holo_hash 0.1.0

hashing helpers supporting dht sharding
# holo_hash


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holo_hash::HoloHash is a hashing framework for Holochain.

Note that not all HoloHashes are simple hashes of the full content as you might expect in a "content-addressable" application. The main exception is `AgentPubKey`, which is simply the key itself to enable self-proving signatures. As an exception it is also named exceptionally, i.e. it doesn't end in "Hash".

## Hash Types

Each HoloHash has a HashType. There are two flavors of HashType: *primitive*, and *composite*

### Primitive HashTypes

Each primitive HashType has a unique 3-byte prefix associated with it, to easily distiguish between hashes in any environment. These prefixes are multihash compatible. The primitive types are:

| hash type | HoloHash alias | prefix |
| Agent     | AgentPubKey    | uhCAk  |
| Entry     | EntryHash      | uhCEk  |
| DhtOp     | DhtOpHash      | uhCQk  |
| Dna       | DnaHash        | uhC0k  |
| NetId     | NetIdHash      | uhCIk  |
| Action    | ActionHash     | uhCkk  |
| Wasm      | DnaWasmHash    | uhCok  |

The "HoloHash alias" column lists the type aliases provided to refer to each type of HoloHash. For instance, `ActionHash` is the following type alias:

pub type ActionHash = HoloHash<hash_type::Action>;

(the prefixes listed are the base64 representations)

### Composite HashTypes

Composite hash types are used in contexts when one of several primitive hash types would be valid. They are implemented as Rust enums. The composite types are:

`EntryHash`: used to hash Entries. An Entry can hash to either a `ContentHash` or an `AgentPubKey`.

`AnyDhtHash`: used to hash arbitrary DHT data. DHT data is either an action or an Entry, therefore AnyDhtHash can refer to either an `ActionHash` or an `EntryHash`.

## Serialization

HoloHash implements `Display` providing a `to_string()` function accessing the hash as a user friendly string. It also provides TryFrom for string types allowing you to parse this string representation.

HoloHash includes a 4 byte (or u32) dht "location" that serves dual purposes. - It is used as a checksum when parsing string representations. - It is used as a u32 in our dht sharding algorithm.

HoloHash implements [SerializedBytes](https://lib.rs/crates/holochain_serialized_bytes) to make it easy to cross ffi barriers such as WASM and the UI websocket.

## Example

use holo_hash::*;
use std::convert::TryInto;
use holochain_serialized_bytes::SerializedBytes;

let entry: EntryHash =

assert_eq!(3860645936, entry.get_loc());

let bytes: SerializedBytes = entry.try_into().unwrap();

    &format!("{:?}", bytes),

## Advanced

Calculating hashes takes time - In a futures context we don't want to block. HoloHash provides sync (blocking) and async (non-blocking) apis for hashing.

use holo_hash::*;

let entry_content = b"test entry content";

let content_hash = EntryHash::with_data_sync(entry_content.to_vec()).into();

    &format!("{:?}", content_hash),

### Sometimes your data doesn't want to be re-hashed:

use holo_hash::*;

// pretend our pub key is all 0xdb bytes
let agent_pub_key = vec![0xdb; 32];

let agent_id: HoloHash = AgentPubKey::from_raw_32(agent_pub_key).into();

    &format!("{:?}", agent_id),

## Contribute
Holochain is an open source project.  We welcome all sorts of participation and are actively working on increasing surface area to accept it.  Please see our [contributing guidelines](/CONTRIBUTING.md) for our general practices and protocols on participating in the community, as well as specific expectations around things like code formatting, testing practices, continuous integration, etc.

* Connect with us on our [forum]https://forum.holochain.org

## License
[![License: Apache-2.0](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-Apache%202.0-blue.svg)](https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)

Copyright (C) 2019 - 2023, Holochain Foundation

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the license
provided in the LICENSE file (CAL-1.0).  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,