holochain_types 0.2.1

Holochain common types
//! Defines the Chain Head Coordination API.

use std::{collections::HashMap, fmt::Debug, sync::Arc};

use futures::FutureExt;
use holo_hash::{ActionHash, AgentPubKey, EntryHash};
use holochain_keystore::MetaLairClient;
use holochain_serialized_bytes::SerializedBytesError;
use holochain_zome_types::prelude::*;
use must_future::MustBoxFuture;

use crate::chain::ChainItem;

/// The API which a Chain Head Coordinator service must implement.
pub trait ChainHeadCoordinator {
    /// The item which the chain is made of.
    type Item: ChainItem;

    /// Request that the CHC append these records to its chain.
    /// Whenever Holochain is about to commit something, this function will first be called.
    /// The CHC will do some integrity checks, which may fail.
    /// All signatures and hashes need to line up properly.
    /// If the records added would result in a fork, then a [`ChcError::OutOfSync`] will be returned
    /// along with the current
    // If there is an out-of-sync error, it will return a hash, designating the point of fork.
    async fn add_records_request(&self, request: AddRecordsRequest) -> ChcResult<()>;

    /// Get actions after (not including) the given hash.
    async fn get_record_data_request(
        request: GetRecordsRequest,
    ) -> ChcResult<Vec<(SignedActionHashed, Option<(Arc<EncryptedEntry>, Signature)>)>>;

/// Add some convenience methods to the CHC trait
pub trait ChainHeadCoordinatorExt:
    'static + Send + Sync + ChainHeadCoordinator<Item = SignedActionHashed>
    /// Get info necessary for signing
    fn signing_info(&self) -> (MetaLairClient, AgentPubKey);

    /// More convenient way to call `add_records_request`
    fn add_records(self: Arc<Self>, records: Vec<Record>) -> MustBoxFuture<'static, ChcResult<()>> {
        let (keystore, agent) = self.signing_info();
        async move {
            let payload = AddRecordPayload::from_records(keystore, agent, records).await?;

    /// More convenient way to call `get_record_data_request`
    fn get_record_data(
        self: Arc<Self>,
        since_hash: Option<ActionHash>,
    ) -> MustBoxFuture<'static, ChcResult<Vec<Record>>> {
        let mut bytes = [0; 32];
        let _ = getrandom::getrandom(&mut bytes);
        let nonce = Nonce256Bits::from(bytes);
        let payload = GetRecordsPayload { since_hash, nonce };
        // TODO: real signature
        let signature = Signature::from([0; 64]);
        async move {
            self.get_record_data_request(GetRecordsRequest { payload, signature })
                .map(|(a, me)| {
                        me.map(|(e, _s)| holochain_serialized_bytes::decode(&e.0))

    /// Just a convenience for testing. Should not be used otherwise.
    fn head(self: Arc<Self>) -> MustBoxFuture<'static, ChcResult<Option<ActionHash>>> {
        async move {
                .map(|r| r.action_address().clone()))

/// A Record to be added to the CHC.
/// The SignedActionHashed is constructed as usual.
/// The Entry data is encrypted (TODO: by which key?), and the encrypted data
/// is signed by the agent. This ensures that only the correct agent is adding
/// records to its CHC. This EncryptedEntry signature is not used anywhere
/// outside the context of the CHC.
#[derive(Clone, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct AddRecordPayload<A = SignedActionHashed> {
    /// The signed, hashed Action for the Record
    pub action: A,

    /// The entry, encrypted (TODO: by which key?), with the signature of
    /// of the encrypted bytes
    pub encrypted_entry: Option<(Arc<EncryptedEntry>, Signature)>,

impl AddRecordPayload {
    /// Create a payload from a list of records.
    /// This performs the necessary signing and encryption the CHC requires.
    pub async fn from_records(
        keystore: MetaLairClient,
        agent_pubkey: AgentPubKey,
        records: Vec<Record>,
    ) -> ChcResult<Vec<Self>> {
            |Record {
             }| {
                let keystore = keystore.clone();
                let agent_pubkey = agent_pubkey.clone();
                async move {
                    let action = signed_action;
                    let encrypted_entry_bytes = entry
                        .map(|entry| {
                            let entry = holochain_serialized_bytes::encode(&entry)?;
                                "CHC is using unencrypted entry data. TODO: add encryption"

                    let encrypted_entry = if let Some(bytes) = encrypted_entry_bytes {
                        let signature = keystore
                            .sign(agent_pubkey.clone(), bytes.clone().into())
                        Some((Arc::new(bytes.into()), signature))
                    } else {
                    ChcResult::Ok(AddRecordPayload {
        .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()

/// The request type for `add_records`
pub type AddRecordsRequest = Vec<AddRecordPayload>;

/// The request to retrieve records from the CHC.
/// If a `since_hash` is specified, all records with sequence numbers at and
/// above the one at the given hash will be returned. If no `since_hash` is
/// given, then all records will be returned.
/// Since this payload is signed, including a unique nonce helps prevent replay
/// attacks.
#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct GetRecordsPayload {
    /// Only records beyond and including this hash are returned
    pub since_hash: Option<ActionHash>,
    /// Randomly selected nonce to prevent replay attacks
    pub nonce: Nonce256Bits,

/// The full request for get_record_data
#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct GetRecordsRequest {
    /// The payload
    pub payload: GetRecordsPayload,
    /// The signature of the payload
    pub signature: Signature,

/// Encrypted bytes of an Entry
#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, derive_more::From)]
pub struct EncryptedEntry(#[serde(with = "serde_bytes")] pub Vec<u8>);

/// Assemble records from a list of Actions and a map of Entries
pub fn records_from_actions_and_entries(
    actions: Vec<SignedActionHashed>,
    mut entries: HashMap<EntryHash, Entry>,
) -> ChcResult<Vec<Record>> {
    let mut records = vec![];
    for action in actions {
        let entry = if let Some(hash) = action.hashed.entry_hash() {
                    .ok_or_else(|| ChcError::MissingEntryForAction(action.as_hash().clone()))?,
        } else {
        let record = Record::new(action, entry);

#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum ChcError {
    SerializationError(#[from] SerializedBytesError),

    JsonSerializationError(#[from] serde_json::Error),

    LairError(#[from] one_err::OneErr),

    /// The out of sync error only happens when you attempt to add actions
    /// that would cause a fork with respect to the CHC. This can be remedied
    /// by syncing.
    #[error("Local chain is out of sync with the CHC. The CHC head has advanced beyond the first action provided in the `add_records` request. Try calling `get_record_data` from hash {1} (sequence #{0}).")]
    InvalidChain(u32, ActionHash),

    /// All other errors are due to an invalid request, which is a mistake
    /// that can't be remedied other than by fixing the programming mistake
    /// (which would be on the Holochain side)
    /// Examples include:
    /// - Vec<AddRecordPayload> must be sorted by `seq_number`
    /// - There is a gap between the first action and the current CHC head
    /// - The `Vec<AddRecordPayload>` does not constitute a valid chain (prev_action must be correct)
    #[error("Invalid `add_records` payload. Reason: {0}")]

    /// An Action which has an entry was returned without the Entry
    #[error("Missing Entry for ActionHash: {0}")]

    #[error("The CHC service is unreachable: {0}")]

    /// Unexpected error
    #[error("Unexpected error: {0}")]

pub type ChcResult<T> = Result<T, ChcError>;