heph 0.4.0

Heph is an actor framework based on asynchronous functions.
//! Module containing the [`ActorFuture`].

use std::any::Any;
use std::fmt;
use std::future::Future;
use std::panic::{catch_unwind, AssertUnwindSafe};
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::task::{self, Poll, Waker};

use heph_inbox::{Manager, ReceiverConnected};
use log::error;

use crate::actor::{self, Actor, NewActor};
use crate::actor_ref::ActorRef;
use crate::supervisor::{Supervisor, SupervisorStrategy};

/// A [`Future`] that represent an [`Actor`].
pub struct ActorFuture<S, NA: NewActor, RT> {
    /// The actor's supervisor used to determine what to do when the actor, or
    /// the [`NewActor`] implementation, returns an error.
    supervisor: S,
    /// The [`NewActor`] implementation used to restart the actor.
    new_actor: NA,
    /// The inbox of the actor, used in creating a new [`actor::Context`]
    /// if the actor is restarted.
    inbox: Manager<NA::Message>,
    /// The running actor.
    actor: NA::Actor,
    /// Runtime access.
    rt: RT,

impl<S, NA, RT> ActorFuture<S, NA, RT>
    S: Supervisor<NA>,
    NA: NewActor<RuntimeAccess = RT>,
    RT: Clone,
    /// Create a new `ActorFuture`.
    /// Arguments:
    ///  * `supervisor: S`: is used to handle the actor's errors.
    ///  * `new_actor: NA`: is used to start the actor the first time and
    ///    restart it when it errors, for which the `argument` is used.
    ///  * `rt: RT`: is used to get access to the runtime, it may be the unit
    ///    type (`()`) in case it's not needed. It needs to be `Clone` as it's
    ///    also passed to the actor (and is needed for the restart later).
    pub fn new(
        supervisor: S,
        mut new_actor: NA,
        argument: NA::Argument,
        rt: RT,
    ) -> Result<(ActorFuture<S, NA, RT>, ActorRef<NA::Message>), NA::Error> {
        let (inbox, sender, receiver) = heph_inbox::Manager::new_small_channel();
        let actor_ref = ActorRef::local(sender);
        let ctx = actor::Context::new(receiver, rt.clone());
        let actor = match new_actor.new(ctx, argument) {
            Ok(actor) => actor,
            Err(err) => return Err(err),
        let future = ActorFuture {
        Ok((future, actor_ref))

    /// Returns `Poll::Pending` if the actor was successfully restarted,
    /// `Poll::Ready` if the actor wasn't restarted or an error if the actor
    /// failed to restart.
    fn handle_actor_error(&mut self, waker: &Waker, err: <NA::Actor as Actor>::Error) -> Poll<()> {
        match self.supervisor.decide(err) {
            SupervisorStrategy::Restart(arg) => {
                match self.create_new_actor(arg) {
                    Ok(()) => {
                        // Mark the actor as ready just in case progress can be
                        // made already.
                    Err(err) => self.handle_restart_error(waker, err),
            SupervisorStrategy::Stop => Poll::Ready(()),

    /// Returns `Poll::Pending` if the actor was successfully restarted,
    /// `Poll::Ready` if the actor wasn't restarted.
    fn handle_actor_panic(
        &mut self,
        waker: &Waker,
        panic: Box<dyn Any + Send + 'static>,
    ) -> Poll<()> {
        match self.supervisor.decide_on_panic(panic) {
            SupervisorStrategy::Restart(arg) => {
                match self.create_new_actor(arg) {
                    Ok(()) => {
                        // Mark the actor as ready, same reason as for
                        // `handle_actor_error`.
                    Err(err) => self.handle_restart_error(waker, err),
            SupervisorStrategy::Stop => Poll::Ready(()),

    /// Same as `handle_actor_error` but handles [`NewActor::Error`]s instead.
    fn handle_restart_error(&mut self, waker: &Waker, err: NA::Error) -> Poll<()> {
        match self.supervisor.decide_on_restart_error(err) {
            SupervisorStrategy::Restart(arg) => {
                match self.create_new_actor(arg) {
                    Ok(()) => {
                        // Mark the actor as ready, same reason as for
                        // `handle_actor_error`.
                    Err(err) => {
                        // Let the supervisor know.
            SupervisorStrategy::Stop => Poll::Ready(()),

    /// Creates a new actor and, if successful, replaces the old actor with it.
    fn create_new_actor(&mut self, arg: NA::Argument) -> Result<(), NA::Error> {
        let receiver = self.inbox.new_receiver().unwrap_or_else(inbox_failure);
        let ctx = actor::Context::new(receiver, self.rt.clone());
        self.new_actor.new(ctx, arg).map(|actor| {
            // We pin the actor here to ensure its dropped in place when
            // replacing it with out new actor.
            unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(&mut self.actor) }.set(actor)

impl<S, NA, RT> Future for ActorFuture<S, NA, RT>
    S: Supervisor<NA>,
    NA: NewActor<RuntimeAccess = RT>,
    RT: Clone,
    type Output = ();

    fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, ctx: &mut task::Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
        // This is safe because we're not moving the actor.
        let this = unsafe { Pin::get_unchecked_mut(self) };
        // The actor need to be called with `Pin`. So we're undoing the previous
        // operation, still ensuring that the actor is not moved.
        let mut actor = unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(&mut this.actor) };

        match catch_unwind(AssertUnwindSafe(|| actor.as_mut().try_poll(ctx))) {
            Ok(Poll::Ready(Ok(()))) => Poll::Ready(()),
            Ok(Poll::Ready(Err(err))) => this.handle_actor_error(ctx.waker(), err),
            Ok(Poll::Pending) => Poll::Pending,
            Err(panic) => {
                let msg = panic_message(&*panic);
                error!("actor '{}' panicked at '{}'", NA::name(), msg);
                this.handle_actor_panic(ctx.waker(), panic)

impl<S, NA, RT> fmt::Debug for ActorFuture<S, NA, RT>
    S: Supervisor<NA> + fmt::Debug,
    NA: NewActor<RuntimeAccess = RT>,
    RT: Clone + fmt::Debug,
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
            .field("supervisor", &self.supervisor)
            .field("actor", &NA::name())
            .field("rt", &self.rt)

/// Attempts to extract a message from a panic, defaulting to `<unknown>`.
/// Note: be sure to derefence the `Box`!
fn panic_message<'a>(panic: &'a (dyn Any + Send + 'static)) -> &'a str {
    match panic.downcast_ref::<&'static str>() {
        Some(s) => *s,
        None => match panic.downcast_ref::<String>() {
            Some(s) => &**s,
            None => "<unknown>",

/// Called when we can't create a new receiver for the sync actor.
fn inbox_failure<T>(_: ReceiverConnected) -> T {
    panic!("failed to create new receiver for actor's inbox. Was the `actor::Context` leaked?");