pub type KeystoreSender = GhostSender<LairClientApi>;
Expand description

GhostSender type for the KeystoreApi

Trait Implementations

Generates a new pure entropy keypair in the keystore, returning the public key.

Generate a signature for a given blob of binary data.

If we have a TLS cert in lair - return the first one Errors if no certs in lair Read more

If we have a TLS cert in lair - return the first one otherwise, generate a TLS cert and return it Read more

Generate a new x25519 keypair in lair and get the pubkey back for general usage.

If we have an X25519 pub key in lair use it to ECDH negotiate a shared key and then Salsa20Poly1305 encrypt the data with that and a random nonce. a.k.a. libsodium crypto_box() Read more

The inverse of x_25519_x_salsa20_poly1305_encrypt. Returns None if decryption fails. Read more