hex-slice 0.1.3

Extends the std::fmt::*Hex traits to slices
# hex-slice

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Renders a slice of integers (or anythign lese that supports the
[LowerHex](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/fmt/trait.LowerHex.html) or [UpperHex](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/fmt/trait.UpperHex.html) traits as hex. For example, this:

extern crate hex_slice;
use hex_slice::AsHex;

fn main() {
    let foo = vec![0u32, 1 ,2 ,3];
    println!("{:x}", foo.as_hex());

Displays: `[0 1 2 3]` on standard output (available with `cargo run --example trivial`).