heron_core 5.0.2

Core components and resources to use Heron
use bevy::{
    reflect::{FromReflect, Reflect},

/// Describes a collision layer
/// It is recommended to implement it using the derive macro.
pub trait PhysicsLayer: Sized {
    fn to_bits(&self) -> u32;
    fn all_bits() -> u32;

impl<T: PhysicsLayer> PhysicsLayer for &T {
    fn to_bits(&self) -> u32 {

    fn all_bits() -> u32 {

/// Components that defines the collision layers of the collision shape.
/// This component contains two collections of layers: "groups" and "masks".
/// Two entities A and B will interact iff:
///  * There is a layer in the groups of A that is also in the masks of B
///  * There is a layer in the groups of B that is also in the masks of A
/// An entity without this component is considered has having all layers in its "groups" and
/// "masks", and will interact with everything.
/// This component must be on the same entity of a [`CollisionShape`](crate::CollisionShape)
/// To build an instance, start with either [`CollisionLayers::new()`], [`CollisionLayers::all_groups()`],
/// [`CollisionLayers::all_masks()`], [`CollisionLayers::all()`] or
/// [`CollisionLayers::none()`], and then add or remove layers by calling
/// `with_group`/`without_group` and `with_mask`/`without_mask`.
/// Theses methods take a type that implement [`PhysicsLayer`]. The best option is to create an enum
/// with a `#[derive(PhysicsLayer)]` clause.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use heron_core::*;
/// # use bevy::prelude::*;
/// # enum GameLayer {
/// #   World,
/// #   Player,
/// #   Enemies,
/// # }
/// # impl PhysicsLayer for GameLayer {
/// #     fn to_bits(&self) -> u32 {
/// #         todo!()
/// #     }
/// #     fn all_bits() -> u32 {
/// #         todo!()
/// #     }
/// # }
/// fn spawn(mut commands: Commands) {
///    commands.spawn_bundle(todo!("Spawn a bundle of your choice"))
///         .insert(RigidBody::Dynamic) // <-- Create a rigid body
///         .insert(CollisionShape::Sphere { radius: 10.0 }) // <-- Attach a collision shape
///         .insert(
///             // Define the collision layer of this *collision shape*
///             CollisionLayers::none()
///                 .with_group(GameLayer::Player) // <-- Mark it as the player
///                 .with_masks(&[GameLayer::World, GameLayer::Enemies]) // <-- Defines that the player collides with world and enemies (but not with other players)
///         );
/// }
/// ```
#[derive(Debug, Component, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Reflect, FromReflect)]
pub struct CollisionLayers {
    groups: u32,
    masks: u32,

impl Default for CollisionLayers {
    fn default() -> Self {
        Self {
            groups: 0xffff_ffff,
            masks: 0xffff_ffff,

impl CollisionLayers {
    /// Create a new collision layers configuration with a single group and mask.
    /// You may add more groups and mask with `with_group` and `with_mask`.
    pub fn new<L: PhysicsLayer>(group: L, mask: L) -> Self {
        Self::from_bits(group.to_bits(), mask.to_bits())

    /// Contains all groups and masks
    /// The entity, will interacts with everything (except the entities that interact with
    /// nothing).
    pub fn all<L: PhysicsLayer>() -> Self {
        Self::from_bits(L::all_bits(), L::all_bits())

    /// Contains all groups and no masks
    /// The entity, will not interact with anything, unless you add masks via [`CollisionLayers::with_mask`]. You
    /// can also exclude specific groups using [`CollisionLayers::without_group`].
    pub fn all_groups<L: PhysicsLayer>() -> Self {
        Self::from_bits(L::all_bits(), 0)

    /// Contains no groups and all masks
    /// The entity, will not interact with anything, unless you add group via [`CollisionLayers::with_group`]. You
    /// can also exclude specific masks using [`CollisionLayers::without_mask`].
    pub fn all_masks<L: PhysicsLayer>() -> Self {
        Self::from_bits(0, L::all_bits())

    /// Contains no masks and groups
    /// The entity, will not interact with anything
    pub const fn none() -> Self {
        Self::from_bits(0, 0)

    pub const fn from_bits(groups: u32, masks: u32) -> Self {
        Self { groups, masks }

    /// Returns true if the entity would interact with an entity containing the `other` [`CollisionLayers]`
    pub fn interacts_with(self, other: Self) -> bool {
        (self.groups & other.masks) != 0 && (other.groups & self.masks) != 0

    /// Returns true if the given layer is contained in the "groups"
    pub fn contains_group(self, layer: impl PhysicsLayer) -> bool {
        (self.groups & layer.to_bits()) != 0

    /// Add the given layer in the "groups"
    pub fn with_group(mut self, layer: impl PhysicsLayer) -> Self {
        self.groups |= layer.to_bits();

    /// Add the given layers in the "groups"
    pub fn with_groups(mut self, layers: impl IntoIterator<Item = impl PhysicsLayer>) -> Self {
        for layer in layers.into_iter().map(|l| l.to_bits()) {
            self.groups |= layer;


    /// Remove the given layer from the "groups"
    pub fn without_group(mut self, layer: impl PhysicsLayer) -> Self {
        self.groups &= !layer.to_bits();

    /// Returns true if the given layer is contained in the "masks"
    pub fn contains_mask(self, layer: impl PhysicsLayer) -> bool {
        (self.masks & layer.to_bits()) != 0

    /// Add the given layer in the "masks"
    pub fn with_mask(mut self, layer: impl PhysicsLayer) -> Self {
        self.masks |= layer.to_bits();

    /// Add the given layers in the "masks"
    pub fn with_masks(mut self, layers: impl IntoIterator<Item = impl PhysicsLayer>) -> Self {
        for layer in layers.into_iter().map(|l| l.to_bits()) {
            self.masks |= layer;


    /// Remove the given layer from the "masks"
    pub fn without_mask(mut self, layer: impl PhysicsLayer) -> Self {
        self.masks &= !layer.to_bits();

    pub fn groups_bits(self) -> u32 {

    pub fn masks_bits(self) -> u32 {

mod tests {
    use rstest::rstest;

    use super::*;

    enum TestLayer {

    impl PhysicsLayer for TestLayer {
        fn to_bits(&self) -> u32 {
            match self {
                TestLayer::One => 1,
                TestLayer::Two => 2,

        fn all_bits() -> u32 {

    fn all_interacts_with_all() {

    fn none_does_not_interact_with_any_anything(#[case] other: CollisionLayers) {

    fn empty_groups_and_masks_not_interact() {
        let c1 = CollisionLayers::all_groups::<TestLayer>();
        let c2 = CollisionLayers::all_masks::<TestLayer>();


    fn with_layer_adds_interaction() {
        let c1 = CollisionLayers::none()

        let c2 = CollisionLayers::none()


    fn without_layer_removes_interaction() {
        let c1 = CollisionLayers::all::<TestLayer>()

        let c2 = CollisionLayers::all::<TestLayer>()

        println!("{:?}, {:?}", c1, c2);