[][src]Crate hopscotch

A hopscotch::Queue is a earliest-in-earliest-out (FIFO) queue where each Item in the queue has

  • a value,
  • an immutable tag of type K, and
  • a unique index of type u64 which is assigned in sequential order of insertion starting at 0 when the queue is created.

In addition to supporting the ordinary push, pop, and get methods of a FIFO queue, a hopscotch queue also supports the methods after and before (and their respective _mut variants):

pub fn after(&self, index: u64, tags: &[K]) -> Option<Item<K, T>>
pub fn before(&self, index: u64, tags: &[K]) -> Option<Item<K, T>>

These methods find next Item (or ItemMut) in the queue whose tag is equal to any of a given set of tags.

These methods are the real benefit of using a hopscotch queue over another data structure. Their asymptotic time complexity is:

  • linear relative to the number of tags queried,
  • logarithmic relative to the total number of distinct tags in the queue,
  • constant relative to the length of the queue, and
  • constant relative to the distance between successive items of the same tag.

This data structure is significantly optimized for small keys. The types usable as tags are limited to: u8, u16, u32, u64, usize, i8, i16, i32, i64, isize, or any third-party types which are instances of the nohash-hasher crate's IsEnabled trait. In practice, it's usually the right choice to just pick one of these tag types.



An immutable reference to an item currently in the queue.


A mutable reference to an item currently in the queue.


An iterator over immutable references to items in a queue.


An iterator over mutable references to items in a queue.


An item that has been popped from the queue.


A hopscotch queue with keys of type K and items of type T.