horned-owl 0.14.0

Library for OWL Ontologies
use curie::PrefixMapping;
use quick_xml::escape::unescape;
use quick_xml::name::ResolveResult;
use quick_xml::name::ResolveResult::Bound;

use crate::error::*;
use crate::io::ParserConfiguration;
use crate::model::*;
use crate::vocab::Namespace::*;
use crate::vocab::OWL2Datatype;
use crate::vocab::WithIRI;
use crate::{ontology::set::SetOntology, vocab::OWL};

use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::collections::BTreeSet;
use std::io::BufRead;

use quick_xml::events::BytesEnd;
use quick_xml::events::BytesStart;
use quick_xml::events::Event;
use quick_xml::NsReader;

struct Read<'a, A: ForIRI, R>
    R: BufRead,
    build: &'a Build<A>,
    mapping: PrefixMapping,
    reader: NsReader<R>,
    // buf: Vec<u8>,

pub fn read<R: BufRead>(
    bufread: &mut R,
    _config: ParserConfiguration,
) -> Result<(SetOntology<RcStr>, PrefixMapping), HornedError> {
    let b = Build::new();
    read_with_build(bufread, &b)

pub fn read_with_build<A: ForIRI, R: BufRead>(
    bufread: R,
    build: &Build<A>,
) -> Result<(SetOntology<A>, PrefixMapping), HornedError> {
    let reader: NsReader<R> = NsReader::from_reader(bufread);
    let mut ont = SetOntology::new();
    let mapping = PrefixMapping::default();
    let mut buf = Vec::new();

    let mut r = Read {
        // buf: Vec::new(),

    loop {
        match r.reader.read_resolved_event_into(&mut buf)? {
            (ref ns, Event::Start(ref e)) | (ref ns, Event::Empty(ref e))
                if is_owl(ns) =>
                match e.local_name().as_ref() {
                    b"Ontology" => {
                        let s = get_attr_value_str(&mut r.reader, e, b"ontologyIRI")?;
                        if let Some(s) = s {

                        ont.mut_id().iri = get_iri_value_for(&mut r, e, b"ontologyIRI")?;
                        ont.mut_id().viri = get_iri_value_for(&mut r, e, b"versionIRI")?;
                    b"Prefix" => {
                        let iri = get_attr_value_str(&mut r.reader, e, b"IRI")?;
                        let prefix = get_attr_value_str(&mut r.reader, e, b"name")?;
                        match (prefix, iri) {
                            (Some(p), Some(i)) => {
                                r.mapping.add_prefix(&p, &i).ok();
                            (None, _) => {
                                return Err(error_missing_attribute("IRI", &mut r));
                            (Some(_), None) => {
                                return Err(error_missing_attribute("name", &mut r));
                    b"Import" => {
                        ont.insert(Import(IRI::from_xml(&mut r, b"Import")?));
                    _ => {
                        let aa = AnnotatedAxiom::from_start(&mut r, e)?;
            (ref ns, Event::End(ref e)) if is_owl_name(ns, e, b"Ontology") => {
            // this initially was in `read_event`.
            (_, Event::Eof) => {
                let pos = &r.reader.buffer_position();
                return Err(invalid! {
                    "Unexpected EoF at {}", pos
            _ => {}
    Ok((ont, r.mapping))

fn decode_expand_curie_maybe<'a, A: ForIRI, R: BufRead>(
    r: &mut Read<A, R>,
    val: &'a [u8],
) -> Result<Cow<'a, str>, HornedError> {
    // Okay, so a lot of matching, but without this the borrow checker
    // is gonna complain. This let's us do the following:
    // - if the CURIE can be decoded without replacement, and if it is
    //   already a complete IRI, we don't have to copy it, and we can
    //   return it as as borrowed string.
    // - in any other case, we need to perform a copy, otherwise the decoded
    //   string / unabbreviated IRI is not going to live long enough.
    #[cfg(feature = "quick-xml/encoding")]
    match r.reader.decode(val) {
        Cow::Borrowed(b) => expand_curie_maybe(r, b),
        Cow::Owned(o) => match expand_curie_maybe(r, &o) {
            Cow::Borrowed(b) => Cow::Owned(b.to_string()),
            Cow::Owned(o) => Cow::Owned(o),

    #[cfg(not(feature = "quick-xml/encoding"))]
    match r.reader.decoder().decode(val) {
        Ok(curie) => {
            let cur = expand_curie_maybe(r, curie);
        Err(e) => Err(HornedError::from(e)),

/// Expand a curie if there is an appropriate prefix
fn expand_curie_maybe<'a, A: ForIRI, R: BufRead>(r: &mut Read<A, R>, val: Cow<'a, str>) -> Cow<'a, str> {
    match r.mapping.expand_curie_string(&val) {
        // If we expand use this
        Ok(n) => Cow::Owned(n),
        // Else assume it's a complete URI
        Err(_e) => val,

/// Returns, if present, the byte slice corresponding to the value of the given attribute within opening tag.
/// ## Errors
/// Errors are generated by `quick-xml` and as such they are converted into a `ParserError`.
fn get_attr_value_bytes<'a>(
    event: &'a BytesStart,
    attr_key: &[u8],
) -> Result<Option<Cow<'a, [u8]>>, HornedError> {
        .map_err(|err| HornedError::ParserError(Box::new(err), Location::Unknown))
        .map(|opt_attr| opt_attr.map(|attr| attr.value))

/// Returns, if present, the string corresponding to the value of the given attribute within opening tag.
/// ## Errors
/// Errors are generated by `quick-xml` and as such they are converted into a `ParserError`.
fn get_attr_value_str<R: BufRead>(
    reader: &mut NsReader<R>,
    event: &BytesStart,
    attr_key: &[u8],
) -> Result<Option<String>, HornedError> {
    // First, get the byte slice containing the attribute value
    get_attr_value_bytes(event, attr_key)?
        // Next, decode it to obtain a `str`.
        .map_err(|err| HornedError::ParserError(Box::new(err), Location::Unknown))
    .map(|opt| opt.map(|s| s.to_string()))

/// Returns, if present, the IRI for the given opening tag.
fn get_iri_value<A: ForIRI, R: BufRead>(
    r: &mut Read<A, R>,
    event: &BytesStart,
) -> Result<Option<IRI<A>>, HornedError> {
    let iri = get_iri_value_for(r, event, b"IRI")?;
    if let None = iri {
        get_iri_value_for(r, event, b"abbreviatedIRI")
    } else {

/// Returns, if present, the IRI included in the given attribute for the given opening tag.
fn get_iri_value_for<A: ForIRI, R: BufRead>(
    r: &mut Read<A, R>,
    event: &BytesStart,
    iri_attr: &[u8],
) -> Result<Option<IRI<A>>, HornedError> {
        // check for the attrib, if malformed return
        get_attr_value_str(&mut r.reader, event, iri_attr)?
        // or transform the some String
            .map(|st| {
                let cow = Cow::Owned(st);
                let x = expand_curie_maybe(r, cow);
                // Into an iri
                    // or a curie

fn decode_tag<A: ForIRI, R: BufRead>(
    tag: &[u8],
    r: &mut Read<A, R>,
) -> Result<String, HornedError> {

fn error_missing_end_tag<A: ForIRI, R: BufRead>(
    tag: &[u8],
    r: &mut Read<A, R>,
    pos: usize,
) -> HornedError {
    match decode_tag(tag, r) {
        Ok(tag) => invalid! {"Missing End Tag: expected {tag} after {pos}"},
        Err(e) => e,

fn error_missing_attribute<A: ForIRI, AT: Into<String>, R: BufRead>(
    attribute: AT,
    r: &mut Read<A, R>,
) -> HornedError {
    let attribute = attribute.into();
    let pos = r.reader.buffer_position();
    invalid! {
        "Missing Attribute: expected {attribute} at {pos}"

fn error_unexpected_tag<A: ForIRI, R: BufRead>(tag: &[u8], r: &mut Read<A, R>) -> HornedError {
    match decode_tag(tag, r) {
        Ok(tag) => invalid! {
            "Unexpected tag: found {tag} at {}", r.reader.buffer_position()
        Err(e) => e,

fn error_unexpected_end_tag<A: ForIRI, R: BufRead>(tag: &[u8], r: &mut Read<A, R>) -> HornedError {
    match decode_tag(tag, r) {
        Ok(tag) => invalid! {
            "Unexpected end tag: expected {tag} at {}", r.reader.buffer_position()
        Err(e) => e,

fn error_unknown_entity<A: ForIRI, AA: Into<String>, R: BufRead>(
    kind: AA,
    found: &[u8],
    r: &mut Read<A, R>,
) -> HornedError {
    match decode_tag(found, r) {
        Ok(found) => invalid! {
            "Unknown Entity: expected kind of {}, found {found} at {}",
        Err(e) => e,

fn error_missing_element<A: ForIRI, R: BufRead>(tag: &[u8], r: &mut Read<A, R>) -> HornedError {
    match decode_tag(tag, r) {
        Ok(tag) => invalid! {
            "Missing Element: expected {tag} at {}",
        Err(e) => e,

fn is_owl(res: &ResolveResult) -> bool {
    if let Bound(ns) = res {
        ns.as_ref() == OWL.iri_b()
    } else {

fn is_owl_name(res: &ResolveResult, e: &BytesEnd, tag: &[u8]) -> bool {
    is_owl(res) && e.local_name().as_ref() == tag

trait FromStart<A: ForIRI>: Sized {
    fn from_start<R: BufRead>(r: &mut Read<A, R>, e: &BytesStart) -> Result<Self, HornedError>;

macro_rules! from_start {
    ($type:ident, $r:ident, $e:ident, $body:tt) => {
        impl<A: ForIRI> FromStart<A> for $type<A> {
            fn from_start<R: BufRead>(
                $r: &mut Read<A, R>,
                $e: &BytesStart,
            ) -> Result<$type<A>, HornedError> {

/// Potentially unbalanced
fn named_entity_from_start<A, R, T>(
    r: &mut Read<A, R>,
    e: &BytesStart,
    tag: &[u8],
) -> Result<T, HornedError>
    A: ForIRI,
    R: BufRead,
    T: From<IRI<A>>,
    if let Some(iri) = get_iri_value(r, e)? {
        if e.local_name().as_ref() == tag {
            return Ok(T::from(iri));
        } else {
            return Err(error_unknown_entity(

    Err(error_missing_element(b"IRI", r))

fn from_start<A: ForIRI, R: BufRead, T: FromStart<A>>(
    r: &mut Read<A, R>,
    e: &BytesStart,
) -> Result<T, HornedError> {
    T::from_start(r, e)

from_start! {
    Literal, r, e,
        let datatype_iri = get_iri_value_for(r, e, b"datatypeIRI")?;
        let lang = get_attr_value_str(&mut r.reader, e, b"xml:lang")?;

        // quick-xml only offers `r.reader.read_text()` for NsReader<'i &u8> as 
        // of version 0.26.0.
        // So, we need to work around it.
        // # Assumptions
        // The first closing `Literal` tag that is encountered is the one that
        // matches the opening tag we are considering.
        let mut literal = String::new();
        let mut buf = Vec::new();
        loop {
            if let Event::End(event) = r.reader.read_event_into(&mut buf)? {
                if let b"Literal" = event.local_name().as_ref() { break; }
            // This decoding step is not sufficient on its own.
            // For instance, "A --> B" would yield "A --&gt; B".
            let escaped_str = r.reader.decoder().decode(&buf)?;
            // Hence this next step.
            let unescaped_str = unescape(&escaped_str)
                .map_err(|e| HornedError::ParserError(Box::new(e), Location::BytePosition(r.reader.buffer_position())))?;
            // Finally, we add the unescaped string to the literal we are building.
            match (datatype_iri, lang, literal) {
                (None, None, literal) =>
                (Some(ref datatype_iri), None, literal)
                    if **datatype_iri == *"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string" =>
                (None, Some(lang), literal) =>
                    Literal::Language{literal, lang},
                (Some(ref datatype_iri), Some(ref lang), ref literal)
                    if **datatype_iri == *"http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#PlainLiteral"
                    => Literal::Language{literal:literal.to_string(), lang:lang.to_string()},
                (Some(_), Some(_), _)
                    => return Err(invalid!("Broken literal at {}", r.reader.buffer_position())),
                (Some(datatype_iri), None, literal)
                    => Literal::Datatype{literal, datatype_iri},

from_start! {
    AnnotationValue, r, e, {
            match e.local_name().as_ref() {
                b"Literal" => {
                    Literal::from_start(r, e)?
                b"AbbreviatedIRI"|b"IRI" => {
                    IRI::from_xml(r, e.local_name().as_ref())?
                _ => {
                    return Err
                        (error_unexpected_tag(e.local_name().as_ref(), r));

from_start! {
    AnnotationProperty, r, e,
        named_entity_from_start(r, e, b"AnnotationProperty")

fn axiom_from_start<A: ForIRI, R: BufRead>(
    r: &mut Read<A, R>,
    e: &BytesStart,
    axiom_kind: &[u8],
) -> Result<Axiom<A>, HornedError> {
    Ok(match axiom_kind {
        b"Annotation" => OntologyAnnotation(Annotation {
            ap: from_start(r, e)?,
            av: from_next(r)?,
        b"Declaration" => {
            let ne: NamedEntity<_> = from_start(r, e)?;
        b"SubClassOf" => SubClassOf {
            sub: from_start(r, e)?,
            sup: from_next(r)?,
        b"EquivalentClasses" => {
            EquivalentClasses(from_start_to_end(r, e, b"EquivalentClasses")?).into()
        b"DisjointClasses" => DisjointClasses(from_start_to_end(r, e, b"DisjointClasses")?).into(),
        b"DisjointUnion" => DisjointUnion(from_start(r, e)?, till_end(r, b"DisjointUnion")?).into(),
        b"SubObjectPropertyOf" => SubObjectPropertyOf {
            sub: from_start(r, e)?,
            sup: from_next(r)?,
        b"EquivalentObjectProperties" => {
            EquivalentObjectProperties(from_start_to_end(r, e, b"EquivalentObjectProperties")?)
        b"DisjointObjectProperties" => {
            DisjointObjectProperties(from_start_to_end(r, e, b"DisjointObjectProperties")?).into()
        b"InverseObjectProperties" => {
            InverseObjectProperties(from_start(r, e)?, from_next(r)?).into()
        b"ObjectPropertyDomain" => ObjectPropertyDomain {
            ope: from_start(r, e)?,
            ce: from_next(r)?,
        b"ObjectPropertyRange" => ObjectPropertyRange {
            ope: from_start(r, e)?,
            ce: from_next(r)?,
        b"FunctionalObjectProperty" => FunctionalObjectProperty(from_start(r, e)?).into(),
        b"InverseFunctionalObjectProperty" => {
            InverseFunctionalObjectProperty(from_start(r, e)?).into()
        b"ReflexiveObjectProperty" => ReflexiveObjectProperty(from_start(r, e)?).into(),
        b"IrreflexiveObjectProperty" => IrreflexiveObjectProperty(from_start(r, e)?).into(),
        b"SymmetricObjectProperty" => SymmetricObjectProperty(from_start(r, e)?).into(),
        b"AsymmetricObjectProperty" => AsymmetricObjectProperty(from_start(r, e)?).into(),
        b"TransitiveObjectProperty" => TransitiveObjectProperty(from_start(r, e)?).into(),
        b"SubDataPropertyOf" => SubDataPropertyOf {
            sub: from_start(r, e)?,
            sup: from_next(r)?,
        b"EquivalentDataProperties" => {
            EquivalentDataProperties(from_start_to_end(r, e, b"EquivalentDataProperties")?).into()
        b"DisjointDataProperties" => {
            DisjointDataProperties(from_start_to_end(r, e, b"DisjointDataProperties")?).into()
        b"DataPropertyDomain" => DataPropertyDomain {
            dp: from_start(r, e)?,
            ce: from_next(r)?,
        b"DataPropertyRange" => DataPropertyRange {
            dp: from_start(r, e)?,
            dr: from_next(r)?,
        b"FunctionalDataProperty" => FunctionalDataProperty(from_start(r, e)?).into(),
        b"DatatypeDefinition" => DatatypeDefinition {
            kind: from_start(r, e)?,
            range: from_next(r)?,
        b"HasKey" => HasKey {
            ce: from_start(r, e)?,
            vpe: till_end(r, b"HasKey")?,
        b"SameIndividual" => SameIndividual(from_start_to_end(r, e, b"SameIndividual")?).into(),
        b"DifferentIndividuals" => {
            DifferentIndividuals(from_start_to_end(r, e, b"DifferentIndividuals")?).into()
        b"ClassAssertion" => ClassAssertion {
            ce: from_start(r, e)?,
            i: from_next(r)?,
        b"ObjectPropertyAssertion" => ObjectPropertyAssertion {
            ope: from_start(r, e)?,
            from: from_next(r)?,
            to: from_next(r)?,
        b"NegativeObjectPropertyAssertion" => NegativeObjectPropertyAssertion {
            ope: from_start(r, e)?,
            from: from_next(r)?,
            to: from_next(r)?,
        b"DataPropertyAssertion" => DataPropertyAssertion {
            dp: from_start(r, e)?,
            from: from_next(r)?,
            to: from_next(r)?,
        b"NegativeDataPropertyAssertion" => NegativeDataPropertyAssertion {
            dp: from_start(r, e)?,
            from: from_next(r)?,
            to: from_next(r)?,
        b"AnnotationAssertion" => {
            let ap = from_start(r, e)?;
            let subject = from_next(r)?;
            let av = from_next(r)?;

            AnnotationAssertion {
                ann: Annotation { ap, av },
        b"SubAnnotationPropertyOf" => SubAnnotationPropertyOf {
            sub: from_start(r, e)?,
            sup: from_next(r)?,
        b"AnnotationPropertyDomain" => AnnotationPropertyDomain {
            ap: from_start(r, e)?,
            iri: from_next(r)?,
        b"AnnotationPropertyRange" => AnnotationPropertyRange {
            ap: from_start(r, e)?,
            iri: from_next(r)?,
        _ => {
            return Err(error_unexpected_tag(axiom_kind, r));

fn from_start_to_end<A: ForIRI, R: BufRead, T: FromStart<A> + std::fmt::Debug>(
    r: &mut Read<A, R>,
    e: &BytesStart,
    end_tag: &[u8],
) -> Result<Vec<T>, HornedError> {
    let v = vec![from_start(r, e)?];
    till_end_with(r, end_tag, v)

// Keep reading entities, till end_tag is reached
fn till_end<A: ForIRI, R: BufRead, T: FromStart<A> + std::fmt::Debug>(
    r: &mut Read<A, R>,
    end_tag: &[u8],
) -> Result<Vec<T>, HornedError> {
    let operands: Vec<T> = Vec::new();
    till_end_with(r, end_tag, operands)

// Keep reading entities, till end_tag is reached
fn till_end_with<A: ForIRI, R: BufRead, T: FromStart<A> + std::fmt::Debug>(
    r: &mut Read<A, R>,
    end_tag: &[u8],
    mut operands: Vec<T>,
) -> Result<Vec<T>, HornedError> {
    let mut buf = Vec::new();
    loop {
        let e = r.reader.read_resolved_event_into(&mut buf)?;
        match e {
            (ref ns, Event::Empty(ref e)) if is_owl(ns) => {
                let op = from_start(r, e)?;
            (ref ns, Event::Start(ref e)) if is_owl(ns) => {
                let op = from_start(r, e)?;
            (ref ns, Event::End(ref e)) if is_owl_name(ns, e, end_tag) => {
                return Ok(operands);
            _ => {}

fn object_cardinality_restriction<A: ForIRI, R: BufRead>(
    r: &mut Read<A, R>,
    e: &BytesStart,
    end_tag: &[u8],
) -> Result<(u32, ObjectPropertyExpression<A>, Box<ClassExpression<A>>), HornedError> {
    let n = get_attr_value_str(&mut r.reader, e, b"cardinality")?;
    let n = n.ok_or_else(|| error_missing_attribute("cardinality", r))?;

    let ope = from_next(r)?;
    let mut vce: Vec<ClassExpression<_>> = till_end(r, end_tag)?;

            .map_err(|_s| HornedError::invalid("Failed to parse int"))?,
        Box::new(match vce.len() {
            0 => r.build.class(OWL::Thing.iri_str()).into(),
            1 => vce.remove(0),
            _ => return Err(error_unexpected_tag(end_tag, r)),

fn data_cardinality_restriction<A: ForIRI, R: BufRead>(
    r: &mut Read<A, R>,
    e: &BytesStart,
    end_tag: &[u8],
) -> Result<(u32, DataProperty<A>, DataRange<A>), HornedError> {
    let n = get_attr_value_str(&mut r.reader, e, b"cardinality")?;
    let n = n.ok_or_else(|| (error_missing_attribute("cardinality", r)))?;

    let dp = from_next(r)?;
    let mut vdr: Vec<DataRange<_>> = till_end(r, end_tag)?;

            .map_err(|_s| HornedError::invalid("Failed to parse int"))?,
        match vdr.len() {
            0 => r.build.datatype(OWL2Datatype::RDFSLiteral.iri_str()).into(),
            1 => vdr.remove(0),
            _ => return Err(error_unexpected_tag(end_tag, r)),

from_start! {
    PropertyExpression, r, e,
            match e.local_name().as_ref() {
                b"ObjectProperty" |
                b"ObjectInverseOf" => {
                        (from_start(r, e)?)
                b"DataProperty" => {
                        from_start(r, e)?
                _ => {
                    return Err(error_unknown_entity("PropertyExpression",
                                                    e.local_name().as_ref(), r))

from_start! {
    ClassExpression, r, e, {
            match e.local_name().as_ref() {
                b"Class" => {
                    Class::from_start(r, e)?.into()
                b"ObjectSomeValuesFrom" => {
                    let ope = from_next(r)?;
                    let bce = Box::new(from_next(r)?);
                b"ObjectAllValuesFrom" => {
                    let ope = from_next(r)?;
                    let bce = Box::new(from_next(r)?);
                b"ObjectIntersectionOf" => {
                    let o = till_end(r, b"ObjectIntersectionOf")?;
                b"ObjectUnionOf" => {
                    let o = till_end(r, b"ObjectUnionOf")?;
                b"ObjectComplementOf" => {
                b"ObjectHasValue" => {
                b"ObjectOneOf" => {
                    ClassExpression::ObjectOneOf(till_end(r, b"ObjectOneOf")?)
                b"ObjectHasSelf" => {
                b"ObjectMinCardinality" => {
                    let (n, ope, bce) = object_cardinality_restriction
                        (r, e, b"ObjectMinCardinality")?;
                    ClassExpression::ObjectMinCardinality{n, ope, bce}
                b"ObjectMaxCardinality" => {
                    let (n, ope, bce) = object_cardinality_restriction
                        (r, e, b"ObjectMaxCardinality")?;
                    ClassExpression::ObjectMaxCardinality{n, ope, bce}
                b"ObjectExactCardinality" => {
                    let (n, ope, bce) = object_cardinality_restriction
                        (r, e, b"ObjectExactCardinality")?;
                    ClassExpression::ObjectExactCardinality{n, ope, bce}
                b"DataSomeValuesFrom" => {
                b"DataAllValuesFrom" => {
                b"DataHasValue" => {
                    ClassExpression::DataHasValue {
                b"DataMinCardinality" => {
                    let (n, dp, dr) = data_cardinality_restriction
                        (r, e, b"DataMinCardinality")?;
                    ClassExpression::DataMinCardinality{n, dp, dr}
                b"DataMaxCardinality" => {
                    let (n, dp, dr) = data_cardinality_restriction
                        (r, e, b"DataMaxCardinality")?;
                    ClassExpression::DataMaxCardinality{n, dp, dr}
                b"DataExactCardinality" => {
                    let (n, dp, dr) = data_cardinality_restriction
                        (r, e, b"DataExactCardinality")?;
                    ClassExpression::DataExactCardinality{n, dp, dr}
                _ => {
                    return Err(error_unexpected_tag(e.local_name().as_ref(), r));

from_start! {
    AnnotatedAxiom, r, e,
        let mut annotation: BTreeSet<Annotation<_>> = BTreeSet::new();
        let axiom_kind = e.local_name();
        let mut buf = Vec::new();

        loop {
            let e = r.reader.read_resolved_event_into(&mut buf)?;
            match e {
                (ref ns, Event::Start(ref e))
                (ref ns, Event::Empty(ref e))
                    if is_owl(ns) =>
                    match e.local_name().as_ref() {
                        b"Annotation" => {
                                (Annotation::from_xml(r, b"Annotation")?);
                        _ => {
                            return Ok(AnnotatedAxiom{
                (ref ns, Event::End(ref e))
                    if is_owl_name(ns, e, axiom_kind.as_ref()) =>
                    return Err(error_unexpected_end_tag(axiom_kind.as_ref(), r));

from_start! {
    Class, r, e,
        named_entity_from_start(r, e, b"Class")

from_start! {
    ObjectProperty, r, e,
        named_entity_from_start(r, e, b"ObjectProperty")

from_start! {
    DataProperty, r, e,
        named_entity_from_start(r, e, b"DataProperty")

from_start! {
    Individual,r, e,
        match e.local_name().as_ref() {
            b"AnonymousIndividual" =>{
                eprintln!("About to read anonymous");
                let ai:AnonymousIndividual<_> = from_start(r, e)?;
                eprintln!("Read anonymous");
            b"NamedIndividual" =>{
                let ni:NamedIndividual<_> = from_start(r, e)?;
            b"IRI" | b"AbbreviatedIRI" => {
                let iri:IRI<_> = from_start(r, e)?;
                let ni:NamedIndividual<_> = iri.into();
            l => {

from_start! {
    AnnotationSubject, r, e,
        match e.local_name().as_ref() {
            b"AnonymousIndividual" =>{
                let ai:AnonymousIndividual<_> = from_start(r, e)?;
            b"IRI" | b"AbbreviatedIRI" => {
                let iri:IRI<_> = from_start(r, e)?;
            l => {


impl<A: ForIRI> FromStart<A> for AnonymousIndividual<A> {
    fn from_start<R: BufRead>(
        r: &mut Read<A, R>,
        e: &BytesStart,
    ) -> Result<AnonymousIndividual<A>, HornedError> {
        let ai: AnonymousIndividual<_> = r.build.anon(
            get_attr_value_str(&mut r.reader, e, b"nodeID")?
                .ok_or_else(|| error_missing_attribute("nodeID Expected", r))?,

from_start! {
    NamedIndividual, r, e,
        named_entity_from_start(r, e, b"NamedIndividual")

from_start! {
    Datatype, r, e,
        named_entity_from_start(r, e, b"Datatype")

from_start! {
    ObjectPropertyExpression, r, e,
            match e.local_name().as_ref() {
                b"ObjectProperty" => {
                        (from_start(r, e)?)
                b"ObjectInverseOf" => {
                _ => {
                    return Err(error_unknown_entity
                                ("Object Property Expression",
                                 e.local_name().as_ref(), r));

from_start! {
    SubObjectPropertyExpression, r, e,
            match e.local_name().as_ref() {
                b"ObjectPropertyChain" => {
                    let o = till_end(r, b"ObjectPropertyChain")?;

                b"ObjectProperty" => {
                    ObjectPropertyExpression(from_start(r, e)?)
                _ => {
                    return Err(error_unknown_entity("Sub Object Property",

from_start! {
    FacetRestriction, r, e,
        let f = get_attr_value_bytes(e, b"facet")?;
        let f = f.ok_or_else(
            || error_missing_attribute("facet", r)

            FacetRestriction {
                f: Facet::var_b(&f)
                        || error_unknown_entity("facet", &f, r))?,
                l: from_next(r)?

from_start! {
    DataRange, r, e,
            match e.local_name().as_ref() {
                b"Datatype" => {
                        from_start(r, e)?
                b"DataIntersectionOf" => {
                        till_end(r, b"DataIntersectionOf")?
                b"DataComplementOf" => {
                b"DataOneOf" => {
                        till_end(r, b"DataOneOf")?
                b"DatatypeRestriction" => {
                    DataRange::DatatypeRestriction (
                        till_end(r, b"DatatypeRestriction")?
                _=> {
                    return Err(error_unknown_entity("DataRange",
                                                    e.local_name().as_ref(),r ));

from_start! {
    NamedEntity, r, e,
            match e.local_name().as_ref() {
                b"Class" => {
                    Class::from_start(r, e)?.into()
                b"ObjectProperty" => {
                    ObjectProperty::from_start(r, e)?.into()
                b"AnnotationProperty" => {
                    AnnotationProperty::from_start(r, e)?.into()
                b"DataProperty" => {
                    DataProperty::from_start(r, e)?.into()
                b"NamedIndividual" => {
                    NamedIndividual::from_start(r, e)?.into()
                b"Datatype" => {
                    Datatype::from_start(r, e)?.into()
                _=> {
                    return Err(error_unknown_entity("NamedEntity",
                                                    e.local_name().as_ref(),r ));

trait FromXML<A: ForIRI>: Sized {
    fn from_xml<R: BufRead>(newread: &mut Read<A, R>, end_tag: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, HornedError> {
        let s = Self::from_xml_nc(newread, end_tag);
        // newread.buf.clear();

    fn from_xml_nc<R: BufRead>(
        newread: &mut Read<A, R>,
        end_tag: &[u8],
    ) -> Result<Self, HornedError>;

macro_rules! from_xml {
    ($type:ident, $r:ident, $end:ident, $body:tt) => {
        impl<A: ForIRI> FromXML<A> for $type<A> {
            fn from_xml_nc<R: BufRead>(
                $r: &mut Read<A, R>,
                $end: &[u8],
            ) -> Result<$type<A>, HornedError> {

from_xml! {
    Annotation, r, end,

        let mut ap:Option<AnnotationProperty<_>> = None;
        let mut av:Option<AnnotationValue<_>> = None;
        let mut buf = Vec::new();

        loop {
            let e = r.reader.read_resolved_event_into(&mut buf)?;
            match e {
                (ref ns, Event::Start(ref e))
                (ref ns, Event::Empty(ref e))
                    if is_owl(ns) =>
                    match e.local_name().as_ref() {
                        b"AnnotationProperty" =>
                            ap = Some(from_start(r, e)?),
                        _ =>
                            av = Some(from_start(r, e)?),
                (ref ns, Event::End(ref e))
                    if is_owl_name(ns, e, end) =>
                    if ap.is_none() || av.is_none() {
                        return Err(error_unexpected_end_tag(end, r));
                    return Ok(Annotation{
                _ =>{}


fn from_next<A: ForIRI, R: BufRead, T: FromStart<A>>(r: &mut Read<A, R>) -> Result<T, HornedError> {
    let mut buf = Vec::new();
    loop {
        let e = r.reader.read_resolved_event_into(&mut buf)?;
        match e {
            (ref ns, Event::Empty(ref e)) | (ref ns, Event::Start(ref e)) if is_owl(ns) => {
                return from_start(r, e);
            _ => {}

fn discard_till<A: ForIRI, R: BufRead>(r: &mut Read<A, R>, end: &[u8]) -> Result<(), HornedError> {
    let pos = r.reader.buffer_position();
    let mut buf = Vec::new();
    loop {
        let e = r.reader.read_resolved_event_into(&mut buf)?;

        match e {
            (ref ns, Event::End(ref e)) if is_owl_name(ns, e, end) => {
                return Ok(());
            (_, Event::Eof) => {
                return Err(error_missing_end_tag(end, r, pos));
            _ => {}

from_xml! {
    NamedEntity,r, end,
        let ne = from_next(r);
        discard_till(r, end)?;

from_start! {
    IRI, r, e,
        Self::from_xml(r, e.local_name().as_ref())

from_xml! {IRI, r, end,
            let mut iri: Option<IRI<_>> = None;
            let mut buf = Vec::new();
            loop {
                let e = r.reader.read_resolved_event_into(&mut buf)?;
                match e {
                    (ref _ns,Event::Text(ref e)) => {
                        iri = Some(r.build.iri
                                   (decode_expand_curie_maybe(r, e)?));
                    (ref ns, Event::End(ref e))
                        if is_owl_name(ns, e, end) =>
                        return iri.ok_or_else(
                            || error_unexpected_end_tag(end, r)                        );

pub mod test {
    use super::*;
    use crate::ontology::axiom_mapped::AxiomMappedOntology;
    use std::collections::HashMap;

    pub fn read_ok<R: BufRead>(
        bufread: &mut R,
    ) -> (AxiomMappedOntology<RcStr, RcAnnotatedAxiom>, PrefixMapping) {
        let r = read(bufread, ParserConfiguration::default());
        assert!(r.is_ok(), "Expected ontology, got failure:{:?}", r.err());
        let (o, m) = r.ok().unwrap();
        (o.into(), m)

    fn test_simple_ontology_prefix() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/ont.owx");
        let (_, mapping) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        let hash_map: HashMap<&String, &String> = mapping.mappings().collect();
        assert_eq!(6, hash_map.len());

    fn test_simple_ontology() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/ont.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

    fn test_simple_ontology_rendered_by_horned() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/one-ont-from-horned.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());


    fn test_class() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/class.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        assert_eq!(ont.i().declare_class().count(), 1);

    fn test_class_with_annotation() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/declaration-with-annotation.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        assert_eq!(ont.i().declare_class().count(), 1);

        let aa = ont

        assert_eq!(aa.ann.len(), 1);

        let ann = aa.ann.iter().next().unwrap();

    fn class_with_two_annotation() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/class_with_two_annotations.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        assert_eq!(ont.i().declare_class().count(), 1);

        assert_eq!(ont.i().annotation_assertion().count(), 2);

        let aa = ont.i().annotation_assertion().next().unwrap();
        assert_eq!(*(aa.subject), *"http://www.example.com/iri#C");


    fn test_one_class_fqn() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/one-class-fully-qualified.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        assert_eq!(ont.i().declare_class().count(), 1);

    fn test_ten_class() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/o10.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        assert_eq!(ont.i().declare_class().count(), 10);

    fn test_oproperty() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/oproperty.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        assert_eq!(ont.i().declare_object_property().count(), 1);

    fn test_subclass() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/subclass.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        assert_eq!(ont.i().sub_class_of().count(), 1);

    fn annotated_subclass() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/annotation-on-subclass.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        let annotated_axiom = ont
        assert_eq!(annotated_axiom.ann.len(), 1);

    fn test_some() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/some.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        assert_eq!(ont.i().sub_class_of().count(), 1);
        assert_eq!(ont.i().declare_object_property().count(), 1);

    fn test_some_not() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/some-not.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        assert_eq!(ont.i().sub_class_of().count(), 1);
        let sc: &SubClassOf<_> = ont.i().sub_class_of().next().unwrap();
        match &sc.sup {
            ClassExpression::ObjectSomeValuesFrom { ope: _, bce } => {
                matches!(**bce, ClassExpression::ObjectComplementOf(_));
            _ => panic!(),

        assert_eq!(ont.i().declare_object_property().count(), 1);

    fn test_only() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/only.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        assert_eq!(ont.i().sub_class_of().count(), 1);
        assert_eq!(ont.i().declare_class().count(), 2);
        assert_eq!(ont.i().declare_object_property().count(), 1);

    fn test_and() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/and.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        assert_eq!(ont.i().sub_class_of().count(), 1);

        let sc = ont.i().sub_class_of().next().unwrap();
        assert!(matches!(&sc.sup, ClassExpression::ObjectIntersectionOf(_)));

    fn test_or() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/or.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        assert_eq!(ont.i().sub_class_of().count(), 1);

        let sc = ont.i().sub_class_of().next().unwrap();
        assert!(matches!(&sc.sup, ClassExpression::ObjectUnionOf(_)));

    fn test_not() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/not.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        assert_eq!(ont.i().sub_class_of().count(), 1);

    fn test_annotation_property() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/annotation-property.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());
        assert_eq!(ont.i().declare_annotation_property().count(), 1);

    fn test_annotation() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/annotation.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());
        assert_eq!(ont.i().declare_annotation_property().count(), 1);
        assert_eq!(ont.i().annotation_assertion().count(), 1);

    fn test_one_label_non_abbreviated() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/manual/one-label-non-abbreviated-iri.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        assert_eq!(ont.i().annotation_assertion().count(), 1);

    fn test_label() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/label.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        assert_eq!(ont.i().annotation_assertion().count(), 1);

    fn test_one_ontology_annotation() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/one-ontology-annotation.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        assert_eq!(ont.i().ontology_annotation().count(), 1);

    fn test_equivalent_class() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/equivalent-class.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        assert_eq!(ont.i().equivalent_class().count(), 1);

    fn test_disjoint_class() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/disjoint-class.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        assert_eq!(ont.i().disjoint_class().count(), 1);

    fn test_disjoint_union() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/disjoint-union.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        assert_eq!(ont.i().disjoint_union().count(), 1);

    fn test_sub_oproperty() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/suboproperty.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        assert_eq!(ont.i().sub_object_property_of().count(), 1);

    fn test_sub_oproperty_inverse() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/suboproperty-inverse.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        assert_eq!(ont.i().sub_object_property_of().count(), 1);

    fn test_one_inverse_property() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/inverse-properties.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        assert_eq!(ont.i().inverse_object_properties().count(), 1);

    fn test_one_transitive_property() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/transitive-properties.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        assert_eq!(ont.i().transitive_object_property().count(), 1);

    fn test_inverse_transitive() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/inverse-transitive.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        assert_eq!(ont.i().transitive_object_property().count(), 1);

    fn test_subproperty_chain() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/subproperty-chain.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        assert_eq!(ont.i().sub_object_property_of().count(), 1);

    fn test_subproperty_chain_with_inverse() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/subproperty-chain-with-inverse.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        assert_eq!(ont.i().sub_object_property_of().count(), 1);

    fn test_annotation_on_annotation() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/annotation-with-annotation.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        let mut ann_i = ont.i().axiom_for_kind(AxiomKind::AnnotationAssertion);
        let ann: &AnnotatedAxiom<_> = ann_i.next().unwrap();
        assert_eq!(ann.ann.len(), 1);

    fn annotated_transitive() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/annotation-on-transitive.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        let annotated_axiom = ont
        assert_eq!(annotated_axiom.ann.len(), 1);

    fn two_annotated_transitive() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/two-annotation-on-transitive.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        let annotated_axiom = ont

        assert_eq!(annotated_axiom.ann.len(), 2);
    fn test_sub_annotation() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/sub-annotation.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        assert_eq!(ont.i().sub_annotation_property_of().count(), 1);

    fn test_annotation_domain() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/annotation-domain.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        assert_eq!(ont.i().annotation_property_domain().count(), 1);

    fn test_annotation_range() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/annotation-range.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        assert_eq!(ont.i().annotation_property_range().count(), 1);

    fn test_data_property() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/data-property.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        assert_eq!(ont.i().declare_data_property().count(), 1);

    fn test_literal_escaped() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/literal-escaped.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        let aa = ont.i().annotation_assertion().next().unwrap();
        match &aa.ann.av {
            AnnotationValue::Literal(l) => assert_eq!(l.literal(), &String::from("A --> B")),
            _ => panic!("expected literal annotation value"),

    fn test_named_individual() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/named-individual.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        assert_eq!(ont.i().declare_named_individual().count(), 1);

    fn test_import() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/import.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        assert_eq!(ont.i().import().count(), 1);

    fn test_datatype() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/datatype.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        assert_eq!(ont.i().declare_datatype().count(), 1);

    fn test_has_value() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/object-has-value.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        let ss = ont.i().sub_class_of().next().unwrap();
        if let ClassExpression::ObjectHasValue { ope: _, i: _ } = ss.sup {

    fn test_one_of() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/object-one-of.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        let ss = ont.i().sub_class_of().next().unwrap();
        if let ClassExpression::ObjectOneOf(ref o) = ss.sub {
            assert_eq!(o.len(), 2);

    fn test_has_self() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/object-has-self.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        let ss = ont.i().sub_class_of().next().unwrap();
        match ss.sup {
            ClassExpression::ObjectHasSelf(ObjectPropertyExpression::ObjectProperty(ref op)) => {
                assert_eq!(String::from(op), "http://example.com/iri#o")
            _ => {
                panic!("Expecting ObjectProperty");

    fn test_inverse() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/some-inverse.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        assert_eq!(ont.i().sub_class_of().count(), 1);
        assert_eq!(ont.i().declare_object_property().count(), 1);

        let sc = ont.i().sub_class_of().next().unwrap();
        let some = &sc.sup;

            match some {
                ClassExpression::ObjectSomeValuesFrom {
                    ope: ObjectPropertyExpression::InverseObjectProperty(op),
                    bce: _,
                } => String::from(op),
                _ => "It didn't match".to_string(),

    fn test_min_cardinality() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/object-min-cardinality.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        assert_eq!(ont.i().sub_class_of().count(), 1);
        assert_eq!(ont.i().declare_object_property().count(), 1);

        let sc = ont.i().sub_class_of().next().unwrap();
        let some = &sc.sup;

        let (n, o, c) = match some {
            ClassExpression::ObjectMinCardinality {
                ope: ObjectPropertyExpression::ObjectProperty(o),
            } => match **bce {
                ClassExpression::Class(ref c) => (n, String::from(o), String::from(c)),
                _ => {
                    panic!("1:Unexpected Class");
            _ => {
                panic!("2:Unexpected Class");

        assert!(n == &1);
        assert_eq!(o, "http://www.example.com/iri#r");
        assert_eq!(c, "http://www.example.com/iri#D")

    fn test_unqualified_cardinality() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/object-unqualified-max-cardinality.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        assert_eq!(ont.i().sub_class_of().count(), 1);

    fn test_max_cardinality() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/object-max-cardinality.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        assert_eq!(ont.i().sub_class_of().count(), 1);
        assert_eq!(ont.i().declare_object_property().count(), 1);

        let sc = ont.i().sub_class_of().next().unwrap();
        let some = &sc.sup;

        let (n, o, c) = match some {
            ClassExpression::ObjectMaxCardinality {
                ope: ObjectPropertyExpression::ObjectProperty(o),
            } => match **bce {
                ClassExpression::Class(ref c) => (n, String::from(o), String::from(c)),
                _ => {
                    panic!("1:Unexpected Class");
            _ => {
                panic!("2:Unexpected Class");

        assert!(n == &1);
        assert_eq!(o, "http://www.example.com/iri#r");
        assert_eq!(c, "http://www.example.com/iri#D")

    fn test_exact_cardinality() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/object-exact-cardinality.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        assert_eq!(ont.i().sub_class_of().count(), 1);
        assert_eq!(ont.i().declare_object_property().count(), 1);

        let sc = ont.i().sub_class_of().next().unwrap();
        let some = &sc.sup;

        let (n, o, c) = match some {
            ClassExpression::ObjectExactCardinality {
                ope: ObjectPropertyExpression::ObjectProperty(o),
            } => match **bce {
                ClassExpression::Class(ref c) => (n, String::from(o), String::from(c)),
                _ => {
                    panic!("1:Unexpected Class");
            _ => {
                panic!("2:Unexpected Class");

        assert!(n == &1);
        assert_eq!(o, "http://www.example.com/iri#r");
        assert_eq!(c, "http://www.example.com/iri#D")

    fn datatype_alias() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/datatype-alias.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        assert_eq!(ont.i().datatype_definition().count(), 1);
        let dd = ont.i().datatype_definition().next().unwrap();

        match dd {
            DatatypeDefinition { kind, range } => {
                assert_eq!(String::from(kind), "http://www.example.com/D");

                match range {
                    DataRange::Datatype(real) => {
                        assert_eq!(String::from(real), "http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#real");
                    _ => {
                        panic!("Unexpected type from test");

    fn datatype_intersection() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/datatype-intersection.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        assert_eq!(ont.i().datatype_definition().count(), 1);

    fn datatype_union() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/datatype-union.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        assert_eq!(ont.i().datatype_definition().count(), 1);

    fn datatype_complement() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/datatype-complement.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        assert_eq!(ont.i().datatype_definition().count(), 1);

    fn datatype_oneof() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/datatype-oneof.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        assert_eq!(ont.i().datatype_definition().count(), 1);

    fn data_some() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/data-some.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        assert_eq!(ont.i().sub_class_of().count(), 1);

    fn facet_restriction() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/facet-restriction.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        assert_eq!(ont.i().sub_class_of().count(), 1);

    fn data_only() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/data-only.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        let cl = &ont.i().sub_class_of().next().unwrap().sup;
        assert_eq!(ont.i().sub_class_of().count(), 1);
        if let ClassExpression::DataAllValuesFrom {
            dp: ref _dp,
            dr: ref _dr,
        } = cl
        } else {
            panic!("Expecting DataAllValuesFrom");

    fn data_exact_cardinality() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/data-exact-cardinality.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        let cl = &ont.i().sub_class_of().next().unwrap().sup;
        assert_eq!(ont.i().sub_class_of().count(), 1);
        if let ClassExpression::DataExactCardinality {
            n: ref _n,
            dp: ref _dp,
            dr: ref _dr,
        } = cl
        } else {
            panic!("Expecting DataExactCardinality");

    fn data_unqualified_cardinality() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/data-unqualified-exact.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());
        let cl = &ont.i().sub_class_of().next().unwrap().sup;
        assert_eq!(ont.i().sub_class_of().count(), 1);
        if let ClassExpression::DataExactCardinality {
            n: ref _n,
            dp: ref _dp,
            ref dr,
        } = cl
            assert!(match dr {
                DataRange::Datatype(dt) => dt.is_s(&OWL2Datatype::RDFSLiteral.iri_s()[..]),
                _ => false,
        } else {
            panic!("Expecting DataExactCardinality");

    fn data_min_cardinality() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/data-min-cardinality.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        let cl = &ont.i().sub_class_of().next().unwrap().sup;
        assert_eq!(ont.i().sub_class_of().count(), 1);
        if let ClassExpression::DataMinCardinality {
            n: ref _n,
            dp: ref _dp,
            dr: ref _dr,
        } = cl
        } else {
            panic!("Expecting DataMinCardinality");

    fn data_max_cardinality() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/data-max-cardinality.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        let cl = &ont.i().sub_class_of().next().unwrap().sup;
        assert_eq!(ont.i().sub_class_of().count(), 1);
        if let ClassExpression::DataMaxCardinality {
            n: ref _n,
            dp: ref _dp,
            dr: ref _dr,
        } = cl
        } else {
            panic!("Expecting DataMaxCardinality");

    fn data_has_value() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/data-has-value.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        assert_eq!(1, ont.i().sub_class_of().count());

    fn class_assertion() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/class-assertion.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        assert_eq!(1, ont.i().class_assertion().count());

    fn different_individuals() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/different-individual.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        assert_eq!(1, ont.i().different_individuals().count());

        let di = ont.i().different_individuals().next().unwrap();
        assert_eq!(2, di.0.len());

    fn annotation_with_anonymous() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/annotation-with-anonymous.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        assert_eq!(ont.i().annotation_assertion().count(), 1);

        let _aa = ont.i().annotation_assertion().next();

    fn type_complex() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/type-complex.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        assert_eq!(1, ont.i().class_assertion().count());
        let ca = ont.i().class_assertion().next().unwrap();
        assert! {
                &ca.ce, ClassExpression::ObjectComplementOf(_c)

    fn type_individual_datatype() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/type-individual-datatype.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        assert_eq!(1, ont.i().class_assertion().count());
        let ca = ont.i().class_assertion().next().unwrap();

        assert! {
                &ca.ce, ClassExpression::ObjectMinCardinality{n:_, ope:_, bce:_}

    fn gci_and_other_class_relations() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/gci_and_other_class_relations.owx");
        let (ont, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());

        assert_eq!(ont.i().sub_class_of().count(), 1);
        let cl = ont.i().sub_class_of().next().unwrap();
        assert! {
            matches! {
                &cl.sup, ClassExpression::ObjectSomeValuesFrom{ope:_, bce:_}

        assert! {
            matches! {
                &cl.sub, ClassExpression::ObjectSomeValuesFrom{ope:_, bce:_}

    fn family() {
        let ont_s = include_str!("../../ont/owl-xml/family.owx");
        let (_, _) = read_ok(&mut ont_s.as_bytes());