hemingway 0.5.1

An economical RSS reader for your terminal.


An economical RSS reader for your terminal. I needed an RSS feed reader and I'm learning Rust, so I decided to build one myself. Hemingway aims to be minimal and easy to use.


Hemingway stores your feeds list in a .hemrc file in your home directory. This file is in JSON format, mostly because it's easy to work with. Hemingway will create the .hemrc file the first time you run it.


$ cargo install hemingway


Check for updates

Shows you up to 5 of the newest articles if there's been an update to the site since you last ran Hemingway

$ hem

👉 Heads up! This will create a .hemrc in your home folder if the file doesn't exist (ie you're running Hemingway for the first time).

Display 5 newest articles from all your feeds

$ hem top5

Add a feed

$ hem add https://example.com/feed.xml