heph 0.4.0

Heph is an actor framework based on asynchronous functions.
//! Module containing actor references.
//! An actor reference is a generic reference to an actor that can run on the
//! same thread, another thread on the same node or even running remotely.
//! # Sending messages
//! The primary function of actor references is sending messages. This can be
//! done by using the [`send`] or [`try_send`] methods. These methods don't
//! block, even the remote actor reference, but the methods don't provided a lot
//! of guarantees. It doesn't even guarantee the order in which the messages
//! arrive. What [`send`] does is asynchronously add the message to the queue of
//! messages for the actor.
//! In case of thread-local actor reference this can be done directly. But for
//! thread-safe actor references the message must first be send across thread
//! bounds before being added to the actor's message queue. Remote actor
//! references even need to send this message across a network, a lot can go
//! wrong here.
//! If guarantees are needed that a message is received or processed the
//! receiving actor should send back an acknowledgment that the message is
//! received and/or processed correctly.
//! [`send`]: ActorRef::send
//! [`try_send`]: ActorRef::try_send
//! This example shows a simple actor that prints all the messages it receives.
//! ```
//! #![feature(never_type)]
//! use heph::actor;
//! use heph::supervisor::NoSupervisor;
//! use heph_rt::spawn::ActorOptions;
//! use heph_rt::{self as rt, Runtime, ThreadLocal};
//! fn main() -> Result<(), rt::Error> {
//!     let mut runtime = Runtime::new()?;
//!     runtime.run_on_workers(|mut runtime_ref| -> Result<(), !> {
//!         // Spawn the actor.
//!         let new_actor = actor as fn(_) -> _;
//!         let actor_ref = runtime_ref.spawn_local(NoSupervisor, new_actor, (), ActorOptions::default());
//!         // Now we can use the actor reference to send the actor a message.
//!         actor_ref.try_send("Hello world".to_owned()).unwrap();
//!         Ok(())
//!     })?;
//!     runtime.start()
//! }
//! /// Our actor.
//! async fn actor(mut ctx: actor::Context<String, ThreadLocal>) {
//!     if let Ok(msg) = ctx.receive_next().await {
//!         println!("got message: {}", msg);
//!     }
//! }
//! ```
//! # Sharing actor references
//! All actor references can be cloned, which is the easiest way to share them.
//! The example below shows how an actor reference is cloned to send a message
//! to the same actor.
//! ```
//! #![feature(never_type)]
//! use heph::actor;
//! use heph::supervisor::NoSupervisor;
//! use heph_rt::spawn::ActorOptions;
//! use heph_rt::{self as rt, Runtime, ThreadLocal};
//! fn main() -> Result<(), rt::Error> {
//!     let mut runtime = Runtime::new()?;
//!     runtime.run_on_workers(|mut runtime_ref| -> Result<(), !> {
//!         let new_actor = actor as fn(_) -> _;
//!         let actor_ref = runtime_ref.spawn_local(NoSupervisor, new_actor, (), ActorOptions::default());
//!         // To create another actor reference we can simply clone the
//!         // first one.
//!         let second_actor_ref = actor_ref.clone();
//!         // Now we can use both references to send a message.
//!         actor_ref.try_send("Hello world".to_owned()).unwrap();
//!         second_actor_ref.try_send("Bye world".to_owned()).unwrap();
//!         Ok(())
//!     })?;
//!     runtime.start()
//! }
//! /// Our actor.
//! async fn actor(mut ctx: actor::Context<String, ThreadLocal>) {
//!     if let Ok(msg) = ctx.receive_next().await {
//!         println!("First message: {}", msg);
//!     }
//!     if let Ok(msg) = ctx.receive_next().await {
//!         println!("Second message: {}", msg);
//!     }
//! }
//! ```

use std::any::TypeId;
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::error::Error;
use std::fmt;
use std::future::Future;
use std::iter::FromIterator;
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::task::{self, Poll};

use heph_inbox::{self as inbox, Sender};

pub mod rpc;
pub use rpc::{Rpc, RpcError, RpcMessage, RpcResponse};

/// Actor reference.
/// An actor reference reference can be used to send messages to an actor, for
/// more details see the [module] documentation.
/// [module]: crate::actor_ref
pub struct ActorRef<M> {
    kind: ActorRefKind<M>,

enum ActorRefKind<M> {
    /// Reference to an actor running on the same node.
    /// Reference that attempts to map the message to a different type first.
    Mapped(Arc<dyn MappedActorRef<M>>),

// We know that the `Local` variant is `Send` and `Sync`. Since the `Mapped`
// variant is a boxed version of `Local` so is that variant. This makes the
// entire `ActorRefKind` `Send` and `Sync`, as long as `M` is `Send` (as we
// could be sending the message across thread bounds).
unsafe impl<M: Send> Send for ActorRefKind<M> {}
unsafe impl<M: Send> Sync for ActorRefKind<M> {}

// `ActorRefKind` is safe to move around independent of `M` as it's already heap
// allocated.
impl<M> Unpin for ActorRefKind<M> {}

impl<M> ActorRef<M> {
    /// Create a new `ActorRef` for an actor using `sender`.
    #[doc(hidden)] // Not part of the stable API.
    pub const fn local(sender: Sender<M>) -> ActorRef<M> {
        ActorRef {
            kind: ActorRefKind::Local(sender),

    /// Send a message to the actor.
    /// See [Sending messages] and [`ActorRef::try_send`] for more details.
    /// [Sending messages]: index.html#sending-messages
    /// # Notes
    /// Mapped actor references, see [`ActorRef::map`] and
    /// [`ActorRef::try_map`], require an allocation and might be expensive. If
    /// possible try [`ActorRef::try_send`] first, which does not require an
    /// allocation. Regular (i.e. non-mapped) actor references do not require an
    /// allocation.
    pub fn send<'r, Msg>(&'r self, msg: Msg) -> SendValue<'r, M>
        Msg: Into<M>,
        use ActorRefKind::*;
        let msg = msg.into();
        SendValue {
            kind: match &self.kind {
                Local(sender) => SendValueKind::Local(sender.send(msg)),
                Mapped(actor_ref) => SendValueKind::Mapped(actor_ref.mapped_send(msg)),

    /// Attempt to send a message to the actor.
    /// Some types of actor references can detect errors in sending a message,
    /// however not all actor references can. This means that even if this
    /// methods returns `Ok` it does **not** mean that the message is guaranteed
    /// to be delivered to or handled by the actor.
    /// See [Sending messages] for more details.
    /// [Sending messages]: index.html#sending-messages
    pub fn try_send<Msg>(&self, msg: Msg) -> Result<(), SendError>
        Msg: Into<M>,
        use ActorRefKind::*;
        #[cfg(any(test, feature = "test"))]
        if crate::test::should_lose_msg() {
            log::debug!("dropping message on purpose");
            return Ok(());

        let msg = msg.into();
        match &self.kind {
            Local(sender) => sender.try_send(msg).map_err(|_| SendError),
            Mapped(actor_ref) => actor_ref.try_mapped_send(msg),

    /// Make a Remote Procedure Call (RPC).
    /// This will send the `request` to the actor and returns a [`Rpc`]
    /// [`Future`] that will return a response (of type `Res`), or an error if
    /// the receiving actor didn't respond.
    /// See the [`rpc`] module for more details.
    /// [`Future`]: std::future::Future
    pub fn rpc<'r, Req, Res>(&'r self, request: Req) -> Rpc<'r, M, Res>
        M: From<RpcMessage<Req, Res>>,
        Rpc::new(self, request)

    /// Change the message type of the actor reference.
    /// Before sending the message this will first change the message into a
    /// different type. This is useful when you need to send to different types
    /// of actors (using different message types) from a central location.
    /// # Notes
    /// This conversion is **not** cheap, it requires an allocation so use with
    /// caution when it comes to performance sensitive code.
    /// Prefer to clone an existing mapped `ActorRef` over creating a new one as
    /// that can reuse the allocation mentioned above.
    pub fn map<Msg>(self) -> ActorRef<Msg>
        M: From<Msg> + 'static,
        Msg: 'static,
        // There is a blanket implementation for `TryFrom` for `T: From` so we
        // can use the `TryFrom` knowning that it will never return an error.

    /// Much like [`map`], but uses the [`TryFrom`] trait.
    /// This creates a new actor reference that attempts to map from one message
    /// type to another before sending. This is useful when you need to send to
    /// different types of actors from a central location.
    /// [`map`]: ActorRef::map
    /// # Notes
    /// Errors converting from one message type to another are turned into
    /// [`SendError`]s.
    /// This conversion is **not** cheap, it requires an allocation so use with
    /// caution when it comes to performance sensitive code.
    /// Prefer to clone an existing mapped `ActorRef` over creating a new one as
    /// that can reuse the allocation mentioned above.
    pub fn try_map<Msg>(self) -> ActorRef<Msg>
        M: TryFrom<Msg> + 'static,
        Msg: 'static,
        if TypeId::of::<ActorRef<M>>() == TypeId::of::<ActorRef<Msg>>() {
            // Safety: If `M` == `Msg`, then the following `transmute` is a
            // no-op and thus safe.
            unsafe { std::mem::transmute(self) }
        } else {
            ActorRef {
                kind: ActorRefKind::Mapped(Arc::new(self)),

    /// Change the message type of the actor reference.
    /// Before sending the message this will first change the message into a
    /// different type using the `map`ping function `F`. This is useful when you
    /// need to send to different types of actors (using different message
    /// types) from a central location.
    /// # Notes
    /// This conversion is **not** cheap, it requires an allocation so use with
    /// caution when it comes to performance sensitive code.
    /// Prefer to clone an existing mapped `ActorRef` over creating a new one as
    /// that can reuse the allocation mentioned above.
    pub fn map_fn<Msg, F>(self, map: F) -> ActorRef<Msg>
        F: Fn(Msg) -> M + 'static,
        M: 'static,
        self.try_map_fn::<Msg, _, !>(move |msg| Ok(map(msg)))

    /// Change the message type of the actor reference.
    /// Before sending the message this will first change the message into a
    /// different type using the `map`ping function `F`. This is useful when you
    /// need to send to different types of actors (using different message
    /// types) from a central location.
    /// # Notes
    /// This conversion is **not** cheap, it requires an allocation so use with
    /// caution when it comes to performance sensitive code.
    /// Prefer to clone an existing mapped `ActorRef` over creating a new one as
    /// that can reuse the allocation mentioned above.
    pub fn try_map_fn<Msg, F, E>(self, map: F) -> ActorRef<Msg>
        F: Fn(Msg) -> Result<M, E> + 'static,
        M: 'static,
        let mapped_ref = MappedActorRefFn {
            actor_ref: self,
        ActorRef {
            kind: ActorRefKind::Mapped(Arc::new(mapped_ref)),

    /// Returns a [`Future`] that waits until the actor finishes running. Acts
    /// similar to a [`JoinHandle`] of a thread.
    /// [disconnected]: ActorRef::is_connected
    /// [`JoinHandle`]: std::thread::JoinHandle
    pub fn join<'r>(&'r self) -> Join<'r, M> {
        use ActorRefKind::*;
        Join {
            kind: match &self.kind {
                Local(sender) => JoinKind::Local(sender.join()),
                Mapped(actor_ref) => JoinKind::Mapped(actor_ref.mapped_join()),

    /// Returns `true` if the actor to which this reference sends to is still
    /// connected.
    /// # Notes
    /// Even if this returns `true` it doesn't mean [`ActorRef::try_send`] will
    /// succeeded (even if the inbox isn't full). There is always a race
    /// condition between using this method and doing something based on it.
    /// This does provide one useful feature: once this returns `false` it will
    /// never return `true` again. This makes it useful in the use case where
    /// creating a message is expansive, which is wasted if the actor is no
    /// longer running. Thus this should only be used as optimisation to not do
    /// work.
    pub fn is_connected(&self) -> bool {
        use ActorRefKind::*;
        match &self.kind {
            Local(sender) => sender.is_connected(),
            Mapped(actor_ref) => actor_ref.is_connected(),

    /// Returns true if `self` and `other` send messages to the same actor.
    pub fn sends_to<Msg>(&self, other: &ActorRef<Msg>) -> bool {
        self.id() == other.id()

    fn id(&self) -> inbox::Id {
        use ActorRefKind::*;
        match &self.kind {
            Local(sender) => sender.id(),
            Mapped(actor_ref) => actor_ref.id(),

impl<M> Clone for ActorRef<M> {
    fn clone(&self) -> ActorRef<M> {
        use ActorRefKind::*;
        ActorRef {
            kind: match &self.kind {
                Local(sender) => Local(sender.clone()),
                Mapped(actor_ref) => Mapped(actor_ref.clone()),

impl<M> fmt::Debug for ActorRef<M> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {

/// Trait to erase the original message type of the actor reference.
/// # Notes
/// For correctness this may only be implemented on [`ActorRef`].
trait MappedActorRef<M> {
    /// Same as [`ActorRef::try_send`] but converts the message first.
    fn try_mapped_send(&self, msg: M) -> Result<(), SendError>;

    fn mapped_send<'r>(&'r self, msg: M) -> MappedSendValue<'r>;

    fn mapped_join<'r>(&'r self) -> MappedJoin<'r>;

    fn is_connected(&self) -> bool;

    fn id(&self) -> inbox::Id;

impl<M, Msg> MappedActorRef<Msg> for ActorRef<M>
    M: TryFrom<Msg>,
    fn try_mapped_send(&self, msg: Msg) -> Result<(), SendError> {
            .map_err(|_| SendError)
            .and_then(|msg| self.try_send(msg))

    fn mapped_send<'r>(&'r self, msg: Msg) -> MappedSendValue<'r> {
        match M::try_from(msg) {
            Ok(msg) => match &self.kind {
                ActorRefKind::Local(sender) => match sender.try_send(msg) {
                    Ok(()) => MappedSendValue::Send,
                    Err(heph_inbox::SendError::Full(msg)) => {
                    Err(heph_inbox::SendError::Disconnected(_)) => MappedSendValue::SendErr,
                ActorRefKind::Mapped(sender) => sender.mapped_send(msg),
            Err(..) => MappedSendValue::SendErr,

    fn mapped_join<'r>(&'r self) -> MappedJoin<'r> {
        match &self.kind {
            ActorRefKind::Local(sender) => match sender.is_connected() {
                false => MappedJoin::Disconnected,
                true => MappedJoin::Join(Box::pin(self.join())),
            ActorRefKind::Mapped(sender) => sender.mapped_join(),

    fn is_connected(&self) -> bool {

    fn id(&self) -> inbox::Id {

/// Wrapper around an [`ActorRef`] to change the message type.
struct MappedActorRefFn<M, F> {
    actor_ref: ActorRef<M>,
    map: F,

impl<M, Msg, F, E> MappedActorRef<Msg> for MappedActorRefFn<M, F>
    F: Fn(Msg) -> Result<M, E>,
    fn try_mapped_send(&self, msg: Msg) -> Result<(), SendError> {
        match (self.map)(msg) {
            Ok(msg) => self.actor_ref.try_send(msg),
            Err(..) => Err(SendError),

    fn mapped_send<'r>(&'r self, msg: Msg) -> MappedSendValue<'r> {
        match (self.map)(msg) {
            Ok(msg) => match &self.actor_ref.kind {
                ActorRefKind::Local(sender) => match sender.try_send(msg) {
                    Ok(()) => MappedSendValue::Send,
                    Err(heph_inbox::SendError::Full(msg)) => {
                    Err(heph_inbox::SendError::Disconnected(_)) => MappedSendValue::SendErr,
                ActorRefKind::Mapped(sender) => sender.mapped_send(msg),
            Err(..) => MappedSendValue::SendErr,

    fn mapped_join<'r>(&'r self) -> MappedJoin<'r> {
        match &self.actor_ref.kind {
            ActorRefKind::Local(sender) => match sender.is_connected() {
                false => MappedJoin::Disconnected,
                true => MappedJoin::Join(Box::pin(self.actor_ref.join())),
            ActorRefKind::Mapped(sender) => sender.mapped_join(),

    fn is_connected(&self) -> bool {

    fn id(&self) -> inbox::Id {

/// Future used in `MappedActorRef::mapped_send`
enum MappedSendValue<'r> {
    /// Already send.
    /// Error mapping or sending the message.
    /// Sending in progress.
    /// NOTE: we need a `Box` to erase the mapped message type.
    Sending(Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<(), SendError>> + 'r>>),

impl<'r> Future for MappedSendValue<'r> {
    type Output = Result<(), SendError>;

    fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, ctx: &mut task::Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
        use MappedSendValue::*;
        match self.get_mut() {
            Send => Poll::Ready(Ok(())),
            SendErr => Poll::Ready(Err(SendError)),
            Sending(send_value) => send_value.as_mut().poll(ctx),

/// Future used in `MappedActorRef::mapped_join`
enum MappedJoin<'r> {
    /// NOTE: we need a `Box` to erase the mapped message type.
    Join(Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = ()> + 'r>>),

impl<'r> Future for MappedJoin<'r> {
    type Output = ();

    fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, ctx: &mut task::Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
        use MappedJoin::*;
        match self.get_mut() {
            Disconnected => Poll::Ready(()),
            Join(join) => join.as_mut().poll(ctx),

/// [`Future`] behind [`ActorRef::send`].
#[must_use = "futures do nothing unless you `.await` or poll them"]
pub struct SendValue<'r, M> {
    kind: SendValueKind<'r, M>,

enum SendValueKind<'r, M> {
    Local(inbox::SendValue<'r, M>),

// We know that the `Local` variant is `Send` and `Sync`. Since the `Mapped`
// variant is a boxed version of `Local` so is that variant. This makes the
// entire `SendValueKind` `Send` and `Sync`, as long as `M` is `Send` (as we
// could be sending the message across thread bounds).
unsafe impl<'r, M: Send> Send for SendValueKind<'r, M> {}
unsafe impl<'r, M: Send> Sync for SendValueKind<'r, M> {}

impl<'r, M> Future for SendValue<'r, M> {
    type Output = Result<(), SendError>;

    fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, ctx: &mut task::Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
        use SendValueKind::*;
        #[cfg(any(test, feature = "test"))]
        if crate::test::should_lose_msg() {
            log::debug!("dropping message on purpose");
            return Poll::Ready(Ok(()));

        // Safety: we're not moving the future to this is safe.
        let this = unsafe { self.get_unchecked_mut() };
        match &mut this.kind {
            // Safety: we're not moving `send_value` so this is safe.
            Local(fut) => unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(fut) }
                .map_err(|_| SendError),
            // Safety: we're not moving `fut` so this is safe.
            Mapped(fut) => unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(fut) }.poll(ctx),

impl<'r, M> fmt::Debug for SendValue<'r, M> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {

/// Error returned when sending a message fails.
/// The reason why the sending of the message failed is unspecified.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct SendError;

impl fmt::Display for SendError {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        f.write_str("unable to send message")

impl Error for SendError {}

/// [`Future`] behind [`ActorRef::join`].
#[must_use = "futures do nothing unless you `.await` or poll them"]
pub struct Join<'r, M> {
    kind: JoinKind<'r, M>,

enum JoinKind<'r, M> {
    Local(inbox::Join<'r, M>),

// We know that the `Local` variant is `Send` and `Sync`. Since the `Mapped`
// variant is a boxed version of `Local` so is that variant. This makes the
// entire `JoinKind` `Send` and `Sync`, as long as `M` is `Send` (as we could be
// sending the message across thread bounds).
unsafe impl<'r, M: Send> Send for JoinKind<'r, M> {}
unsafe impl<'r, M: Send> Sync for JoinKind<'r, M> {}

impl<'r, M> Future for Join<'r, M> {
    type Output = ();

    fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, ctx: &mut task::Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
        use JoinKind::*;

        // Safety: we're not moving the future to this is safe.
        let this = unsafe { self.get_unchecked_mut() };
        match &mut this.kind {
            // Safety: we're not moving `fut` so this is safe.
            Local(fut) => unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(fut) }.poll(ctx),
            // Safety: we're not moving `fut` so this is safe.
            Mapped(fut) => unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(fut) }.poll(ctx),

impl<'r, M> fmt::Debug for Join<'r, M> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {

/// A group of [`ActorRef`]s used to send a message to multiple actors.
/// # Notes
/// Unlike [`ActorRef`] this is **not** cheap to clone as it's requires a clone
/// of an internal vector.
pub struct ActorGroup<M> {
    actor_refs: Vec<ActorRef<M>>,
    /// Index of the actor reference to send the [single delivery] message to.
    /// Using relaxed ordering on this field is fine because we make no
    /// guarantees about to which actor the message will be delivered. E.g. we
    /// could always send to the first actor in the group and still fulfill the
    /// contract.
    /// [single delivery]: Delivery::ToOne
    send_next: AtomicUsize,

/// The kind of delivery to use in [`ActorGroup::try_send`].
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum Delivery {
    /// Delivery a copy of the message to all actors in the group.
    /// Delivery the message to one of the actors.

impl<M> ActorGroup<M> {
    /// Creates an empty `ActorGroup`.
    pub const fn empty() -> ActorGroup<M> {
        ActorGroup {
            actor_refs: Vec::new(),
            send_next: AtomicUsize::new(0),

    /// Create a new `ActorGroup`.
    pub fn new<I>(actor_refs: I) -> ActorGroup<M>
        I: IntoIterator<Item = ActorRef<M>>,
        ActorGroup {
            actor_refs: actor_refs.into_iter().collect(),
            send_next: AtomicUsize::new(0),

    /// Returns the number of actor references in the group.
    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {

    /// Returns `true` if the group is empty.
    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {

    /// Add an `ActorRef` to the group.
    pub fn add(&mut self, actor_ref: ActorRef<M>) {

    /// Add an `ActorRef` to the group, iff it's not already in the group.
    pub fn add_unique(&mut self, actor_ref: ActorRef<M>) {
        let id = actor_ref.id();
        for actor_ref in &self.actor_refs {
            if actor_ref.id() == id {

    /// Remove all actor references which point to the same actor as
    /// `actor_ref`.
    pub fn remove(&mut self, actor_ref: &ActorRef<M>) {
        let id = actor_ref.id();
        self.actor_refs.retain(|a| a.id() != id);

    /// Remove all actor references that have been disconnected.
    pub fn remove_disconnected(&mut self) {

    /// Make the group of actor references unique.
    /// Removes all duplicate actor references.
    pub fn make_unique(&mut self) {
        let mut i = 0;
        while let Some(id) = self.actor_refs.get(i).map(ActorRef::id) {
            let mut j = i + 1;
            while let Some(other_id) = self.actor_refs.get(j).map(ActorRef::id) {
                if id == other_id {
                    // NOTE: don't update `j` as it's replaced with another
                    // actor reference we haven't checked yet.
                } else {
                    // Move the next actor reference.
                    j += 1;
            i += 1;

    /// Attempts to send a message to all the actors in the group.
    /// This can either send the message to a single actor, by using
    /// [`Delivery::ToOne`], or to all actors in the group by using
    /// [`Delivery::ToAll`].
    /// When deliverying to all actors this will first `clone` the message and
    /// then [`try_send`]ing it to each actor in the group. Note that this means
    /// it will `clone` before calling [`Into::into`] on the message. If the
    /// call to [`Into::into`] is expansive, or `M` is cheaper to clone than
    /// `Msg` it might be worthwhile to call `msg.into()` before calling this
    /// method.
    /// This only returns an error if the group is empty, otherwise this will
    /// always return `Ok(())`.
    /// See [Sending messages] for more details.
    /// [`try_send`]: ActorRef::try_send
    /// [Sending messages]: index.html#sending-messages
    pub fn try_send<Msg>(&self, msg: Msg, delivery: Delivery) -> Result<(), SendError>
        Msg: Into<M> + Clone,
        if self.actor_refs.is_empty() {
            return Err(SendError);

        match delivery {
            Delivery::ToAll => {
                for actor_ref in &self.actor_refs {
                    let _ = actor_ref.try_send(msg.clone());
            Delivery::ToOne => {
                // Safety: this needs to sync itself.
                // NOTE: this wraps around on overflow.
                let idx = self.send_next.fetch_add(1, Ordering::AcqRel) % self.actor_refs.len();
                let actor_ref = &self.actor_refs[idx];
                // TODO: try to send it to another actor on send failure?

    /// Wait for all actors in this group to finish running.
    /// This works the same way as [`ActorRef::join`], but waits on a group of
    /// actors.
    pub fn join_all<'r>(&'r self) -> JoinAll<'r, M> {
        JoinAll {
            actor_refs: &self.actor_refs,
            join: None,

impl<M> From<ActorRef<M>> for ActorGroup<M> {
    fn from(actor_ref: ActorRef<M>) -> ActorGroup<M> {
        ActorGroup {
            actor_refs: vec![actor_ref],
            send_next: AtomicUsize::new(0),

impl<M> FromIterator<ActorRef<M>> for ActorGroup<M> {
    fn from_iter<I>(iter: I) -> Self
        I: IntoIterator<Item = ActorRef<M>>,

impl<M> Extend<ActorRef<M>> for ActorGroup<M> {
    fn extend<I>(&mut self, iter: I)
        I: IntoIterator<Item = ActorRef<M>>,

impl<M> Clone for ActorGroup<M> {
    fn clone(&self) -> ActorGroup<M> {
        ActorGroup {
            actor_refs: self.actor_refs.clone(),
            send_next: AtomicUsize::new(0),

    fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self) {
        *self.send_next.get_mut() = 0

impl<M> fmt::Debug for ActorGroup<M> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {

/// [`Future`] behind [`ActorGroup::join_all`].
#[must_use = "futures do nothing unless you `.await` or poll them"]
pub struct JoinAll<'r, M> {
    actor_refs: &'r [ActorRef<M>],
    join: Option<Join<'r, M>>,

impl<'r, M> Future for JoinAll<'r, M> {
    type Output = ();

    fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, ctx: &mut task::Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
        loop {
            // Check the `Join` we're currently waiting on, if any.
            if let Some(join) = self.join.as_mut() {
                match Pin::new(join).poll(ctx) {
                    Poll::Ready(()) => {
                        // Continue below.
                    Poll::Pending => return Poll::Pending,

            // Remove all already disconnected actor references.
            let mut remove = 0;
            for actor_ref in self.actor_refs {
                if actor_ref.is_connected() {
                remove += 1;
            self.actor_refs = &self.actor_refs[remove..];

            if self.actor_refs.is_empty() {
                // No more actors we have to wait for, so we're done.
                return Poll::Ready(());

            // Wait on the next actor.
            self.join = Some(self.actor_refs[0].join());

impl<'r, M> fmt::Debug for JoinAll<'r, M> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
            .field("left", &self.actor_refs.len())