
Build Status LoC

This project is split into two crates

  • [ lib + bin ] hexe: The chess engine itself.

    • Specialized for Hexe's use cases.
  • [ lib ] hexe_core: The chess engine's building blocks.

    • Supports no_std builds.

    • May be used by other chess programs for ease of code reuse.

Why Hexe?

  1. "Hexe" is German for witch. It denotes the use of magic bitboards within this project.

  2. It refers to Clarke's Third Law: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

  3. If she weighs the same as a duck... she's made of wood. And therefore...


Hexe is licensed under either of

at your choosing.

Note: This project initially began on 2017-01-04 in a separate repository. This repo is a rewrite and expansion of that one.