hot-ranking-algorithm-rust 1.0.1

Algorithm that measures how relevant a given data set is, kinda like Reddit failed to build hot-ranking-algorithm-rust-1.0.1
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Algorithm that measures how relevant a given data set is, kinda like Reddit.

Doesn't do any jitter stuff and can probably be gamed if you try hard enough, but it should be useful enough if you want to wire up community-driven news site that always has fresh, relevant content for people to discover.


extern crate hot_ranking_algorithm;
extern crate time;

use hot-ranking-algorithm::rank;

let epoch = time::now_utc();
let timestamp = time::now_utc();
let upvotes = 3;
let downvotes = 1;
let ranking = rank(upvotes, downvotes, timestamp, epoch);
println!('{}', ranking);
// => 2


rank(upvotes: &i32, downvotes: &i32, timestamp: &SteadyTime, epoch: &SteadyTime) -> result: i32

Calculate the relevancy of an item based on upvotes, downvotes, a current timestamp and the epoch at which the program is first run (e.g. no value can be lower than that).


$ cargo add hot-ranking-algorithm

See Also
