[][src]Crate hive_pubsub


use hive_pubsub::{Hive, PubSub};
let mut hive = Hive::new(
    |users, data| {
        println!("Received data! [{:?}]: {}.", users, data);
hive.subscribe_multiple(1, vec! [ 2, 5 ]).unwrap();
hive.subscribe_multiple(3, vec! [ 2, 6 ]).unwrap();
hive.subscribe_multiple(4, vec! [ 2, 5 ]).unwrap();
hive.publish(&6, "This will not appear.".to_string()).unwrap();
hive.publish(&2, "This will appear for all three clients.".to_string()).unwrap();
hive.publish(&2, "This will appear for two of the clients.".to_string()).unwrap();
hive.publish(&5, "This will also appear for two of the clients.".to_string()).unwrap();

Example, for use with MongoDB.

This example only works with MongoDB and the sync feature enabled. This is for compatibilty reasons down the line, feel free to fork and change a few links to add async compat.

use std::env::var;
use mongodb::sync::Client;
use std::sync::mpsc::channel;
use hive_pubsub::{PubSub};
use hive_pubsub::backend::mongo::{MongodbPubSub, listen_thread};
// You'll want to have some sort of worker which can
// handle incoming messages and deal with them accordingly.
// Here we are just using a channel with predictable data
// so we can just use assert_eq!().
let ( sender, receiver ) = channel();
let client = Client::with_uri_str("mongodb+srv://example.com").unwrap();
let mut hive = MongodbPubSub::<i32, i32, String>::new(
    move |_ids, data| {
        // We just send the data into the channel.
// We need to subscribe to the topic to get any data.
hive.subscribe(0, 0).unwrap();
// This is a helper function which spawns a new thread
// and starts listening, it simply calls hive.listen()
// in a loop { }. It is recommended you use your own
// implementation for better error handling, although
// any errors will be logged.
// We are setting source here to make the hive instance
// accept incoming data. Since `source` is just a String,
// it means we just cloned the original value above and
// are now replacing it.
// Hence, we publish our data.
hive.publish(&0, "My data.".to_string()).unwrap();
// And we should receive it back twice.
assert_eq!(receiver.recv().unwrap(), "My data.");
assert_eq!(receiver.recv().unwrap(), "My data.");


Hive is designed to be slotted into any server application to act as a middle-man between you and your clients, it will automatically distribute any notifications you give it to all relevant connected clients and other nodes.





The pubsub client.



PubSub trait which provides common actions.