hifitime 0.1.0

Precise date and time handling in Rust built on top of std::time::Duration with leap second support

hifitime 0.1.0

Precise date and time handling in Rust built on top of std::time::Duration. The Epoch used is TAI Epoch of 01 Jan 1900 at midnight, but that should not matter in day-to-day use of this library.

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  • Leap seconds (as announced by the IETF on a yearly basis)
  • Julian dates and Modified Julian dates
  • UTC representation with ISO8601 formatting (and parsing in that format)
  • Allows building custom TimeSystem (e.g. Julian days)
  • Simple to use Offsets to represent fixed or time-varying UTC offsets (e.g. for very high speed reference frames)
  • Clock drift via oscillator stability for simulation of time measuring hardware (via the simulation feature)

Almost all examples are validated with external references, as detailed on a test-by-test basis.

Leap second support

Each time computing library may decide when the extra leap second exists as explained in the IETF leap second reference. To ease computation, hifitime decides that second is the 60th of a UTC date, if such exists. Note that this second exists at a different time than defined on NASA HEASARC. That tool is used for validation of Julian dates. As an example of how this is handled, check the Julian day computations for 2015-06-30 23:59:59, 2015-06-30 23:59:60 and 2015-07-01 00:00:00.

Does not include

  • Dates only, or times only (i.e. handles only the combination of both), but the Datetime::at_midnight or Datetime::at_noon help
  • Custom formatting of date time objects (cf. issue #4)
  • An initializer from machine time (cf. issue #8)