hl7-mllp-codec 0.0.3

A Tokio codec for HL7 Minimal Lower Layer Message Transport protocol (MLLP)

A tokio codec implementation for the HL7 MLLP network protocol.

HL7's MLLP is a simple, single-byte-text based protocol for framing HL7 messages over a TCP (or similar) transport. The full specification is available at the HL7 site (Note that they place the standards behind a free membership/login form).

This crate provides a Codec implementation that encodes/decodes MLLP frames from a Tokio stream, allowing simple programmatic access to the messages (both primary and ack/nack).

Tokio (and the rust async ecosystem) is currently in a state of flux, however there are two simple (not production ready!) examples in the source, of both a publisher and a listener. NB. These examples just write output to the console, and this can seriously limit throughput. If you want to run some simple perf tests with the samples, ensure you minimise the amount of data written out.


This is a highly simplified example, lifted from the Examples included in source control.


use bytes::*;
use tokio;
use tokio::codec::Framed;
use tokio::net::TcpStream;
use tokio::prelude::*;

use hl7_mllp_codec::MllpCodec;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
// Open a TCP stream to the socket address.
let stream = TcpStream::connect("").await?;

// Construct a MLLP transport using our codec
let mut transport = Framed::new(stream, MllpCodec::new());

// Send some bytes wrapped in MLLP (Note: not a valid HL7 message)
transport.send(BytesMut::from("Hello World")).await?; //because this is through the codec it gets wrapped in MLLP header/footer for us

if let Some(response) = transport.next().await {
match response{
Ok(msg) => println!("  Received response: {:?}", msg),
Err(e) => println!("  ERROR: {:?}", e)
