hex-conservative 0.2.0

A hex encoding and decoding crate with a conservative MSRV and dependency policy.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0

//! Helpers for displaying bytes as hex strings.
//! This module provides a trait for displaying things as hex as well as an implementation for
//! `&[u8]`.
//! For arrays and slices we support padding and precision for length < 512 bytes.
//! # Examples
//! ```
//! use hex_conservative::DisplayHex;
//! // Display as hex.
//! let v = vec![0xde, 0xad, 0xbe, 0xef];
//! assert_eq!(format!("{}", v.as_hex()), "deadbeef");
//! // Get the most significant bytes.
//! let v = vec![0x01, 0x23, 0x45, 0x67];
//! assert_eq!(format!("{0:.4}", v.as_hex()), "0123");
//! // Padding with zeros
//! let v = vec![0xab; 2];
//! assert_eq!(format!("{:0>8}", v.as_hex()), "0000abab");

#[cfg(all(feature = "alloc", not(feature = "std")))]
use alloc::string::String;
use core::borrow::Borrow;
use core::fmt;

use super::Case;
use crate::buf_encoder::BufEncoder;

/// Extension trait for types that can be displayed as hex.
/// Types that have a single, obvious text representation being hex should **not** implement this
/// trait and simply implement `Display` instead.
/// This trait should be generally implemented for references only. We would prefer to use GAT but
/// that is beyond our MSRV. As a lint we require the `IsRef` trait which is implemented for all
/// references.
pub trait DisplayHex: Copy + sealed::IsRef {
    /// The type providing [`fmt::Display`] implementation.
    /// This is usually a wrapper type holding a reference to `Self`.
    type Display: fmt::Display + fmt::Debug + fmt::LowerHex + fmt::UpperHex;

    /// Display `Self` as a continuous sequence of ASCII hex chars.
    fn as_hex(self) -> Self::Display;

    /// Create a lower-hex-encoded string.
    /// A shorthand for `to_hex_string(Case::Lower)`, so that `Case` doesn't need to be imported.
    /// This may be faster than `.display_hex().to_string()` because it uses `reserve_suggestion`.
    #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
    fn to_lower_hex_string(self) -> String { self.to_hex_string(Case::Lower) }

    /// Create an upper-hex-encoded string.
    /// A shorthand for `to_hex_string(Case::Upper)`, so that `Case` doesn't need to be imported.
    /// This may be faster than `.display_hex().to_string()` because it uses `reserve_suggestion`.
    #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
    fn to_upper_hex_string(self) -> String { self.to_hex_string(Case::Upper) }

    /// Create a hex-encoded string.
    /// This may be faster than `.display_hex().to_string()` because it uses `reserve_suggestion`.
    #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
    fn to_hex_string(self, case: Case) -> String {
        let mut string = String::new();
        self.append_hex_to_string(case, &mut string);

    /// Appends hex-encoded content to an existing `String`.
    /// This may be faster than `write!(string, "{:x}", self.as_hex())` because it uses
    /// `hex_reserve_sugggestion`.
    #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
    fn append_hex_to_string(self, case: Case, string: &mut String) {
        use fmt::Write;

        match case {
            Case::Lower => write!(string, "{:x}", self.as_hex()),
            Case::Upper => write!(string, "{:X}", self.as_hex()),
        .unwrap_or_else(|_| {
            let name = core::any::type_name::<Self::Display>();
            // We don't expect `std` to ever be buggy, so the bug is most likely in the `Display`
            // impl of `Self::Display`.
            panic!("The implementation of Display for {} returned an error when it shouldn't", name)

    /// Hints how much bytes to reserve when creating a `String`.
    /// Implementors that know the number of produced bytes upfront should override this.
    /// Defaults to 0.
    // We prefix the name with `hex_` to avoid potential collision with other methods.
    fn hex_reserve_suggestion(self) -> usize { 0 }

mod sealed {
    /// Trait marking a shared reference.
    pub trait IsRef: Copy {}

    impl<T: ?Sized> IsRef for &'_ T {}

impl<'a> DisplayHex for &'a [u8] {
    type Display = DisplayByteSlice<'a>;

    fn as_hex(self) -> Self::Display { DisplayByteSlice { bytes: self } }

    fn hex_reserve_suggestion(self) -> usize {
        // Since the string wouldn't fit into address space if this overflows (actually even for
        // smaller amounts) it's better to panic right away. It should also give the optimizer
        // better opportunities.
        self.len().checked_mul(2).expect("the string wouldn't fit into address space")

#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
impl<'a> DisplayHex for &'a alloc::vec::Vec<u8> {
    type Display = DisplayByteSlice<'a>;

    fn as_hex(self) -> Self::Display { DisplayByteSlice { bytes: self } }

    fn hex_reserve_suggestion(self) -> usize {
        // Since the string wouldn't fit into address space if this overflows (actually even for
        // smaller amounts) it's better to panic right away. It should also give the optimizer
        // better opportunities.
        self.len().checked_mul(2).expect("the string wouldn't fit into address space")

/// Displays byte slice as hex.
/// Created by [`<&[u8] as DisplayHex>::as_hex`](DisplayHex::as_hex).
pub struct DisplayByteSlice<'a> {
    // pub because we want to keep lengths in sync
    pub(crate) bytes: &'a [u8],

impl<'a> DisplayByteSlice<'a> {
    fn display(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter, case: Case) -> fmt::Result {
        use fmt::Write;
        // There are at least two optimizations left:
        // * Reusing the buffer (encoder) which may decrease the number of virtual calls
        // * Not recursing, avoiding another 1024B allocation and zeroing
        // This would complicate the code so I was too lazy to do them but feel free to send a PR!

        let mut encoder = BufEncoder::<1024>::new();

        let pad_right = if let Some(width) = f.width() {
            let string_len = match f.precision() {
                Some(max) if self.bytes.len() * 2 > (max + 1) / 2 => max,
                Some(_) | None => self.bytes.len() * 2,

            if string_len < width {
                let (left, right) = match f.align().unwrap_or(fmt::Alignment::Left) {
                    fmt::Alignment::Left => (0, width - string_len),
                    fmt::Alignment::Right => (width - string_len, 0),
                    fmt::Alignment::Center =>
                        ((width - string_len) / 2, (width - string_len + 1) / 2),
                // Avoid division by zero and optimize for common case.
                if left > 0 {
                    let c = f.fill();
                    let chunk_len = encoder.put_filler(c, left);
                    let padding = encoder.as_str();
                    for _ in 0..(left / chunk_len) {
                    f.write_str(&padding[..((left % chunk_len) * c.len_utf8())])?;
            } else {
        } else {

        match f.precision() {
            Some(max) if self.bytes.len() > (max + 1) / 2 => {
                write!(f, "{}", self.bytes[..(max / 2)].as_hex())?;
                if max % 2 == 1 && self.bytes.len() > max / 2 + 1 {
                        case.table().byte_to_hex(self.bytes[max / 2 + 1]).as_bytes()[1].into(),
            Some(_) | None => {
                let mut chunks = self.bytes.chunks_exact(512);
                for chunk in &mut chunks {
                    encoder.put_bytes(chunk, case);
                encoder.put_bytes(chunks.remainder(), case);

        // Avoid division by zero and optimize for common case.
        if pad_right > 0 {
            let c = f.fill();
            let chunk_len = encoder.put_filler(c, pad_right);
            let padding = encoder.as_str();
            for _ in 0..(pad_right / chunk_len) {
            f.write_str(&padding[..((pad_right % chunk_len) * c.len_utf8())])?;

impl<'a> fmt::Display for DisplayByteSlice<'a> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { fmt::LowerHex::fmt(self, f) }

impl<'a> fmt::Debug for DisplayByteSlice<'a> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { fmt::LowerHex::fmt(self, f) }

impl<'a> fmt::LowerHex for DisplayByteSlice<'a> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { self.display(f, Case::Lower) }

impl<'a> fmt::UpperHex for DisplayByteSlice<'a> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { self.display(f, Case::Upper) }

/// Displays byte array as hex.
/// Created by [`<&[u8; CAP / 2] as DisplayHex>::as_hex`](DisplayHex::as_hex).
pub struct DisplayArray<'a, const CAP: usize> {
    array: &'a [u8],

impl<'a, const CAP: usize> DisplayArray<'a, CAP> {
    /// Creates the wrapper.
    /// # Panics
    /// When the length of array is greater than capacity / 2.
    fn new(array: &'a [u8]) -> Self {
        assert!(array.len() <= CAP / 2);
        DisplayArray { array }

    fn display(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter, case: Case) -> fmt::Result {
        let mut encoder = BufEncoder::<CAP>::new();
        encoder.put_bytes(self.array, case);
        f.pad_integral(true, "0x", encoder.as_str())

impl<'a, const LEN: usize> fmt::Display for DisplayArray<'a, LEN> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { fmt::LowerHex::fmt(self, f) }

impl<'a, const LEN: usize> fmt::Debug for DisplayArray<'a, LEN> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { fmt::LowerHex::fmt(self, f) }

impl<'a, const LEN: usize> fmt::LowerHex for DisplayArray<'a, LEN> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { self.display(f, Case::Lower) }

impl<'a, const LEN: usize> fmt::UpperHex for DisplayArray<'a, LEN> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { self.display(f, Case::Upper) }

macro_rules! impl_array_as_hex {
    ($($len:expr),*) => {
            impl<'a> DisplayHex for &'a [u8; $len] {
                type Display = DisplayArray<'a, {$len * 2}>;

                fn as_hex(self) -> Self::Display {

    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 32, 33, 64, 65, 128, 256, 512, 1024,
    2048, 4096

/// Format known-length array as hex.
/// This supports all formatting options of formatter and may be faster than calling `as_hex()` on
/// an arbitrary `&[u8]`. Note that the implementation intentionally keeps leading zeros even when
/// not requested. This is designed to display values such as hashes and keys and removing leading
/// zeros would be confusing.
/// Note that the bytes parameter is `IntoIterator` this means that if you would like to do some
/// manipulation to the byte array before formatting then you can. For example `bytes.iter().rev()`
/// to print the array backwards.
/// ## Parameters
/// * `$formatter` - a [`fmt::Formatter`].
/// * `$len` known length of `$bytes`, must be a const expression.
/// * `$bytes` - bytes to be encoded, most likely a reference to an array.
/// * `$case` - value of type [`Case`] determining whether to format as lower or upper case.
/// ## Panics
/// This macro panics if `$len` is not equal to `$bytes.len()`. It also fails to compile if `$len`
/// is more than half of `usize::MAX`.
macro_rules! fmt_hex_exact {
    ($formatter:expr, $len:expr, $bytes:expr, $case:expr) => {{
        // statically check $len
        const _: () = [()][($len > usize::MAX / 2) as usize];
        assert_eq!($bytes.len(), $len);
        $crate::display::fmt_hex_exact_fn::<_, { $len * 2 }>($formatter, $bytes, $case)
pub use fmt_hex_exact;

// Implementation detail of `write_hex_exact` macro to de-duplicate the code
// Whether hex is an integer or a string is debatable, we cater a little bit to each.
// - We support users adding `0x` prefix using "{:#}" (treating hex like an integer).
// - We support limiting the output using precision "{:.10}" (treating hex like a string).
pub fn fmt_hex_exact_fn<I, const N: usize>(
    f: &mut fmt::Formatter,
    bytes: I,
    case: Case,
) -> fmt::Result
    I: IntoIterator,
    I::Item: Borrow<u8>,
    let mut encoder = BufEncoder::<N>::new();
    encoder.put_bytes(bytes, case);
    let encoded = encoder.as_str();

    if let Some(precision) = f.precision() {
        if encoded.len() > precision {
            return f.pad_integral(true, "0x", &encoded[..precision]);
    f.pad_integral(true, "0x", encoded)

mod tests {
    #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
    use super::*;

    #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
    mod alloc {
        use super::*;

        fn check_encoding(bytes: &[u8]) {
            use core::fmt::Write;

            let s1 = bytes.to_lower_hex_string();
            let mut s2 = String::with_capacity(bytes.len() * 2);
            for b in bytes {
                write!(s2, "{:02x}", b).unwrap();
            assert_eq!(s1, s2);

        fn empty() { check_encoding(b""); }

        fn single() { check_encoding(b"*"); }

        fn two() { check_encoding(b"*x"); }

        fn just_below_boundary() { check_encoding(&[42; 512]); }

        fn just_above_boundary() { check_encoding(&[42; 513]); }

        fn just_above_double_boundary() { check_encoding(&[42; 1025]); }

        fn fmt_exact_macro() {
            use crate::alloc::string::ToString;

            struct Dummy([u8; 32]);

            impl fmt::Display for Dummy {
                fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
                    fmt_hex_exact!(f, 32, &self.0, Case::Lower)
            let dummy = Dummy([42; 32]);
            assert_eq!(dummy.to_string(), "2a".repeat(32));
            assert_eq!(format!("{:.10}", dummy), "2a".repeat(5));

        fn display_short_with_padding() {
            let v = vec![0xbe, 0xef];
            assert_eq!(format!("Hello {:<8}!", v.as_hex()), "Hello beef    !");
            assert_eq!(format!("Hello {:-<8}!", v.as_hex()), "Hello beef----!");
            assert_eq!(format!("Hello {:^8}!", v.as_hex()), "Hello   beef  !");
            assert_eq!(format!("Hello {:>8}!", v.as_hex()), "Hello     beef!");

        fn display_long() {
            // Note this string is shorter than the one above.
            let v = vec![0xab; 512];
            let mut want = "0".repeat(2000 - 1024);
            let got = format!("{:0>2000}", v.as_hex());
            assert_eq!(got, want)

        // Precision and padding act the same as for strings in the stdlib (because we use `Formatter::pad`).

        fn precision_truncates() {
            // Precision gets the most significant bytes.
            let v = vec![0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78];
            // Remember the integer is number of hex chars not number of bytes.
            assert_eq!(format!("{0:.4}", v.as_hex()), "1234");

        fn precision_with_padding_truncates() {
            // Precision gets the most significant bytes.
            let v = vec![0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78];
            assert_eq!(format!("{0:10.4}", v.as_hex()), "1234      ");

        fn precision_with_padding_pads_right() {
            let v = vec![0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78];
            assert_eq!(format!("{0:10.20}", v.as_hex()), "12345678  ");

        fn precision_with_padding_pads_left() {
            let v = vec![0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78];
            assert_eq!(format!("{0:>10.20}", v.as_hex()), "  12345678");

        fn precision_with_padding_pads_center() {
            let v = vec![0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78];
            assert_eq!(format!("{0:^10.20}", v.as_hex()), " 12345678 ");

        fn precision_with_padding_pads_center_odd() {
            let v = vec![0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78];
            assert_eq!(format!("{0:^11.20}", v.as_hex()), " 12345678  ");

        fn precision_does_not_extend() {
            let v = vec![0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78];
            assert_eq!(format!("{0:.16}", v.as_hex()), "12345678");

        fn padding_extends() {
            let v = vec![0xab; 2];
            assert_eq!(format!("{:0>8}", v.as_hex()), "0000abab");

        fn padding_does_not_truncate() {
            let v = vec![0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78];
            assert_eq!(format!("{:0>4}", v.as_hex()), "12345678");