holochain 0.3.0-beta-dev.45

Holochain, a framework for distributed applications
name = "holochain"
version = "0.3.0-beta-dev.45"
description = "Holochain, a framework for distributed applications"
license = "CAL-1.0"
homepage = "https://github.com/holochain/holochain"
documentation = "https://docs.rs/holochain"
authors = [ "Holochain Core Dev Team <devcore@holochain.org>" ]
edition = "2021"

# reminder - do not use workspace deps
anyhow = "1.0"
async-trait = "0.1"
base64 = "0.13"
byteorder = "1.3.4"
cfg-if = "0.1"
chrono = { version = "0.4.22", default-features = false, features = ["clock", "std", "oldtime", "serde"] }
derive_more = "0.99"
directories = "2.0.2"
either = "1.5.0"
fallible-iterator = "0.2.0"
fixt = { version = "^0.3.0-beta-dev.3", path = "../fixt" }
futures = "0.3"
getrandom = "0.2.7"
get_if_addrs = "0.5.3"
ghost_actor = "0.3.0-alpha.6"
holo_hash = { version = "^0.3.0-beta-dev.26", path = "../holo_hash", features = ["full"] }
holochain_cascade = { version = "^0.3.0-beta-dev.44", path = "../holochain_cascade" }
holochain_conductor_api = { version = "^0.3.0-beta-dev.44", path = "../holochain_conductor_api" }
holochain_keystore = { version = "^0.3.0-beta-dev.34", path = "../holochain_keystore", default-features = false }
holochain_p2p = { version = "^0.3.0-beta-dev.43", path = "../holochain_p2p" }
holochain_sqlite = { version = "^0.3.0-beta-dev.40", path = "../holochain_sqlite" }
holochain_serialized_bytes = "=0.0.53"
holochain_state = { version = "^0.3.0-beta-dev.43", path = "../holochain_state" }
holochain_types = { version = "^0.3.0-beta-dev.40", path = "../holochain_types" }
holochain_util = { version = "^0.3.0-beta-dev.6", path = "../holochain_util", features = [ "pw" ] }
holochain_wasmer_host = "=0.0.92"
holochain_websocket = { version = "^0.3.0-beta-dev.19", path = "../holochain_websocket" }
holochain_zome_types = { version = "^0.3.0-beta-dev.33", path = "../holochain_zome_types", features = ["full"] }
holochain_nonce = { version = "^0.3.0-beta-dev.26", path = "../holochain_nonce" }
holochain_secure_primitive = { version = "^0.3.0-beta-dev.23", path = "../holochain_secure_primitive" }
holochain_conductor_services = { version = "^0.2.0-beta-dev.14", path = "../holochain_conductor_services" }
human-panic = "1.0.3"
itertools = { version = "0.10" }
kitsune_p2p = { version = "^0.3.0-beta-dev.37", path = "../kitsune_p2p/kitsune_p2p", default-features = false }
kitsune_p2p_bootstrap_client = { version = "^0.3.0-beta-dev.31", path = "../kitsune_p2p/bootstrap_client" }
kitsune_p2p_bin_data = { version = "^0.3.0-beta-dev.19", path = "../kitsune_p2p/bin_data" }
kitsune_p2p_types = { version = "^0.3.0-beta-dev.25", path = "../kitsune_p2p/types" }
kitsune_p2p_block = { version = "^0.3.0-beta-dev.21", path = "../kitsune_p2p/block" }
lazy_static = "1.4.0"
mockall = "0.11.3"
mr_bundle = { version = "^0.3.0-beta-dev.8", path = "../mr_bundle" }
must_future = "0.1.1"
nanoid = "0.3"
num_cpus = "1.8"
holochain_trace = { version = "^0.3.0-beta-dev.9", path = "../holochain_trace" }
holochain_metrics = { version = "^0.3.0-beta-dev.11", path = "../holochain_metrics", default_features = false }
once_cell = "1.4.1"
async-once-cell = "0.5"
one_err = "0.0.8"
parking_lot = "0.10"
predicates = "1.0.4"
rand = "0.8.5"
rand_chacha = "0.3.1"
rand-utf8 = "0.0.1"
rpassword = "5.0.1"
rusqlite = { version = "0.29" }
serde = { version = "1.0", features = [ "derive" ] }
serde_bytes = "0.11.12"
serde_json = { version = "1.0.51", features = [ "preserve_order" ] }
serde_yaml = "0.9"
shrinkwraprs = "0.3.0"
sodoken = "=0.0.11"
structopt = "0.3.11"
strum = "0.18.0"
subtle-encoding = "0.5"
tempfile = "3.3"
thiserror = "1.0.22"
tokio = { version = "1.36.0", features = ["full"] }
tokio-stream = { version = "0.1", features = [ "sync", "net" ] }
task-motel = "0.1.0"
toml = "0.5.6"
tracing = "0.1.37"
tracing-futures = "0.2.5"
tracing-subscriber = "0.3.16"
url = "2.4"
url2 = "0.0.6"
url_serde = "0.2.0"
uuid = { version = "0.7", features = [ "serde", "v4" ] }
holochain_wasm_test_utils = { version = "^0.3.0-beta-dev.42", path = "../test_utils/wasm" }
tiny-keccak = { version = "2.0.2", features = ["keccak", "sha3"] }
async-recursion = "0.3"
wasmer = "=4.2.4"
wasmer-middlewares = "=4.2.4"
opentelemetry_api = { version = "=0.20.0", features = [ "metrics" ] }

# Dependencies for test_utils
arbitrary = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive"], optional = true }
contrafact = {version = "0.2.0-rc.1", optional = true }
diff = {version = "0.1", optional = true }
hdk = { version = "^0.3.0-beta-dev.38", path = "../hdk", optional = true }
matches = {version = "0.1.8", optional = true }
holochain_test_wasm_common = { version = "^0.3.0-beta-dev.38", path = "../test_utils/wasm_common", optional = true  }
kitsune_p2p_bootstrap = { version = "^0.2.0-beta-dev.25", path = "../kitsune_p2p/bootstrap", optional = true }
unwrap_to = { version = "0.1.0", optional = true }
tx5-go-pion-turn = { version = "=0.0.8-alpha", optional = true }
tx5-signal-srv = { version = "=0.0.8-alpha", optional = true }

# chc deps
bytes = { version = "1", optional = true }
reqwest = { version = "0.11.2", features = ["json"], optional = true }

# TODO: make optional?
aitia = { version = "^0.2.0-beta-dev.7", path = "../aitia" }
hc_sleuth = { version = "^0.2.0-beta-dev.14", path = "../hc_sleuth" }

# fact deps
petgraph = { version = "0.6.0", features = ["quickcheck", "stable_graph"] }

# debugging
backtrace = "0.3"

sd-notify = "0.3.0"

holochain = { path = ".", default-features = false, features = ["test_utils", "slow_tests", "tx2", "tx5", "metrics_influxive"] }

anyhow = "1.0"
assert_cmd = "1.0.1"
clap = "4.0"
contrafact = "0.2.0-rc.1"
criterion = { version = "0.3", features = [ "async_tokio" ] }
ed25519-dalek = "1"
indoc = "1.0"
isotest = "0"
maplit = "1"
pretty_assertions = "1.4"
rand_dalek = {package = "rand", version = "0.7"}
regex = "1.5"
reqwest = "0.11.2"
serial_test = "0.4.0"
test-case = "1.2.1"
tokio-tungstenite = "0.13"

hdk = { version = "^0.3.0-beta-dev.38", path = "../hdk"}
serde = { version = "1.0", features = [ "derive" ] }
serde_json = { version = "1.0.51" }
toml = "0.5.6"
chrono = { version = "0.4.6", features = [ "serde" ] }
hostname = "0.3.1"
lair_keystore = { version = "0.4.4", default-features = false, features = [ "rusqlite-bundled-sqlcipher-vendored-openssl" ] }

name = "bench"
harness = false

name = "consistency"
harness = false

name = "holochain"
path = "src/lib.rs"

name = "holochain"
path = "src/bin/holochain/main.rs"

workspace = true

default = ["sqlite-encrypted", "tx2", "tx5", "metrics_influxive"]

tx2 = [ "kitsune_p2p/tx2" ]
tx5 = [ "kitsune_p2p/tx5", "tx5-go-pion-turn", "tx5-signal-srv" ]

# Use the "Influxive" opentelemetry metrics binding to write metrics
# to an InfluxDB time series database.
metrics_influxive = [ "holochain_metrics/influxive" ]

# Exposes additional functionality only needed for integration tests.
# This feature should be turned off for production builds.
test_utils = [

# Wasm ribosome tests take > 60 seconds - let's only run them in CI
slow_tests = []

# What's slower than slow? We may choose to not run these tests in CI to speed things up.
glacial_tests = []

# Includes the wasm build script, which we don't need when not building wasms
build_wasms = ['holochain_wasm_test_utils/build']
only_check_wasms = ['holochain_wasm_test_utils/only_check']

# Enables at-rest encryption of the SQLite database.
# Incompatible with "sqlite".
sqlite-encrypted = [

# Compile SQLite from source rather than depending on a library.
# Incompatible with "sqlite-encrypted"
sqlite = [

# Extremely verbose wasm memory read/write logging
wasmer_debug_memory = ["holochain_wasmer_host/debug_memory"]

# Enable chain head coordination
chc = [

# Transitional feature flag for code that is only ready when DPKI integration lands.
dpki = []

sweetest = [