default chunk size: 32768

        --extensions <EXT>...
            Specifies the file extensions to be compressed. default: [lst,lua,xml,tga,dds,xtex,bin,csv]

        --filedate-fmt <FORMAT>
            Specifies the format of the stored filedates.

            default: 'Windows file time' used by Tropico 3 and Grand Ages: Rome
            short: 'Windows file time / 2000' used by Tropico 4 and Omerta

    <dir>     input directory
    <file>    hpk output file

hpk extract

$ hg extract -h
Extract files from a hpk archive

    hpk extract [FLAGS] <file> <dest> [paths]...

        --ignore-filedates    Skip processing of a _filedates file and just extract it
        --fix-lua-files       Fix the bytecode header of Surviving Mars' Lua files
        --force               Force extraction if destination folder is not empty
    -h, --help                Prints help information
    -V, --version             Prints version information
    -v                        Verbosely list files processed

    <file>        hpk archive
    <dest>        destination folder
    <paths>...    An optional list of archive members to be processed, separated by spaces.

hpk print

$ hpk print files/omerta/Packs/TextureLists.hpk
reading file: files/omerta/Packs/TextureLists.hpk
  data_offset: 0x24
  fragments_residual_offset: 0x0
  fragments_residual_count: 0
  fragments_per_file: 1
  fragments_filesystem_offset: 0x1459
  fragments_filesystem_length: 64
filesystem entries: 8
filesystem fragments:
  0x13D1   len: 136
  0x24     len: 3876
  0xF48    len: 278
  0x105E   len: 82
  0x10B0   len: 134
  0x1136   len: 140
  0x11C2   len: 304
  0x12F2   len: 223
dir:  index=1 depth=0 ""
 fragment: 0x13D1 len: 136
file: index=2 depth=1 "entities.lst"
 fragment: 0x24 len: 3876
 compressed: ZLIB inflated_length=30917 chunk_size=32768 chunks=1
  chunks: 0x10     len: 3860
file: index=3 depth=1 "fallback.lst"
 fragment: 0xF48 len: 278
 compressed: ZLIB inflated_length=2956 chunk_size=32768 chunks=1
  chunks: 0x10     len: 262
file: index=4 depth=1 "fx.lst"
 fragment: 0x105E len: 82
 compressed: ZLIB inflated_length=290 chunk_size=32768 chunks=1
  chunks: 0x10     len: 66
file: index=5 depth=1 "misc.lst"
 fragment: 0x10B0 len: 134
 compressed: ZLIB inflated_length=344 chunk_size=32768 chunks=1
  chunks: 0x10     len: 118
file: index=6 depth=1 "sky.lst"
 fragment: 0x1136 len: 140
 compressed: ZLIB inflated_length=536 chunk_size=32768 chunks=1
  chunks: 0x10     len: 124
file: index=7 depth=1 "terrains.lst"
 fragment: 0x11C2 len: 304
 compressed: ZLIB inflated_length=2268 chunk_size=32768 chunks=1
  chunks: 0x10     len: 288
file: index=8 depth=1 "water.lst"
 fragment: 0x12F2 len: 223
 compressed: ZLIB inflated_length=1978 chunk_size=32768 chunks=1
  chunks: 0x10     len: 207

HPK File Format


Offset Size Value
0 4 Magic number; 0x4C555042 ("BPUL")
4 4 Data offset; 0x24 (36)
8 4 Number of fragments per file; 1, 8
12 4 Unknown; 0xFFFFFFFF
16 4 Offset of the residual fragments in bytes
20 4 Number of residual fragments
24 4 Unknown; 0x1
28 4 Offset of the filesystem fragments in bytes
32 4 Size of the filesystem fragments in bytes

Fragment (Filesystem & Residual)

  • Offsets of fragments are relative from the start of the file.
  • The first filesystem fragment is the root directory.
Offset Size Value
0 4 Offset of a fragment in bytes
4 4 Size of a fragment in bytes

Filesystem Entry: Directory

Offset Size Value
0 4 Fragment Index; Index starts with 1
4 4 Entry Type; File=0x0 Dir=0x1
8 2 Size of the following name in bytes
10 ? Name data

Fragmented File (zlib/lz4/zstd compressed)

Offsets of compressed chunks are relative from the start of a fragment. Victor Vran (Steam version) and Surviving Mars use LZ4 as compression. ZSTD is used by Surviving Mars's mod editor. The challenge hpks of Tropico 5 are compressed like a fragmented file.

Offset Size Value
0 4 Magic number, 0x42494C5A ("ZLIB")0x20345A4C ("LZ4 ")0x4454535A ("ZSTD")
4 4 Size of the inflated data in bytes
8 4 Inflated chunk size, 0x0800 (32768)
12 4 Chunk offset in bytes, 0x10 for one chunk
* 4 Additional chunk offsets (optional)

_filedates File

HPK files can contain a _filedates file with the last modification times of the files and directories. Each line consists of a path and a file time, separated by equals signs.


Path is the basic path to the file but for Grand Ages: Rome the actual path is prefixed by the basename of the original HPK file (Shaders.hpk "Shaders/Shaders/VertexAnim.fx"). Value is either the Windows file time ("default") or the Windows file time divided by 2000 ("short").

Format Games
default Grand Ages: Rome, Tropico 3
short Tropico 4, Omerta