hoard 0.6.0

Hoard backups of files across your filesystem into one location.
# Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

## 0.6.0 (2023-10-05)

### Breaking Changes

#### allow setting default environment variable values (#185)

### Fixes

#### update rust crate sha2 to 0.10.7 (#176)

#### update rust crate tempfile to 3.6 (#170)

#### update rust crate uuid to 1.3 (#167)

#### update rust crate regex to 1.8 (#154)

#### update rust crate digest to 0.10.7 (#155)

#### update rust crate toml to 0.7.4 (#159)

#### update rust crate thiserror to 1.0.40 (#164)

#### update rust crate clap to 4.3 (#165)

## 0.5.2

### Features

- add init subcommand (#168)

## 0.5.1

### Fixes

- get Windows string length in a different way
- update rust crate similar to 2.2 (#150)
- update rust crate md-5 to 0.10.5 (#143)
- update rust crate digest to 0.10.5 (#142)
- update rust crate regex to 1.6 (#141)
- update rust crate uuid to 1.2 (#138)
- update rust crate once_cell to 1.15 (#137)
- update rust crate sha2 to 0.10.6 (#148)
- update rust crate thiserror to 1.0.37 (#149)

## 0.5.0

### Bug Fixes

- Prevent "invalid directive" warning ([#78]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/78)
- Fix operation version upgrades ([#129]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/129)

### Dependency Upgrades

- Update rust crate directories to 3.0.2 ([#81]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/81)
- Update rust crate structopt to 0.3.26 ([#82]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/82)
- Update actions/checkout action to v2 ([#90]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/90)
- Update rust crate thiserror to 1.0.30 ([#84]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/84)
- Update rust crate directories to v4 ([#91]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/91)
- Update rust crate which to 4.2 ([#89]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/89)
- Update rust crate petgraph to 0.6 ([#88]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/88)
- Update rust crate once_cell to 1.9 ([#87]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/87)
- Update rust crate tempfile to 3.3 ([#85]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/85)
- Update rust crate windows to 0.34 ([#108]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/108)
- Update rust crate once_cell to 1.10 ([#105]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/105)
- Update actions/checkout action to v3 ([#104]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/104)
- Update rust crate md-5 to 0.10 ([#86]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/86)
- Update codecov/codecov-action action to v3 ([#118]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/118)
- Update rust crate windows to 0.35 ([#117]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/117)
- Update rust crate toml to 0.5.9 ([#119]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/119)
- Update rust crate uuid to v1 ([#125]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/125)
- Update rust crate nix to 0.24 ([#126]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/126)
- Update rust crate tokio to 1.18 ([#131]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/131)
- Update rust crate windows to 0.36 ([#130]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/130)
- Update rust crate thiserror to 1.0.31 ([#132]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/132)

### Features

- Add edit command with tests ([#71]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/71)
- Add status and diff commands ([#76]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/76)
- Allow periods in names ([#115]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/115)
- Handle file permissions based on config ([#122]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/122)

### Miscellaneous Tasks

- Update deps
- Expand Makefile.toml
- Bump version to 0.5.0-beta
- Generate changelog with git-cliff

### Other

- Add license scan report and status ([#79]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/79)
- Configure Renovate ([#80]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/80)

### Refactor

- Make backup/restore use the files iterator ([#94]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/94)
- Refactor! introduce v2 operation logs ([#98]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/98)
- [**breaking**] Port Python tests to Rust ([#106]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/106)
- Introduce strong types enforcing invariants ([#109]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/109)
- Reuse operation logs for backup/restore ([#111]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/111)
- Replace structopt with clap v3 ([#112]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/112)
- Replace hoards_root with config_dir and data_dir ([#113]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/113)
- Clean up file diff iterator logic ([#120]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/120)
- [**breaking**] Optimize operations with multithreaded tokio ([#127]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/127)
- Log errors at creation site ([#133]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/133)

### Testing

- Fix running tests locally

## [0.4.0] - 2021-12-27

### Bug Fixes

- Expand env variables in path_exists for consistency ([#54]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/54)
- Create config dir for uuid if not exists + tests ([#64]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/64)

### Documentation

- Add Getting Started section ([#56]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/56) ([#61]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/61)

### Features

- Add YAML support ([#66]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/66)
- Impl list command, custom log output ([#68]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/68)

### Miscellaneous Tasks

- Update hoard version and deps

### Other

- Fix ignore file patterns ([#55]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/55)
- Missing parent error ([#57]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/57)
- Error on invalid "config" item ([#59]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/59)

### Refactor

- Parse glob patterns when reading config, not after ([#60]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/60)

## [0.3.0] - 2021-10-08

### Documentation

- Remove outdated note from README
- Add env var docs and make command for viewing ([#45]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/45)

### Features

- Add `game` subcommand
- Enable env vars in pile paths #22 ([#23]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/23)
- Add cleanup command with tests ([#37]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/37) ([#39]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/39)

### Miscellaneous Tasks

- Add metadata to Cargo.toml

### Other

- First commit
- Rename to save_hoarder
- Add license
- Update Cargo.lock, add license to Cargo.toml
- Add Config Subcommand ([#10]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/10)
- Add Builder type ([#12]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/12)
- Add GitHub Actions
- Flesh out fmt job
- Fix tarpaulin args
- Use grcov instead of tarpaulin
- Use manual grcov because action is old
- Switch to tarpaulin for coverage
- Revert "ci: switch to tarpaulin for coverage"
- Use grcov action w/out source coverage
- Remove unnecessary path-mapping grcov config
- Cache stable and nightly separately
- Merge pull request #7 from Shadow53/4-integration-tests
- Use custom envs, refactor ([#10]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/10)
- Implement Commands, minor fixes ([#11]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/11)
- Implement better logging ([#24]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/24)
- Prevent file footguns ([#29]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/29)
- Ignore paths ([#30]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/30)
- Merge pile config ([#32]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/32)
- Add mdBook Documentation ([#36]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/36)
- Attach release builds to GitHub release ([#38]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/38)
- Get code coverage from python test scripts too ([#41]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/41)
- Implement better test coverage ([#42]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/42) ([#43]https://github.com/Shadow53/hoard/issues/43)
- Build/release action requires items must be archived

### Refactor

- Move subcommands to their own modules
- Use thiserror to impl all Error types
- More intuitively model program structure

### Styling

- Run cargo fmt
- Run cargo fmt
- Make clippy happy
- Run cargo fmt

### Testing

- Add unit tests where applicable
- Add remaining unit tests
- Add integration tests for config subcmd
- Add integration tests for game subcmd
- Add remaining integration tests

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