hpk 0.3.12

HPK archiver for Haemimont Engine game files (Tropico 3-5, Omerta, Victor Vran, Surviving Mars etc.)
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::process;

use clap::{arg, ArgMatches, Command};
use glob::Pattern;

use crate::CliResult;

pub fn cmd() -> Command {
    fn input_parser(value: &str) -> Result<PathBuf, String> {
        let file = Path::new(value);
        if let Ok(md) = file.metadata() {
            if md.is_file() {
                return Ok(file.to_path_buf());
        Err(String::from("Not a valid file"))
    fn dest_parser(value: &str) -> Result<PathBuf, String> {
        let dest = Path::new(value);
        match dest.metadata() {
            Ok(ref md) if md.is_file() => Err(String::from("Not a valid directory")),
            Ok(_) | Err(_) => Ok(dest.to_path_buf()),

        .about("Extract files from a hpk archive")
        .arg(arg!(<file> "hpk archive").value_parser(input_parser))
        .arg(arg!(<dest> "destination folder").value_parser(dest_parser))
        .arg(arg!([paths]... "An optional list of archive members to be processed, separated by spaces.")
        .arg(arg!(filedates: --"ignore-filedates" "Skip processing of a _filedates file and just extract it"))
        .arg(arg!(fix_lua: --"fix-lua-files" "Fix the bytecode header of Victor Vran's or Surviving Mars' Lua files"))
        .arg(arg!(--force "Force extraction if destination folder is not empty"))
        .arg(arg!(verbose: -v "Verbosely list files processed"))

pub fn execute(matches: &ArgMatches) -> CliResult {
    let input = matches.get_one::<PathBuf>("file").expect("required arg");
    let dest = matches.get_one::<PathBuf>("dest").expect("required arg");
    let force = matches.get_flag("force");
    let verbose = matches.get_flag("verbose");

    if let Ok(dir) = dest.read_dir() {
        if !force && dir.count() > 0 {
            eprintln!("error: Directory is not empty");

    let paths = matches
        .map(|v| v.cloned().collect::<Vec<_>>())

    let mut options = hpk::ExtractOptions::new();
    if matches.get_flag("filedates") {
    if matches.get_flag("fix_lua") {

    hpk::extract(&options, input, dest)?;