Module horned_owl::ontology

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A variety of Ontology Implementations


This module provides a variety of MutableOntology implementations. The simplest of these is SetOntology. This provides the simplest, and probably least overhead implementation of MutableOntology storing all AnnotatedComponent instances as using an in-memory HashSet. While this should be fast to add to, any searches are likely to run in linear time. The indexed package provides a mechanism to allow faster and composable searching strategies, at a cost to insertion performance, through the OntologyIndex trait. Other than SetOntology all other implementations of MutableOntology are backed by one or more of OntologyIndex implementations. A SetIndex is also provided that mirrors the functionality of SetOntology. The component_mapped package provides an OntologyIndex that allows rapid retrieval of all AnnotatedComponent instances of a given kind. Other indexes are less general purpose. The declaration_mapped indexes only declaration axioms, allowing rapid look up of the declared type of an IRI. As it ignores most axioms passed to it, it does not provide iteration.


  • Access AnnotatedComponent by their kind.
  • An index that provides rapid look up via declaration kind
  • Indexes for ontologies to enable faster searching
  • Access AnnotatedComponent by iri.
  • An ontology that allows rapid lookup by logically equality.
  • Rapid, simple, in-memory Ontology and OntologyIndex