hnsw_rs_thousand_birds 0.1.20

Ann based on Hierarchical Navigable Small World Graphs from Yu.A. Malkov and D.A Yashunin - Modified by the Thousand Birds Inc team to support building for windows
name = "hnsw_rs_thousand_birds"
version = "0.1.20"
authors = [""]
description = "Ann based on Hierarchical Navigable Small World Graphs from Yu.A. Malkov and D.A Yashunin - Modified by the Thousand Birds Inc team to support building for windows"
license = "MIT/Apache-2.0"
readme = ""
keywords = ["algorithms", "ann", "hnsw"]
repository = ""
documentation = ""
edition= "2021"

# declare a feature with no dependancy to get some modulated debug print
# to be run with cargo build --features verbose_1
#verbose_1 = [ ]

lto = true
opt-level = 3

# cargo rustc --lib -- --crate-type dylib [or staticlib] or rlib (default)
# if we want to avoid specifying in advance crate-type 
path = "src/"
#crate-type = ["cdylib"]

name = "random"
path = "examples/"

name = "ann-glove"
path = "examples/ann-glove/"

name = "ann-mnist"
path = "examples/ann-mnist/"

name = "ann-sift1m"
path = "examples/ann-sift1m/"

name = "levenshtein"
path = "examples/"

# default is version spec is ^ meaning can update up to max non null version number
# cargo doc --no-deps avoid dependencies doc generation

serde= {version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] }
bincode = {version = "1.3"}

# for //
parking_lot = "0.12"
rayon = {version = "1.7"}
num_cpus = {version = "1.15.0"}

cpu-time = {version = "1.0"}
num-traits = {version = "0.2"}

#  for hashing . hashbrown still needed beccause of get_key_value(&key)
hashbrown = {version = "0.14"}
skiplist= {version = "0.3"}

rand = {version = "0.8"}
lazy_static = { version = "1.4"}

mmap-rs = {version = "0.6"}
# decreasing order of log for debug build : (max_level_)trace debug info warn error off
# decreasing order of log for release build (release_max_level_)  .. idem
#log = { version = "0.4", features = ["max_level_debug", "release_max_level_info"] }
log = { version = "0.4"}
env_logger = { version = "0.10"}

# x86_64 simd stuff , enabled by  simdeez_f feature 
simdeez = {version = "1.0", optional = true}
# beta 
packed_simd_2 = { version = "0.3", optional = true}

# for benchmark reading, so the lbrary do not depend on hdf5 nor ndarray
hdf5 = {version = "0.8"}
ndarray = {version = "0.15"}


default = []

# simd on x86/x86_64
simdeez_f = ["simdeez"]
# a beta feature experimental
stdsimd = ["packed_simd_2"]