hotg-rune-proc-block-macros 0.5.3

Procedural macros for the rune-proc-block crate.


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Nightly Release | API Docs

Rune is a containerization technology for deploying TinyML applications to extremely constraint devices.



You can compile and install the latest version of the rune command-line tool from source using cargo.

$ cargo install --git rune
    Updating git repository ``
  Installing rune v0.2.1 (
    Updating index
   Compiling rune v0.2.1 (~/.cargo/git/checkouts/rune-005ac9981b4d47b5/0beff26/rune)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 4m 49s
  Installing ~/.cargo/bin/rune
   Installed package `rune v0.2.1 (` (executable `rune`)

Pre-compiled binaries are also available on GitHub Releases under the Nightly Release.

The rune tool turns a Runefile into Rust code so it can be compiled to WebAssembly, so you will also need to have the Rust compiler installed.

$ curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

A Rune runs in a constrained environment and doesn't have access to the standard library, so to implement our own allocation error handler we'll need to use the nightly compiler.

$ rustup toolchain install nightly

Compiling to WebAssembly requires copies of Rust's core libraries cross-compiled to wasm32-unknown-unknown.

$ rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown

Compiling a Rune

A Runefile is a declarative way to define a ML pipeline. How Runefiles and Runes fit together is explained in detail in What's In A Rune?, but here's a typical example:

FROM runicos/base

CAPABILITY<U8[96, 96]> image IMAGE

PROC_BLOCK<U8[96, 96],f32[96, 96]> normalize hotg-ai/rune#proc-blocks/normalize

MODEL<U8[96, 96],U8[3]> person_detection ./model.tflite

PROC_BLOCK<U8[3],UTF8> label hotg-ai/rune#proc-blocks/person_detection_agg \


RUN image person_detection label serial

The rune command-line program can then compile this to a Rune.

$ rune build ./examples/person_detection/Runefile
[2021-04-09T17:09:18.312Z DEBUG rune::build] Parsing "./examples/person_detection/Runefile"
[2021-04-09T17:09:18.312Z DEBUG rune::build] Compiling person_detection in "/home/michael/.cache/runes/person_detection"
[2021-04-09T17:09:18.313Z DEBUG rune_codegen] Executing "cargo" "+nightly" "build" "--target=wasm32-unknown-unknown" "--quiet" "--release"
[2021-04-09T17:09:31.656Z DEBUG rune::build] Generated 267829 bytes

Running a Rune

You can run a Rune locally using the rune run command.

$ rune run ./examples/sine/sine.rune
[2021-04-09T17:41:17.940Z INFO  rune::run] Running rune: ./examples/sine/sine.rune
[2021-04-09T17:41:17.956Z DEBUG rune_wasmer_runtime] Loading image
[2021-04-09T17:41:17.957Z DEBUG rune_wasmer_runtime] Instantiating the WebAssembly module
[2021-04-09T17:41:17.957Z DEBUG rune_wasmer_runtime] Loaded the Rune
[2021-04-09T17:41:17.957Z INFO  rune::run] Call 0
[2021-04-09T17:41:17.957Z DEBUG rune_wasmer_runtime] Running the rune
[2021-04-09T17:41:17.957Z INFO  runicos_base::image] Serial: [4.8617184e-2]

This will fail for any Rune that expects input from the outside world, though. For example, the person_detection Rune expects to be provided with an image (presumably one containing a person).

$ rune run ./examples/person_detection/person_detection.rune
[2021-04-09T17:42:18.996Z INFO  rune::run] Running rune: ./examples/person_detection/person_detection.rune
[2021-04-09T17:42:19.006Z DEBUG rune_wasmer_runtime] Loading image
[2021-04-09T17:42:19.006Z DEBUG rune_wasmer_runtime] Instantiating the WebAssembly module
Error: Unable to initialize the virtual machine

Caused by:
    0: Unable to call the _manifest function
    1: RuntimeError: The image capability is not supported
    2: The image capability is not supported

You use the --capability argument to provide capabilities. The syntax is --capability $type:$value, where $type is one of the supported capability types (e.g. random, accel, sound, image) and the $value is a value specific to that capability, typically the name of an input file.

$ rune run ./examples/person_detection/person_detection.rune \
   --capability image:examples/person_detection/image_grayscale.png
[2021-04-09T17:45:27.489Z INFO  rune::run] Running rune: ./examples/person_detection/person_detection.rune
[2021-04-09T17:45:27.489Z DEBUG rune::run] Loading an image from "examples/person_detection/image_grayscale.png"
[2021-04-09T17:45:27.504Z DEBUG rune_wasmer_runtime] Loading image
[2021-04-09T17:45:27.504Z DEBUG rune_wasmer_runtime] Instantiating the WebAssembly module
[2021-04-09T17:45:27.505Z DEBUG rune_wasmer_runtime] Loaded the Rune
[2021-04-09T17:45:27.505Z DEBUG rune_wasmer_runtime] Running the rune
[2021-04-09T17:45:27.510Z INFO  runicos_base::image] Serial: "person"


This project is licensed under either of

at your option.

It is recommended to always use cargo-crev to verify the trustworthiness of each of your dependencies, including this one.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.

The intent of this crate is to be free of soundness bugs. The developers will do their best to avoid them, and welcome help in analysing and fixing them.