hf-hub 0.1.0

This crates aims ease the interaction with [huggingface](https://huggingface.co/) It aims to be compatible with [huggingface_hub](https://github.com/huggingface/huggingface_hub/) python package, but only implements a smaller subset of functions.

This crates aims to emulate and be compatible with the huggingface_hub python package.

compatible means the Api should reuse the same files skipping downloads if they are already present and whenever this crate downloads or modifies this cache it should be consistent with huggingface_hub

At this time only a limited subset of the functionality is present, the goal is to add new features over time. We are currently treating this as an internel/external tool, meaning we will treat what exists as public, and keep backward compatibility in the same regard.

However allowing new features or creating new features might be denied by lack of maintainability time. We're focusing on what we currently internally need. Hopefully that subset is already interesting to more users.