horde 0.1.1

a horde of threads
use super::bitmask::BitMask;
use super::EMPTY;
use core::mem;

#[cfg(target_arch = "x86")]
use core::arch::x86;
#[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
use core::arch::x86_64 as x86;

pub type BitMaskWord = u16;
pub const BITMASK_STRIDE: usize = 1;
pub const BITMASK_MASK: BitMaskWord = 0xffff;

/// Abstraction over a group of control bytes which can be scanned in
/// parallel.
/// This implementation uses a 128-bit SSE value.
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Group(x86::__m128i);

// FIXME: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-clippy/issues/3859
impl Group {
    /// Number of bytes in the group.
    pub const WIDTH: usize = mem::size_of::<Self>();

    /// Returns a full group of empty bytes, suitable for use as the initial
    /// value for an empty hash table.
    /// This is guaranteed to be aligned to the group size.
    pub const EMPTY: Group = {
        struct AlignedBytes {
            _align: [Group; 0],
            bytes: [u8; Group::WIDTH],
        const ALIGNED_BYTES: AlignedBytes = AlignedBytes {
            _align: [],
            bytes: [EMPTY; Group::WIDTH],
        unsafe { mem::transmute(ALIGNED_BYTES) }

    /// Loads a group of bytes starting at the given address.
    #[allow(clippy::cast_ptr_alignment)] // unaligned load
    pub unsafe fn load(ptr: *const u8) -> Self {
        let mut result = x86::_mm_loadu_si128(ptr.cast());

        // Hide the `result` value since we need the backend to assume it could be the hardware
        // instruction `movdqu` which has Ordering::Acquire semantics.
        asm!("/* {} */", inout(xmm_reg) result, options(pure, readonly, nostack, preserves_flags));


    /// Loads a group of bytes starting at the given address, which must be
    /// aligned to `mem::align_of::<Group>()`.
    pub unsafe fn load_aligned(ptr: *const u8) -> Self {
        // TODO: Use a volatile read here instead for better code generation.
        // Find out if compiler fences are enough to make that atomic.
        // FIXME: use align_offset once it stabilizes
        debug_assert_eq!(ptr as usize & (mem::align_of::<Self>() - 1), 0);

        let mut result = x86::_mm_load_si128(ptr.cast());

        // Hide the `result` value since we need the backend to assume it could be the hardware
        // instruction `movdqa` which has Ordering::Acquire semantics.
        asm!("/* {} */", inout(xmm_reg) result, options(pure, readonly, nostack, preserves_flags));


    /// Returns a `BitMask` indicating all bytes in the group which have
    /// the given value.
    pub fn match_byte(self, byte: u8) -> BitMask {
            clippy::cast_possible_wrap, // byte: u8 as i8
            // byte: i32 as u16
            //   note: _mm_movemask_epi8 returns a 16-bit mask in a i32, the
            //   upper 16-bits of the i32 are zeroed:
        unsafe {
            let cmp = x86::_mm_cmpeq_epi8(self.0, x86::_mm_set1_epi8(byte as i8));
            BitMask(x86::_mm_movemask_epi8(cmp) as u16)

    /// Returns a `BitMask` indicating all bytes in the group which are
    /// `EMPTY`.
    pub fn match_empty(self) -> BitMask {

    /// Returns a `BitMask` indicating all bytes in the group which are
    /// `EMPTY` or `DELETED`.
    pub fn match_empty_or_deleted(self) -> BitMask {
            // byte: i32 as u16
            //   note: _mm_movemask_epi8 returns a 16-bit mask in a i32, the
            //   upper 16-bits of the i32 are zeroed:
        unsafe {
            // A byte is EMPTY or DELETED iff the high bit is set
            BitMask(x86::_mm_movemask_epi8(self.0) as u16)

    /// Returns a `BitMask` indicating all bytes in the group which are full.
    pub fn match_full(&self) -> BitMask {