hightide 0.1.2

extension for the tide web framework


Hightide is an extension to the tide web framework. It provides a higher level interface for building responses.

To use it wrap your endpoint with the wrap function. This wrapper allows your endpoints to return various types that implement the Responder trait.

Hightide also includes a Response type that is easier to use than the one provided by tide. It has shortcut methods for setting the body to a JSON or Form payload, and for adding typed headers from the hyperx crate.

Responder is implemented for various types, for example (StatusCode, impl Responder) which allows you to do:

use tide::{Request, StatusCode};
use hightide::Responder;

fn example(_: tide::Request<()>) -> impl Responder {
     (StatusCode::Conflict, "Already Exists")

Which is simpler than the equivalent code from plain tide:

use tide::{Request, StatusCode};
use hightide::Responder;

fn example(_: Request<()>) -> tide::Result {
        .body("Already Exists")

The Json wrapper also allows returning a JSON response more directly.

use tide::{Request};
use hightide::{Responder, Json};

fn example(_: tide::Request<()>) -> impl Responder {
     Json(MyData{ ... })

Compared to:

use tide::{Request, StatusCode};

fn example(_: Request<()>) -> tide::Result {
        .body(Body::from_json(&MyData{ ... })?)