higher 0.2.0

Functors, Applicatives, Monads and other bad ideas
use crate::{Bind, Functor, Pure};

/// An `ApplyFn` is a function from `A` to `B` wrapped in something Rust's type
/// system can more easily digest. Arguments for
/// [`Apply::apply()`](Apply::apply) are required to be of this type rather than
/// an arbitrary type matching `Fn(A) -> B`.
pub struct ApplyFn<'a, A, B> {
    function: Box<dyn Fn(A) -> B + 'a>,

impl<'a, A, B> ApplyFn<'a, A, B> {
    /// Apply the wrapped function to a value of type `A`.
    pub fn apply(&self, a: A) -> B {

impl<'a, A, B, F> From<F> for ApplyFn<'a, A, B>
    F: 'a + Fn(A) -> B,
    fn from(f: F) -> Self {
        ApplyFn {
            function: Box::new(f),

impl<'a, A, B> core::fmt::Debug for ApplyFn<'a, A, B> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
            "ApplyFn({}) -> {}",

// Construct an [`ApplyFn`](ApplyFn) from a plain function.
pub fn f<'a, A, B, F>(func: F) -> ApplyFn<'a, A, B>
    F: 'a + Fn(A) -> B,

/// `Apply` takes an `F<Fn(A) -> B>` (or, rather, an `F<ApplyFn<'a,A, B>>`
/// specifically) and applies it to an `F<A>` to produce an `F<B>`.
pub trait Apply<'a, A>: Functor<'a, A> {
    type Target<T>
        T: 'a,
        A: 'a;
    fn apply<B>(
        f: <Self as Apply<'a, A>>::Target<ApplyFn<'a, A, B>>,
    ) -> <Self as Apply<'a, A>>::Target<B>
        B: 'a;

pub fn ap<'a, A, B, MA, MB, MF>(f: MF, a: MA) -> MB
    A: 'a,
    B: 'a,
    MA: Bind<'a, A, Target<B> = MB> + Clone + 'a,
    MB: Pure<B>,
    MF: Bind<'a, ApplyFn<'a, A, B>, Target<B> = MB>,
    f.bind::<B, _>(move |fv| a.clone().bind::<B, _>(move |av| MB::pure(fv.apply(av))))

pub fn apply_first<'a, A, B, MA, MB, MF>(a: MA, b: MB) -> MA
    A: Clone + 'static,
    B: 'a,
    MA: Apply<'a, A, Target<B> = MB> + Functor<'a, A, Target<ApplyFn<'a, B, A>> = MF>,
    MB: Apply<'a, B, Target<ApplyFn<'a, B, A>> = MF> + Apply<'a, B, Target<A> = MA>,
    MF: Apply<'a, ApplyFn<'a, B, A>, Target<B> = MB>,
    b.apply(a.fmap(|x: A| f(move |_| x.clone())))

pub fn apply_second<'a, A, B, MA, MB, MF>(a: MA, b: MB) -> MB
    A: 'a,
    B: Clone + 'static,
    MA: Apply<'a, A, Target<B> = MB> + Apply<'a, A, Target<ApplyFn<'a, A, B>> = MF>,
    MB: Apply<'a, B, Target<ApplyFn<'a, A, B>> = MF>
        + Functor<'a, B, Target<ApplyFn<'a, A, B>> = MF>,
    MF: Apply<'a, ApplyFn<'a, A, B>, Target<A> = MA>,
    a.apply(b.fmap(|x: B| f(move |_| x.clone())))

pub fn lift2<'a, A, B, C, MA, MB, MC, MF, F>(fun: F, a: MA, b: MB) -> MC
    F: Fn(A, B) -> C + 'static,
    A: Clone + 'static,
    B: Clone + 'a,
    C: 'a,
    MA: Apply<'a, A, Target<C> = MC> + Functor<'a, A, Target<ApplyFn<'a, B, C>> = MF>,
    MB: Apply<'a, B, Target<C> = MC> + Apply<'a, B, Target<ApplyFn<'a, B, C>> = MF>,
    MC: Apply<'a, C, Target<A> = MA>,
    MF: Apply<'a, ApplyFn<'a, B, C>>,
    let fun_ref = std::rc::Rc::new(fun);
    b.apply(a.fmap(move |x: A| {
        let fun_int = fun_ref.clone();
        f(move |y: B| fun_int(x.clone(), y))

impl<'a, A> Apply<'a, A> for Option<A>
    A: 'a,
    type Target<T> = Option<T> where T:'a;

    fn apply<B>(
        f: <Self as Apply<'a, A>>::Target<ApplyFn<'a, A, B>>,
    ) -> <Self as Apply<'a, A>>::Target<B>
        B: 'a,
        self.and_then(|x| f.map(|f| f.apply(x)))

impl<'a, A, E> Apply<'a, A> for Result<A, E>
    A: 'a,
    type Target<T> = Result<T, E> where T:'a;

    fn apply<B>(
        f: <Self as Apply<'a, A>>::Target<ApplyFn<'a, A, B>>,
    ) -> <Self as Apply<'a, A>>::Target<B>
        B: 'a,
        self.and_then(|x| f.map(|f| f.apply(x)))

#[cfg(feature = "std")]
impl<'a, A> Apply<'a, A> for Vec<A>
    A: 'a,
    Vec<A>: Clone,
    type Target<T> = Vec<T> where T:'a;

    fn apply<B>(
        f: <Self as Apply<'a, A>>::Target<ApplyFn<'a, A, B>>,
    ) -> <Self as Apply<'a, A>>::Target<B>
        B: 'a,
        ap(f, self)

mod test {
    use crate::{
        apply::{f, ApplyFn},

    fn apply_option() {
        let n: Option<i32> = None;
        let nf: Option<ApplyFn<'_, i32, i32>> = None;
        assert_eq!(Some(5).apply(Some(f(|x| x + 2))), Some(7));
        assert_eq!(n.apply(Some(f(|x| x + 2))), None);
        assert_eq!(Some(5).apply(nf), None);

    #[cfg(feature = "std")]
    mod std_test {
        use crate::apply::{f, Apply};

        fn apply_vec() {
            let a = vec![1, 2, 3];
            let f = vec![f(|x: i32| x + 3), f(|x: i32| x + 2), f(|x: i32| x + 1)];
            assert_eq!(a.apply(f), vec![4, 5, 6, 3, 4, 5, 2, 3, 4]);