hexodsp 0.2.1

Comprehensive DSP graph and synthesis library for developing a modular synthesizer in Rust, such as HexoSynth.
// Copyright (c) 2021 Weird Constructor <weirdconstructor@gmail.com>
// This file is a part of HexoDSP. Released under GPL-3.0-or-later.
// See README.md and COPYING for details.

use crate::dsp::{at, denorm, denorm_offs, inp, out, GraphFun, NodeGlobalRef}; //, inp, denorm, denorm_v, inp_dir, at};
use crate::dsp::{DspNode, LedPhaseVals, NodeContext, NodeId, ProcBuf, SAtom};
use crate::nodes::{NodeAudioContext, NodeExecContext};
use synfx_dsp::{cubic_interpolate, Trigger};

macro_rules! fa_sampl_dir {
    ($formatter: expr, $v: expr, $denorm_v: expr) => {{
        let s = match ($v.round() as usize) {
            0 => "Forward",
            1 => "Reverse",
            _ => "?",
        write!($formatter, "{}", s)

macro_rules! fa_sampl_dclick {
    ($formatter: expr, $v: expr, $denorm_v: expr) => {{
        let s = match ($v.round() as usize) {
            0 => "Off",
            1 => "On",
            _ => "?",
        write!($formatter, "{}", s)

macro_rules! fa_sampl_pmode {
    ($formatter: expr, $v: expr, $denorm_v: expr) => {{
        let s = match ($v.round() as usize) {
            0 => "Loop",
            1 => "OneShot",
            _ => "?",
        write!($formatter, "{}", s)

/// A simple amplifier
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Sampl {
    phase: f64,
    srate: f64,
    trig: Trigger,
    is_playing: bool,
    last_sample: f32,
    decaying: f32,

impl Sampl {
    pub fn new(_nid: &NodeId, _node_global: &NodeGlobalRef) -> Self {
        Self {
            phase: 0.0,
            srate: 44100.0,
            trig: Trigger::new(),
            is_playing: false,
            last_sample: 0.0,
            decaying: 0.0,
    pub const freq: &'static str = "Pitch input for the sampler, giving the playback speed of the \

    pub const trig: &'static str = "The trigger input causes a resync of the playback phase \
         and triggers the playback if the ~~pmode~~ is **OneShot**";
    pub const offs: &'static str = "Start position offset.";
    pub const len: &'static str = "Adjusts the playback length of the sample in relation \
        to the original length of the sample.";
    pub const dcms: &'static str = "Declick fade time in milliseconds.\nNot audio rate!";
    pub const det: &'static str = "Detune the oscillator in semitones and cents. \
         the input of this value is rounded to semitones on coarse input. \
         Fine input lets you detune in cents (rounded). \
         A signal sent to this port is not rounded.\n\
         Note: The signal input allows detune +-10 octaves.\

    pub const sample: &'static str = "The audio sample that is played back.";

    pub const pmode: &'static str = "The playback mode of the sampler.\n\
        - **Loop** constantly plays back the sample. You can reset/sync the phase \
        using the ~~trig~~ input in this case.\n\
        - **OneShot** plays back the sample if a trigger is received on ~~trig~~ input.\n";
    pub const dclick: &'static str =
        "If this is enabled it will enable short fade in and out ramps.\n\
         This if useful if you don't want to add an envelope just for \
         getting rid of the clicks if spos and epos are modulated.";
    pub const dir: &'static str = "Sets the direction of the playhead, plays the sample \
        forwards or backwards.";

    pub const sig: &'static str = "Sampler audio output";

    pub const DESC: &'static str = "Sample Player\n\
         Provides a simple sample player that you can load a single audio \
         sample from a WAV file into.";
    pub const HELP: &'static str = r#"Sample Player

Provides a simple sample player for playing back one loaded audio sample.
It can be used for purposes like:

* Adding ambient samples to your patches.
* Using drum samples (set ~~pmode~~) to **OneShot**
* Having an oscillator with a custom waveform (set ~~pmode~~) to **Loop**
* As custom control signal source for very long or very custom envelopes.

Only a single audio sample can be loaded into this player.

You can adjust the playback speed of the sample either by the ~~freq~~ parameter
or the ~~det~~ parameter. You can offset into the sample using the ~~offs~~
parameter and modify the playback length relative to the original
sample length using the ~~len~~ parameter.

Even though you are advised to use an envelope for controlling the playback
volume of the sample to prevent clicks a simple in and out ramp is provided
using by the ~~dclick~~ setting. The length of these ramps can be controlled
using the ~~dcms~~ parameter.

When ~~pmode~~ is set to **Loop** the sample will restart playing immediately
after it has finished. This is useful when you just want to load a waveform
into the sample player to use it as oscillator.

To start samples when ~~pmode~~ is set to **OneShot** a trigger input needs to
be provided on the ~~trig~~ input port. The ~~trig~~ input also works in
**Loop** mode to retrigger the sample.

    pub fn graph_fun() -> Option<GraphFun> {

impl Sampl {
    fn next_sample(
        &mut self,
        sr_factor: f64,
        speed: f64,
        sample_data: &[f32],
        reverse: bool,
    ) -> f32 {
        let sd_len = sample_data.len();
        if sd_len < 1 {
            return 0.0;

        let i = self.phase.floor() as usize % sd_len;
        let f = self.phase.fract();
        self.phase = i as f64 + f + sr_factor * speed;

        let (i, f) = if reverse { (((sd_len - 1) - i), 1.0 - f) } else { (i, f) };
        cubic_interpolate(sample_data, sd_len, i, f as f32)

    fn play(
        &mut self,
        inputs: &[ProcBuf],
        nframes: usize,
        sample_data: &[f32],
        out: &mut ProcBuf,
        do_loop: bool,
        declick: bool,
        reverse: bool,
    ) {
        let freq = inp::Sampl::freq(inputs);
        let trig = inp::Sampl::trig(inputs);
        let offs = inp::Sampl::offs(inputs);
        let len = inp::Sampl::len(inputs);
        let dcms = inp::Sampl::dcms(inputs);
        let det = inp::Sampl::det(inputs);

        let sample_srate = sample_data[0] as f64;
        let sample_data = &sample_data[1..];
        let sr_factor = sample_srate / self.srate;

        let ramp_time = denorm::Sampl::dcms(dcms, 0) as f64 * self.srate;
        let ramp_sample_count = (ramp_time / 1000.0).ceil() as usize;
        let ramp_inc = 1000.0 / ramp_time;

        let mut is_playing = self.is_playing;

        if do_loop {
            is_playing = true;

        let mut prev_offs = -10.0;
        let mut prev_len = -10.0;

        let mut start_idx = 0;
        let mut end_idx_plus1 = sample_data.len();

        for frame in 0..nframes {
            let trig_val = denorm::Sampl::trig(trig, frame);
            let triggered = self.trig.check_trigger(trig_val);

            if triggered {
                self.phase = 0.0;
                self.decaying = self.last_sample;
                is_playing = true;

            let s = if is_playing {
                let freq = denorm_offs::Sampl::freq(freq, det.read(frame), frame);
                let playback_speed = freq / 440.0;

                let prev_phase = self.phase;

                let sd_len = sample_data.len();

                let cur_offs = denorm::Sampl::offs(offs, frame).abs().min(0.999999) as f64;
                let recalc_end = if prev_offs != cur_offs {
                    start_idx = ((sd_len as f64 * cur_offs).floor() as usize).min(sd_len);
                    prev_offs = cur_offs;
                } else {

                let cur_len = denorm::Sampl::len(len, frame).abs().min(1.0) as f64;
                if recalc_end || prev_len != cur_len {
                    let max_sd_len = (sd_len as f64 * cur_len as f64).round() as usize;

                    let remain_s_len =
                        if start_idx <= sd_len { (sd_len - start_idx).min(max_sd_len) } else { 0 };

                    end_idx_plus1 = remain_s_len;

                    prev_len = cur_len;

                let sample_slice = &sample_data[start_idx..(start_idx + end_idx_plus1)];

                // next_sample mutates self.phase, so we need the current phase
                // that is used for looking up the sample from the audio data.
                let sample_idx = self.phase.floor() as usize;

                let mut s =
                    self.next_sample(sr_factor, playback_speed as f64, sample_slice, reverse);

                if declick {
                    let samples_to_end = sample_slice.len() - sample_idx;

                    let ramp_atten_factor = if sample_idx < ramp_sample_count {
                        sample_idx as f64 * ramp_inc
                    } else if samples_to_end < ramp_sample_count {
                        samples_to_end as f64 * ramp_inc
                    } else {

                    s *= ramp_atten_factor as f32;

                self.last_sample = s;
                out.write(frame, s);

                if !do_loop && prev_phase > self.phase {
                    // played past end => stop playing.
                    is_playing = false;

            } else {

            let s = if !declick || self.decaying.abs() < 0.00001 {
                self.decaying = 0.0;
            } else {
                self.decaying *= 0.98;
                (s + self.decaying).clamp(-1.0, 1.0)

            self.last_sample = s;
            out.write(frame, s);

        self.is_playing = is_playing;

impl DspNode for Sampl {
    fn set_sample_rate(&mut self, srate: f32) {
        self.srate = srate.into();
    fn reset(&mut self) {

    fn process(
        &mut self,
        ctx: &mut dyn NodeAudioContext,
        _ectx: &mut NodeExecContext,
        _nctx: &NodeContext,
        atoms: &[SAtom],
        inputs: &[ProcBuf],
        outputs: &mut [ProcBuf],
        ctx_vals: LedPhaseVals,
    ) {
        let sample = at::Sampl::sample(atoms);
        let pmode = at::Sampl::pmode(atoms);
        let dclick = at::Sampl::dclick(atoms);
        let dir = at::Sampl::dir(atoms);
        let out = out::Sampl::sig(outputs);

        if let SAtom::AudioSample((_, Some(sample_data))) = sample {
            // 3 is for sample-sample-rate and at least 2 audio samples.
            if sample_data.len() < 3 {
                for frame in 0..ctx.nframes() {
                    out.write(frame, 0.0);
                self.last_sample = 0.0;

                pmode.i() == 0,
                dclick.i() == 1,
                dir.i() == 1,
        } else {
            for frame in 0..ctx.nframes() {
                out.write(frame, 0.0);
            self.last_sample = 0.0;

        let last_frame = ctx.nframes() - 1;