holochain_zome_types 0.0.42

Holochain zome types
//! Capability Grants and Claims
//! This module provides a custom system for defining application-specific
//! capabilities, and allowing others to access those capabilities in a
//! fine-grained manner. The Grantor of a capability can receive requests from
//! a Claimant, and if the claim provides the right criteria, the Grantor will
//! perform the task specified by the capability and respond to the Claimant.
//! Capabilities come with three possible degrees of access control:
//! - Unrestricted: anybody can exercise this capability
//! - Transferable: a secret must be provided, but anybody with the secret may
//!     exercise the capability
//! - Assigned: Like Transferable, but there is a list of approved AgentPubKeys,
//!     and requests from any other agents are ignored.
//! Capabilities are declared by a Grantor via a **`CapGrant`**. `CapGrant`s
//! are not directly committed to a source chain, but can be constructed from
//! certain source chain entries. They define a certain bit of functionality,
//! as well as the access controls which determine who may exercise the granted
//! functionality.
//! Capabilites are exercised by other agents via a **`CapClaim`** which they
//! commit to their source chain as a private entry. This struct contains the
//! information needed to refer to the capability as well as the secret needed
//! to send to the Grantor.

mod grant;
pub use grant::*;

pub use holochain_integrity_types::capability::*;