here_be_dragons 0.2.1

Map generator for games
//! Generators for dungeon type maps.
//! Generators can bu used directly or they can be combined with
//! `MapGenerator`s and `MapModifier`s
//! * MapGenerators are use to create initial map.
//! * MapModifiers modify existing map.
//! Example
//! ```
//! use here_be_dragons::{MapFilter, MapBuilder, Map, NoData, Tile};
//! use here_be_dragons::filter::{
//!     NoiseGenerator,
//!     CellularAutomata,
//!     starting_point::{AreaStartingPosition, XStart, YStart}
//! };
//! use here_be_dragons::geometry::Point;
//! let map = MapBuilder::<NoData>::new(80, 50)
//!             .with(NoiseGenerator::uniform())
//!             .with(CellularAutomata::new())
//!             .with(AreaStartingPosition::new(XStart::CENTER, YStart::CENTER))
//!             .build();
//! assert_eq!(map.width, 80);
//! assert_eq!(map.height, 50);
//! assert_eq!(map.starting_point.is_some(), true);
//! ```

pub mod filter;
pub mod geometry;
pub mod map;
pub mod metric;

pub use filter::*;
pub use map::{Map, NoData, Symmetry, Tile};

pub(crate) mod dijkstra;
pub(crate) mod random;

use rand::prelude::*;
use std::time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH};

/// Trait which should be implemented by map modifier.
/// Modifier takes initiall map and apply changes to it.
pub trait MapFilter<D: Clone + Default> {
    fn modify_map(&self, rng: &mut StdRng, map: &Map<D>) -> Map<D>;

/// Used to chain MapBuilder and MapModifiers to create the final map.
pub struct MapBuilder<D: Clone + Default> {
    width: usize,
    height: usize,
    modifiers: Vec<Box<dyn MapFilter<D>>>,

impl<D: Clone + Default> MapBuilder<D> {
    /// Create Map Builder with initial map generator
    pub fn new(width: usize, height: usize) -> MapBuilder<D> {
        MapBuilder {
            modifiers: Vec::new(),

    pub fn with(&mut self, modifier: Box<dyn MapFilter<D>>) -> &mut MapBuilder<D> {

    /// Build map using random number seeded with system time
    pub fn build(&mut self) -> Map<D> {
        let system_time = SystemTime::now()
            .expect("Can't access system time");
        let mut rng = StdRng::seed_from_u64(system_time.as_millis() as u64);
        self.build_with_rng(&mut rng)

    /// Build map using provided random number generator
    pub fn build_with_rng(&mut self, rng: &mut StdRng) -> Map<D> {
        let mut map = Map::new(self.width, self.height);

        // Build additional layers in turn
        for modifier in self.modifiers.iter() {
            map = modifier.modify_map(rng, &map);


/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Module unit tests
/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
mod tests {
    use crate::map::NoData;

    use super::*;
    use filter::{
        CellularAutomata, NoiseGenerator, {AreaStartingPosition, XStart, YStart},

    fn test_ca_map() {
        let map = MapBuilder::<NoData>::new(80, 50)
            .with(AreaStartingPosition::new(XStart::CENTER, YStart::CENTER))

        assert_eq!(map.width, 80);
        assert_eq!(map.height, 50);