holochain 0.0.113

Holochain, a framework for distributed applications
use assert_cmd::prelude::*;
use holochain_conductor_api::config::conductor::ConductorConfig;
use holochain_conductor_api::config::conductor::KeystoreConfig;
use holochain_conductor_api::AdminInterfaceConfig;
use holochain_conductor_api::InterfaceDriver;
use kitsune_p2p_types::dependencies::lair_keystore_api;
use lair_keystore_api::dependencies::*;
use lair_keystore_api::ipc_keystore::*;
use lair_keystore_api::mem_store::*;
use lair_keystore_api::prelude::*;
use std::sync::Arc;

mod test_utils;
use test_utils::*;

const ADMIN_PORT: u16 = 12909;

#[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")]
async fn test_new_lair_conductor_integration() {
    // working temp dir
    let tmp = tempdir::TempDir::new("new-lair-integration").unwrap();

    // set up new lair keystore config
    let passphrase = sodoken::BufRead::from(&b"passphrase"[..]);
    let config = Arc::new(
            .with_exec(|| LairServerConfigInner::new(tmp.path(), passphrase.clone()))

    // start the ipc keystore
    let keystore = IpcKeystoreServer::new(config, create_mem_store_factory(), passphrase)

    // print keystore config
    let keystore_config = keystore.get_config();
    println!("\n## keystore config ##\n{}", keystore_config);

    // set up conductor config to use the started keystore
    let mut conductor_config = ConductorConfig::default();
    conductor_config.admin_interfaces = Some(vec![AdminInterfaceConfig {
        driver: InterfaceDriver::Websocket { port: ADMIN_PORT },
    conductor_config.environment_path = tmp.path().to_owned().into();
    conductor_config.keystore = KeystoreConfig::LairServer {
        connection_url: keystore_config.connection_url.clone().into(),

    // write the conductor config
    let conductor_config = serde_yaml::to_string(&conductor_config).unwrap();
    let mut cc_path = tmp.path().to_owned();
    tokio::fs::write(&cc_path, &conductor_config).await.unwrap();
    println!("\n## conductor config ##\n{}", conductor_config);

    // start a conductor using the new config
    let cmd = std::process::Command::cargo_bin("holochain").unwrap();
    let mut cmd = tokio::process::Command::from(cmd);
        .env("RUST_LOG", "trace")

    let mut child = cmd.spawn().unwrap();

    // we asked for the passphrase to be read from stdin pipe
    // provide it now
    let mut stdin = child.stdin.take().unwrap();
    use tokio::io::AsyncWriteExt;

    // cribbed this from test_utils... probably something better would be better
    if let Ok(status) = tokio::time::timeout(std::time::Duration::from_secs(1), child.wait()).await
        panic!("failed to start holochain: {:?}", status);

    let (mut client, _) = websocket_client_by_port(ADMIN_PORT).await.unwrap();

    let agent_key = generate_agent_pubkey(&mut client, 15000).await;
    println!("GENERATED AGENT KEY: {}", agent_key);
    let mut agent_key_bytes = [0; 32];
    println!("AGENT ED25519 PUBKEY: {:?}", agent_key_bytes);

    let store = keystore.store().await.unwrap();
    let entry = store
    println!("AGENT_STORE_ENTRY: {:?}", entry);

    match &*entry {
        LairEntryInner::Seed { seed_info, .. } => {
            assert_eq!(*seed_info.ed25519_pub_key, agent_key_bytes);
        oth => panic!("invalid entry type: {:?}", oth),
