hiredis 0.1.1

The package provides an interface to Hiredis.
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Hiredis Version Status

The package provides an interface to Hiredis.



Assuming that Redis is installed and is listening to port 4242, the example given below can be ran using the following command:

cargo run --example workflow
extern crate hiredis;

fn main() {
    let mut context = hiredis::connect("", 4242).unwrap();

    match context.command(&["SET", "greeting", "Hi, there!"]).unwrap() {
        Reply::Status(_) => {},
        _ => assert!(false),

    match context.command(&["GET", "greeting"]).unwrap() {
        Reply::Bulk(bytes) => println!("{}", String::from_utf8(bytes).unwrap()),
        _ => assert!(false),


  1. Fork the project.
  2. Implement your idea.
  3. Open a pull request.